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What's occurring?
end of the world
1 hour later…
A chairde - Morning all!
@ErikDarling - and if you want proof that the end of the world is nigh - voilà!
time to hit the beach
@ErikDarling More like time to start filling the sandbags!
maybe i'll start selling sandbags
being on the beach and all
free sand
@ErikDarling I'll take a hundred. You can invoice me later!
@ErikDarling if you screen print Big Top on them, I'm in...
i think big top sandbags is the only appropriate company name
@Vérace Yeah lots of newspaper articles about climate change ending the world in the 1940's, then 60's, then 90's, then early 2000's then 2009, then by 2020... It's all annoying.
What about printing "This is only a band-aid on a massive gasping wound" on the sandbags?
@SeanGallardy Ahhh... a climate-change denier - it's rare to spot them in the wild where I live.
@Vérace Not sure how I'm a denier
I completely agree the Earth goes through cycles
Beyond the fact that the measurements for the graph are questionable at best
and that the Earth has been warming since the end of the younger dryas
Al Gore said it best, by the 2000's we'd all be underwater!
@SeanGallardy Maybe I misread you and, if so, I apologise! I just took the word "annoying" to mean that you weren't convinced by the vast majority of scientists who do believe in climate change and that it is and it will have very serious negative consequences for the planet.
@Vérace I disagree that it's a "very serious negative consequence"
as shown by millions of years of data
@SeanGallardy - "millions of years"?
99% of all life ending on the planet - yes, and that even happened 4 times.
@Vérace If you look at the geological data, the Earth has been warming for a long time and goes through cycles of warming and cooling based on various factors.
If you even go back to the last cycle, the Dryas period, that was thousands of years ago
However I wouldn't expect most people to actually research this kind of stuff as it is inconvenient to the argument of impending doom
When you could just take the pushed narrative and run with it
Especially in a time when "the experts" have not gotten much right in the last 20 years
@SeanGallardy At least animals had a chance to move, change habitats and ultimately adapt - humans have fenced them in - so adapting isn't possible anymore.
@Vérace 90+% of all living life on the Earth ending, 4 different times, doesn't count I guess?
I'm not sure how all the animals in the world are fenced in
People can't build homes because a random species uses that one particular stream 2 months out of the year
@SeanGallardy You obviously missed the point about very limited possibilities for adapting now.
There aren't limited possibilities, that's a false dichotomy
Also, the speed of change is greater now - it's over a couple of human generations!
@SeanGallardy "false dichotomy" - why?
Human ingenuity will, like all of history, overcome the obstacles that arise
this morning human ingenuity wasted my time
@Vérace There are only limited possibilities in the sense that it's not an infinite amount
@SeanGallardy I wish I had such faith in humanity!
@Vérace I'm just going by the data
I think we all remember the great horse manure crisis of 1894
End times indeed
@SeanGallardy Sounds like BS to me! :-)
@Vérace that statement smells funny
"In 50 years all streets will be under 9 feet of horse manure!"
Then came human ingenuity and cars
Whether you believe they are better or worse is a different story
i wonder if dinosaurs had a manure crisis
@SeanGallardy Googled it - interesting! I'm still very worried about the current situation, not so much for myself but for my descendants!
@Vérace I totally understand. I just differ in that I believe human ingenuity will continue to beat the odds.
@ErikDarling Of course, the Great Oxygen Problem of 3 - 1 billion years ago was caused by waste!
I also differ in that I did the math, electric vehicles that use a battery are worse for the environment.
@Vérace Imagine if we removed all C02 from the air!
@SeanGallardy It's not so much temperatures rising that worries me, it's the rate at which it's doing so - plus, as I said, I believe that humans have catastrophically reduced nature's capacities to adapt.
Or increasing CO2.
@Vérace Gotcha. In so far as the nature thing, I agree we need more trees and plants. To that end, though, look at the data from the "2 weeks" in 2020. Nature actually worked much better than scientists predicted.
@Vérace Sounds like plants have more food :)
@SeanGallardy But will they be able to adapt to utilise it? Not so sure...
> Our findings revealed that (1) there was a significant decline in the concentration level of PM2.5 from 10.3 to 4.0 μg/m3 during phase one of lockdown. (2) NO2 concentrations have been decreased by up to 52% in 1st phase of lockdown. (3) O3 concentration has been increased by 44.4%. (4) Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island County encountered 18.75%, 55.62%, 47.14%, and 47% diminution in AQI due to lockdown as compared to 2018, respectively
i don't know what any of that means but i'm happy to be included
Your air quality increased after 1 week of forced government lockdowns
Isn't that 2 weeks?
I mean, it ended up being 1.5 years
oh we should lock down the government again then
probably for 20 years to make sure we get an adequate sample size
> The results indicate that Katla emits 12–24 kilotons of CO2 per day, which is more than double previous estimates of the emission rate of CO2 from all volcanic and geothermal sources in Iceland combined (2.7–5.8 kilotons per day).
@ErikDarling More like lock them up!
Meanwhile, volcanoes doing volcano things
@Vérace sandbags, tar, and feathers
No one is safe from Yellowstone
Sandbags are clearly multipurpose and amazing
i just get a chuckle when all these people take private jets to climate conferences and show up in a line of escalades
it often feels like they want everyone else to make the sacrifices
Rules for thee but not for me, good sir.
@ErikDarling Hmmm... sounds like Burning Man - "yeah, it was great, really alternative dude!" as they step out of their customised Humvees.
not enough burning
@SeanGallardy Faites comme je dis et pas comme je fais! - attributed to Napoléon Bonaparte (Do as I say and not as I do!)
Back in the 80s, the warnings were about an impending Ice Age 🤷‍♂️
1 hour later…
@PaulWhite well clearly global warming fixed that...
> CDQIndexDesc::FGetData
Azure SQL Db has a free tier now
@Zikato 😱
Yeah... it's going to be super fun to support.
for free
@ErikDarling Isn't that what we do around here?
@Zikato good to see they've upped the storage limit from 2 decades ago, from 10 GB to 32 GB lol.
@Vérace excuse me i have over $38k stackbux to spend at the company store
i'd hardly call that "free"
@ErikDarling I've set up a dba.se points brokerage. We have a special starter offer - all you have to do to convert your unicorn points into cash is to send me your account setup fee of $10,000 and we'll manage your points for you! The current rate of exchange is ~ $2.38/point - you're golden if you get in before the IPO!
good luck when jon skeet comes around
@ErikDarling I offered him a preferential initial Class A shareholding - and a $5,000 account setup fee.
very generous of you
based on these numbers i don't think it's premature for me to start shopping for pateks
@ErikDarling Buy one for me too! Send me an invoice!
i'm thinking casual, semi-formal, formal
@ErikDarling I like the casual and the formal one
there are semi-formal alternatives
Of all the many things in the world that I don't understand, expensive watches is near the top of the list.
@ErikDarling I think the formal one I like the most, regardless of fomalities
@JoshDarnell they’re so people know you’re better than them
@SeanGallardy just don’t wear it to the gym.
@ErikDarling I guess it depends which gym
If it’s the gym where you bet on other people fighting to the death then I guess it’s fine
Aren't those the only kind you frequent?

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