I was really looking forward to a 4 letter acronym named "cmdlet" that reinvented curl but was broken in fresh and exciting ways and always required the QUOTED_IDENTIFIER flag.
Providing an interface into C#'s geometry and geography types and calling that "Spatial Types for SQL Server." For fun, just say you comply with standards you haven't even looked at...
Create one repository for each piece of software, rather than understanding the technology, just market that you have multiple repositories because more is better!
Then, call your stuff open source because it's written in Python. But just shim a bunch of proprietary .dlls. Python wrappers and binary blobs on github for everyone!
I have a question that I am not sure is on topic for the main site I need to store the values of when a row was last updated and am unable to do the simple fix of adding a datetime column.
Right now my idea would be to use a trigger to store the primary keys of any updated rows in a separate table, Does anyone have a better idea?