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I don't know why, but this guy and his really cool blog posts popped into my head today.
I wonder if he still does stuff with SQL Server.
I follow him on Twitter, but he moved to Blue Sky. And I can't inflict another social media site on myself.
Blue Sky is hardly social
It’s mostly just depressed griping
It’s like all the stuff from Twitter that I found aggravating
Containment board sort of thing
Ewald isn’t very active on there
I don’t think he does much with SQL Server anymore but maintains an interest
1 hour later…
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling thanks for humoring my curiosity!
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better late than never frog
3 hours later…
any one here uses SQLlite3 DB (the free opensource one)? I have basic question on concurrency. I read that using BEGIN TRANSACTION; .... COMMIT; will prevent concurrency problems. i.e. two writers trying to access the file DB at same time. my question is: Is this needed only when writing/updating the DB, or should I also add BEGIN TRANSACTION when also doing read? i.e. query?
From what I read on the net, SQLlite3 does not have a way to lock the database when using it by one task. So currently I run only one task, doing work sequentially one row at a time. which is very slow. I'd like to add parallel processing, but I do not know how to control access to the DB (one file). Will just adding TRANSACTION; .... COMMIT; solve this issue?
1 hour later…
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A chairde - Morning all!
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@Forrest If my name were Stormy, my tagline would be: "Thanks for the cheque Donald!".
@Charlieface Because of the storm, I had a major catastrophe during the night - the cushions were blown off my patio furniture! OMG! Forget about those without power, or stuck in their villages because they're blocked in by falling trees or those who can't get to work because public transport has ceased throughout the country, I can't help thinking about the suffering endured by my poor, poor cushions! :-).
On a more serious note, we had the highest ever recorded gust - 186km/h plus the highest average windspeed (not sure over what period this is measured) at 135km/h! How did you guys get on? p.s. haven't replied to your earlier post about Gaza &c. - it's on the way!
Another new record - 750,000 power outages - this is in a country with 5,000,000 people! So, (latest estimate) ~ 20% of homes without power!
Sustained wind measurement period is 10mins!
We even have a Met Éireann weather station out of action! Wow - normally, they're well protected!
2 hours later…
Latest: Met Éireann station - it's just comms that are down - the stations have backup power so maybe new records on the way - apart from absolute records, others are falling all around the country!
@Vérace What I always find funny is that that's the speed of a Cat 3 hurricane across the pond, but in the British Isles it's just "eeh, isn't it really windy today"
I guess they are looking at sustained speeds not gusts, so maybe a Cat 1 or 2. On the Beaufort scale it's already over 12 even England.
sorry shouldn't have said "pond" it's now been renamed to the American Ocean by executive order...
@Charlieface - not sure what American meterologists(*) do - here in Ireland, we don't use freedom units, we use the handier, logical, decimal-based ones from Napoléon - apparently, the American "gold-standard" of hurricane strengths is called "Saffir-Simpson" - and refers to "sustained" wind speeds - "sustained" = it's measured at 10m (that's metres for our American friends) and more than 1 minute.
In Ireland (WMO standard) it's more than 10 minutes. This is, apparently ~15% more stringent, so we've just had a Cat 1/2 hurricane here. (*) it looks like many American meterologists will be looking for a job shortly because Trump plans to abolish the NOAA - the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, full as it undoubtedly is of Goddamm pinko commie environmentally concerned types!
Today, for the second time in my life, I was lifted bodily by the wind - first time was when I was a nipper! Went for a walk along piers near my home - quite exhilarating!
1 hour later…
@Vérace Do you have any sources for this or is it just your typical hatred rant about Trump and making random things up?
It's hard to tell the difference these days :/
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@SeanGallardy - Ooops... Trump doesn't appear to have explicitly stated that abolishing the NOAA is part of his "master plan"™, but it is a worry (search for "trump to abolish noaa" on Duckduckgo) for many (Time Magazine, New York Times, NBC, PBS... long list) - also, I said "it looks like..." (sound of ass being covered...).
I freely admit that I have a deep antipathy towards Trump, his acolytes and ilk, but it's no excuse for stating as a fact something which isn't (yet?). He's done quite enough already to merit my disapprobation - leaving WHO for example.
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@Vérace I was looking but all I could find were references to "project 2025" but nothing specifically stated Trump. I don't see anywhere where he stated he was aligned or part of that project.
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@Nasser Not many SQLite specialists in chat. You might be better off asking a question on dba.stackexchange.com
@SeanGallardy Indeed - I acknowledged that he didn't explicitly state that abolishing the NOAA was part of his plan! Trump's "Drill, baby, drill!" exhortation tells me all I need to know about his views on the environment - he's going to frack for oil and he's going to frack democracy in your country - which I don't believe will make the planet a better place!
the point of drilling for oil in america is so that we don't have to buy it from the middle east or russia
energy independence is important, especially when the money would go to rather dodgy corners of the world
Like Canada
watch your mouth
that's the 51st state you're talking about
i hope we name it new florida
What about "New France" (Nouvelle France)? Oh, wait, it was called that before!
might stir up another war with france if we did that
Never had a real war with France - you only had a quasi-war!
yes and then we ended up with california wine and learned our lesson
I think it was the Spanish who gave grapes to that area! All those monks who couldn't get laid had to do something with their time!
This is a list of oil-producing countries by oil exports based on data for 2022 by CEIC. Oil in this list refers to base crude oil only, and not refined petroleum products such as gasoline, diesel and airplane fuel. In 2022, Saudi Arabia was the largest exporter of petroleum, followed by Russia and Iraq. Other major exporters of petroleum in that year included the United States, Canada and United Arab Emirates. In 2022, Saudi Arabia also had the largest oil export value in US dollar terms by far. Many of these countries also import oil, and some import more oil than they export, this is known...
now reverse it
This is a list of countries by oil imports based on The World Factbook and other sources. Many countries also export oil, and some export more oil than they import. == See also == List of countries by oil exports List of countries by net oil exports == References ==
My graph was a list of net oil exporters
Well, how does one "reverse" a net position
what do you mean
i just meant to look at imports
2 mins ago, by Erik Reasonable Rates Darling
now reverse it
My point was the US exports more than it imports
"Now reverse it" in that context makes no sense
those charts make it hard to compare stuff
exports being in dollars and imports being in barrels
Now, it might be that there is some subtlety behind the numbers, e.g. the types of oil involved, but I believe it is true the US has been a net oil exporter for a while now. I don't know offhand if they could be entirely independent, or if it is a price-driven choice.
There might be other (local) factors involved, like preserving the petrodollar
From what I have heard, much US oil production (fracking-based) requires a high international price to be economic.
To the producers
The people who choose how many rigs to run at what capacity, and how many new drillings to make or explore
they don't precisely choose that, there's a fair amount of regulation and government leases issued
offshore rigs are crazy expensive tho
Yes, I understand that. I'm just going from what I have heard. I'm not a professional oil trader
The process of fracking is quite expensive, I think
You have to earn more than you expend on extraction for it to be economic, is what I mean
It's not like the movies where someone drills a hole in the ground and oil spurts out to a great height
Anyway, I'm sure it's all very involved and Top Men are working on the problem
yes, fracking is much different than standard drilling at current
i suppose something could come along that makes it cheaper and less complex, either technology or process wise
Which is true for any energy source
and has already occurred for solar
did we make more sun? 😃
I do find it interesting that the US imports so much shale oil from Canadadia
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling No, but the price and efficiency of the technology needed to harness it at the surface has improved no end
People have also demo'd solar power from orbit
Which is nice because it works 24h
do we have a dyson sphere yet
I think we need to level up quite significantly to unlock that tech
We do have Dyson hair dryers though
solar is a weird one for me, but not for any very strong reasons
Almost all energy (and entropy) is ultimately solar
and i'm not sure what the economics behind some of the choices are
aside from government subsidies
it would require more specialities than i have to unravel
Markets have been distorted by government intervention, but this isn't entirely unprecedented for developing technologies.
like if solar panels get laid out over a bunch of what could presumably be productive farmland, is it because the land wouldn't be that productive anyway, or was there a subsidy that outpaced the value of what it could produce
it's funny what people start and stop caring about when their preferred outcomes are in play
Yes, that's true
I'm not a huge fan of solar in most cases, but it is worthy of exploration
They can make sense e.g. in a desert region but you still have to have a whole lifecycle plan
there is an element of irony in that the solar panels and the batteries required to store their energy are not very friendly to the environment
Technology moves quickly though, as you point out. I believe batteries are already close to 100% reusable
Not sure about the current st8 of the art with the panels themselves
wind farms have more problems with durability i think
and of course availability of wind
And as you say, re: environmental concerns, it's funny what people stop and start being concerned about
if you wanted to build a road where the solar panels are someone would have made a fuss about some endangered shrub or another
I don't know about wind. We've relied on it as a decent secondary source for quite a while
well they kill a lot of birds, it seems
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling People do make a fuss over solar installations for similar reasons. The shade impacts the less spotted nurdsnarkle's preferred conditions
solar panels seem to fry birds and blind pilots, if you read the worst cases
there could be an n of 1 for those cases
i've driven by a lot of wind farms, particularly in california (which might be the worst example) and they all seemed in disrepair
turbines and blades all fallen off, most of them not spinning
Surrounded by piles of expired birds
I don't see any of that here
and dead workers who have fallen off!
Maybe local factors are involved
well, like i said california
not a good measure of maintaining anything
except the status quo 🥸
Perhaps they'll find a way to turn forest fires into useful energy
Transmission is the other (sensible, not bird-thoughts) issue. Generating power in a desert is all very well, but you still have to get it to where the consumers are
well more forest fires == more global warming == more sun == more solar power
maybe it's a net win for humanity
plus you can put up solar panels where all those pesky shrubs used to be
One thing I like about wind power is that it extracts energy from air movement, and air movement is largely annoying
Ask the Irish
if only grudges produced storable energy
Fusion seems to be making some good progress. More energy out than in for longer periods
Fission is still there as well, but it's very expensive and slow to get going.
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling Like naming Greenland, really throw people off, they'll never know how blistering cold it is until it's too late!
fission and fusion have been 15 years away for my entire life
Fission is an established tech?
Like, all the current nuke plants use it
yes, i more meant the type of advances that would make them the obvious and dominant power sources
like cold fusion (not the programming thing)
Ah, quick n easy mini reactors and whatnot
@PaulWhite Think about how much CO2 California added, wonder what they think about that
@PaulWhite yeah, smrs and whatnot
I'd love a personal pan pizza sized mini home reactor
@SeanGallardy I try not to think about Calif
Probably for the best
Let's get some of that Fallout tech up in here
The other thing is, pretty much each country is in a different position w.r.t energy sources and mixes that make sense
Minus the actual fallout
there's currently a picture going around of trudeau with his sweater on backwards and i'm afraid to start trying to figure out if it's real
Why are people still interested in him
He's resigned already
he's still inserting himself into current events it seems
promising a strong response to things
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling I'm sure that's not the only place
it's too bad cryogenics never took off
we could promise to freeze all these dangerous idiots until the utopian future arrives
They made a movie about that
We just lived through it
I suppose the trick is finding a non-dangerous non-idiot to decide who's who
@PaulWhite you're in charge
Potentially bad news for e-cores
So you're sayin' there's a chance!
Where there's life, there's hope
Is Elvis Costello dead? That'd save one cryo-slot
No, you're talking to him
That's just mean
Erik doesn't even wear glasses
not according to ai
AI is infallible, that's what the I stands for
It's funny isn't it. People are already using AI as a primary source, and arbiter, of facts
Like, that's the thing they're least good at
Just wait until they couple it with blockchain!
Coal is another source that has seen some tech development on the pollution/emissions side of things (not just CO2).
Unfortunately, people get very emotional about these things, and their brains sort of switch off
You just end up in another tedious argument from extremes
heh heh
there's an additional dynamic in america around coal too
urban white people hate rural white people
There are established interests and people employed for lobbying as well
a lot of those policy choices are designed to punish non-urban lifestyles
which have been deemed dirty and icky by the academics
oikophobia hasn't quite gained the same toxifying power as other accusations of phobia
Ultimately, there's a lot of chat. It would be nice if people would just get on with whatever they decide, so others can judge the outcome. There's only so much one country can learn from another, however, due to local factors.
@SeanGallardy Demolition man or Idiocracy?
If the Duck wants to drill everything and tariff everyone, well just get on with it and we'll see how it all turns out
he seems far more motivated this time around
guess he's had a long time to think about it
I'm sort of in two minds at the moment. He's either as stupid as he appears, or quite clever and just expressing things in terms people can understand for popular support
External Revenue Service, for example
never forget the reigning quote from chat
re: comprehension
Has lost a bit of impact given recent development in the people can't read area
it's worth revisiting comprehension across disciplines
Specifically, I mean if you tariff stuff, it's the importers who pay, and that gets passed on to consumers. At that level, it's a self-tax. On the other hand, the increased price of imported goods that results might stimulate local production (and jobs) to fill the gap. Externals could also be motivated to set up local production to avoid tariffs and preserve their market. So, I'm in two minds.
That said, economic reality is still a thing. If the thing can't be made economically locally, it will still result in a local price rise = inflation.
@Zikato Such the astute movie buff! It's a little of both, but more Idiocracy
@PaulWhite There's also the play, which is what happened his last term, where the applied tariff caused a negotiation and resulted in lower actual taxes
@PaulWhite i think part of the argument for that goes along with getting rid of federal income tax, which means you could pay workers less per hour, and it would cost companies less to employ and pay people
@SeanGallardy I've seen different assessments around that
Get rid of the FICA? I'm listening
it has been mentioned along with the tariffs etc
would be nice to not have 35% eaten by taxes
I'm also good with a flat tax, though I'd rather like a use tax.
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling p.r.e.a.c.h.
consumption taxes make a bit more sense to me than income taxes
@SeanGallardy Could also be Encino Man :-D
Taht's why I'd like a use tax instead of income tax
@Zikato That's quite the stretch, more like weekend at Bernies.
i also loathe property taxes, especially continuing to assess them after a property has been fully paid off via mortgage
How is it a stretch? It's about a frozen idiot
encino man had a pretty good soundtrack
Consumption taxes are often seen as regressive though, so you need something to balance that aspect
@Zikato He is actually smarter than the others lol
wise cave man
also, one of my favourite memes
well, megan ward
@PaulWhite usually a luxury tax
Yes, that's what I meant. Necessities like food and clothing being excluded, that sort of thing.
Of course, you then end up with a whole bureaucracy and legal system dedicated to determining what is zero-rated or not
watches, paul
lawyers should always be taxed
(and dropping on your keyboard)
Comments should be taxed at 100%
Comments posing as answers, 200%
Straight to jail
That represents an unacceptable cost to society. If you can't pay the fine, it's death
The idea of replacing federal taxes with import tariffs, often referred to as a tariff-based revenue system, has several pros and cons:

Simplification of Tax System:
Eliminating federal income taxes could significantly simplify tax filing for individuals and businesses. No need for complex tax returns, deductions, or credits.
Encouragement of Domestic Production:
High tariffs might incentivize domestic production by making imported goods more expensive, thus boosting local industries, manufacturing, and potentially job creation.
That's actually a pretty decent summary.
I was reminded the other day of a press conference where it was suggested that we look into injecting disinfectant as a response to C-19. I'm sure that same person has a complete understanding of tariffs and their consequences. No need to worry.
Oh and putting UV lights, or "other kinds of light", inside the body.
Which sounds kind of fun.
we were also assured that a virus couldn't travel more than 6 feet and that a $1 box of cloth masks was going to stop transmission. no one is covered in glory.
That's the two minds thing. Yes, on the face of it, it's a stupid suggestion. On the other hand, is it stupid to suggest that UV-C might be used externally on e.g. blood to kill viruses as a genuinely high-tech thing?
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling Haha I definitely wouldn't want to imply otherwise.
The assessment you make depends heavily on your starting assumptions, I think.
japanese bathrooms all have uv phone disinfecting stations
i trust the japanese implicitly
aside from the whole anime thing
and blurry porn
It's also arguably no less stupid to reduce complex issues to either extreme. Are cloth masks more helpful than not for a brief time? Was that reasonable advice at the time, given what was known? Same goes for modes of transmission.
If your starting position is the government should never tell you to do anything, and common sense is a good guide to everything you don't understand in detail, well, you'll come to one conclusion. People with different starting assumptions will take the opposite view.
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling I'll bow to the expert on that one, but not in front of him! :-)
@PaulWhite You are on a roll with seeing both sides of issues, and I'm lovin' it.
How dare you be reasonable!
Things are often complicated, that's all
@PaulWhite government advice got turned into religious practice overnight
wild times
Yes, one can have a sensible argument about requirement and enforcement and where policy sat on the spectrum of possibilities there
it's difficult to argue with religious beliefs
sensibly anyway
What has religion to do with it?
Or do you mean entrenched positions
entrenched positions
just as dangerous and unmovable
I'll happily pay $null/mo
Thought you'd all enjoy that
maybe nulls are a new currency
Anyway, if you disagree with what a government did, you express that through the power of democracy at the next available opportunity. That's the theory I hear bandied about
On the other hand, you're then relying on a system that produced a dementia patient and a dangerous lunatic as alternatives, in some assessments
which is which?
confidence not at all time highs
vote null
speaking of dementia
i just tried to insert into a table with(recompile) instead of with(tablock)
The Greeks and the Romans tried to warn everyone that the crowd was fickle
who can read geek and latin
One can get into trouble saluting the romans
My heart goes out to you
there should also be a tax on this
> You’re receiving this email because you use Azure Service Health.
well you do now
hopefully every breath won't require an http request
@PaulWhite my comment was a comment to get more information from them, not a comment answer on that regread one
hopefully you can get a moderator pardon
@SeanGallardy It started off that way
> The most common issues are registry permissions and security software.
That was just flavor text
Then add a new comment asking for additional information without the flavour
I'll have a chat with Comment Answers and see what he might be prepared to do
lol alright
I know it's annoying when people make extra work 4u
SSMS dark mode looks beautiful there
would it make more sense to use "maybe" on isolation level phenomena charts instead of "yes"
isolation level guarantees do not guarantee that you will encounter isolation level phenomena
maybe i'll tone my rhetoric down to "read committed is a disappointing isolation level"
the charts usually indicate which phenomena are possible
but people can't read
the problem of misreading the chart seems less of a concern then
I hope your marbles turn black
they're already black
goth marbles
white then
don't colonize my marbles
currently being told that updates shouldn't happen in an oltp system
get the data right first time
there's a lot to be said for that
what if i need to add a ship date and tracking number
I always wondered: Did Paul start as Paul the Grey, beat a balrog with his SQL knowledge, and ultimately return as Paul White?
I bet they mean perform a delete and an insert instead
Or just an insert, like a ledger
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling Sounds like you have a normalization problem
i should put every column in a new table and add a row then
Is that your understanding of normalization
What I mean is, having an order is one thing. Shipping it is another
Adding new information can be just an insert with the right design
It depends on the requirements and process
sure yeah, have an orderdetails and a shippingdetails table
good luck getting anyone to practice that
People doing dumb things is their problem
but even so
the shipping details table will likely need to be updated with a delivery date
unless we have yet another table
But saying there should be no updates in an OLTP system is one extreme end of the range. Like saying you should never have nulls. Maybe you can achieve it. Maybe it's just a general goal.
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling You're not going to run out of tables. Relational theory is designed around relations, lots of them if necessary. Ideally, no more than necessary, but certainly no fewer.
sort of like opinions
It's a bit like criticising SQL for being verbose. Well, yes it is. Now what
People say they h8 all the typing, as they work on their 2397836203 line proc
It's ok to aim for a nice relational design. It's ok to aim to avoid updates
Or you could store the whole database in a JSON blob
i don't mind all the typing, what i dislike is not being able to debug a small portion of code in a larger procedure
parameters, variables, temporary objects, whatever other dependencies on code executed earlier on
forget dynamic sql
I wonder if Sean has finished the SSMS debugger yet
I don't know what he does all day
spends a lot of it hopping from key to key to respond to chat messages
> ‪Ewald‬ followed you back
i can't believe how productive this day started and how completely derailed it got by the stupidest things
a promising young day
@PaulWhite Just put the last knife through it's heart, should be good and dead now
@PaulWhite Mostly update 20 year old code that's hasn't been touched in as long
I spent most of today fighting with tds driver and finding new bugs
@Zikato You shall not READPAST!
v good!
Run Linux, you fools!
Well I found a bug in it, so there's that
2 hours later…
Can you find the bug in this
Sure can't
Can't read. Can't write
Son's what?

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