@HannahVernon it would be nice if they bothered to build an intelligent one first. Changed phone provider last week - asked the simplest questions of their so-called "AI Assistant" - no joy - nearly driven to heavy drinking! Thank God for that girl from Bengaluru - I was even going to propose... <sniffle...>
Ooops, - a chairde - Morning all!
Wordle 1,313 2/6*
⬛⬛🟩🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Yaay... back on form after a few bad days!
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling Most French people would be quite happy if Paris were relocated to Mars!
@HannahVernon There are some hilarious names for genes - mostly in fruitflies (Drosophila melanogaster) - my favourite is Cheap Date - a fly that's very susceptible to alcohol (do I have that one???) or the Ken and Barbie gene - afflicted flies have no external genitalia! Those in the world of human genetics have been renaming them because of potential issues with patients - it wouldn't be very nice to be told that your child has a Swiss Cheese mutation... (brain full of holes...)
@PaulWhite When parts of the UI get corrupted then you are unable to start any of the new fancy tools as they seem to be located in some funny location. The old tools just work regardless of whether the UI is corrupted or not.
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling I can only imagine if AI were actually intelligent how much wider the wealth gap would become. Also I didn't get notified when you @-mentioned me.
Presumably SE AI hasn't been added to chat yet
Congrats everyone on getting Wordle in two today. Apparently it was easy for all but me.
@Vérace perhaps it would be better named NAAI as in Not Actually Artificial Intelligence.
Anyway, big inputs get HJ, small get apply, so you could argue anything big enough to spill means HJ is the go, regardless of what the AJ threshold says
That doesn't work though. The semaphore can split 100% of what's available among queries. Any one of those going beyond its initial limit could have catastrophic effects on all the others.
The grant is a guarantee that memory will be available if you need it.
If you're going to allow something 150% of its grant, you're really just granting it 150% in first place
But I know what you're saying about it being dynamic
Like the index building case
It all sounds very sensible until you implement it
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling Right, but at least you're making changes on the basis of past information, not just increasing the current grant in the hope it will be sufficient