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@PaulWhite Interestingly enough adding an explicit CAST(.. AS datetime) removes that data.stackexchange.com/dba/query/edit/1882577
Why that would be the case, I don't know. Either way it needs to cast it, either way it's a deterministic cast, so it should have worked out it's a constant value in relation to the plan at execution time, therefore it can convert it upfront (ie before the rest of the plan executes) so no need for the Merge Interval etc.
1 hour later…
Well if course matching the types removes the problem. One could also use date time from parts.
If I had my way, SQL Server would be strongly typed and that sort of nonsense simply wouldn't be accepted.
A date is not a datetime and has a wider range too.
Why people seem so determined to explore the edges of implicit conversions is a total mystery to me
Just flap some vaguely temporal quantity in there bro, she'll be sweet bro
1 hour later…
Wordle 1,310 5/6*

A chairde - Morning all!
Wordle 1,310 4/6

Wordle 1,310 6/6*

2 hours later…
Wordle 1,310 X/6*

Wordle 1,310 4/6*

5 hours later…
@Erik He's back
i saw
can you migrate an entire user to SO?
so like
is this gonna be one of those things where i write fully qualified objects into dynamic sql
and charlie comes along like ackshually u can just execute database.sys.sp_executesql
there is a big possibility
i wonder if this scenario is avoidable
"The above didn't work." is not a productive problem description. I suggest that you 1) PRINT the SQL that you are about to execute and share that and 2) give is the error message. It might just be that SELECT INTO is a no-no even if it goes to a different database (I don't know) but sharing that information would at least let us know if there is anything else going on here. — Tibor Karaszi 6 mins ago
reading comprehension
INTO tempdb.dbo.@DeltaTable
A: Need to modify Stored Procedure to create table in another database

Erik Reasonable Rates Darlingjust to get by To get your code working and well-oiled, I made a few changes. Use correct data type (sysname) for objects Add parameters for flexible database and schema names Add parameters to optionally debug and execute the dynamic SQL Add N prefixes to string concatenation This should get y...

let's see how that goes
can you turn off comments
Are you expecting any
i always expect the worst
> I need to store in table variable — Patterson 3 seconds ago
mod abuse
on an american sunday morning
amused me
let's see if any of these llms have anything to say about my code
I'm glad they're being super-secure with their hash (SHA2_256)
if they're asking this question here they're probably not in a very high security environment
I have no doubt that code is copied from a previous SO question
i understand your collision concerns tho~
> @Debug and @Execute are defined as bit but are compared against string literals ('true'). It's better to use bit values directly for consistency (0 for false, 1 for true).
Bound to happen
all three of them said something like this
> Although the use of QUOTENAME helps mitigate SQL injection, be cautious with dynamic SQL. Ensure that all inputs are sanitized or come from trusted sources.
which is cute for services that generate code with no regard for such things
> Data Engineer at sqlite ltd
part time job probably
According to your image, you are using SQL dataset, Once try this query to create new column signature, SELECT *, HASHBYTES('SHA2_256', CAST(<columName> AS NVARCHAR(MAX))) AS Signature FROM [schema].[tableName]. — Bhavani Dec 27, 2024 at 14:03
there it is
> Recognized by Microsoft Azure Collective
truly reprehensible
january is really going out with an attitude
That's cold
Tuesday & Wednesday especially
Apparently, some people are calling the 911 emergency service because TikTok stopped working
what do they expect emergency services to do
that I do not know
some people think in an entirely different way
heck of a thing to come right out of the blue
understandable they panicked, I guess
it's v. confusing i'm sure
like when your fingers smell like something you haven't touched
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling Yeah that cold air vortex is affecting us as well wunderground.com/forecast/us/fl/tampa
@PaulWhite Makes you kind of want some Black Mirror episodes to be real
I don't know what a Black Mirror is
"Nosedive" is the first episode in the third series of the British science fiction anthology series Black Mirror. Michael Schur and Rashida Jones wrote the teleplay for the episode, based on a story by series creator and co-showrunner Charlie Brooker, while Joe Wright acted as director. It premiered on Netflix on 21 October 2016, alongside the rest of the third series. The episode is set in a world where people can rate each other from one to five stars, using their smartphones, for every interaction they have, which can impact their socioeconomic status. Lacie (Bryce Dallas Howard) is a young...
That episode, specifically
I'd 200% have a 0.1 rating
Perhaps you could get a Social Credit loan
I hear the Darling Bank has a special on
I'm interested... go on...
I have an affiliate link here somewhere
i'm sure chairman paol zedong will rate you five stars
also black mirror ripped off community
"App Development and Condiments" is the eighth episode of the fifth season of Community, and the 92nd episode overall in the series. It originally aired on March 6, 2014, on NBC. The episode was written by Jordan Blum and Parker Deay, and directed by Rob Schrab. The episode marked the series writing debut of Blum and Deay, and the second episode in the series which Schrab directed. The episode was met with generally positive reviews, with many commenting on the original homages to Zardoz and Logan's Run; however, despite positive reviews from critics, the episode matched the previous week's ratings...
I do have a chair, it's true
and you're a man
chair man
It's all coming together
Though it would be pronounced car-man in your local area
Like varchar
who says var-care?
typo fixed
My problem is I care too much
u ppl
rinse your sinuses
every day
I'm not sharing your neti-pot
That's a great way to get bugs where they shouldn't go
I've been bug free since 2023
i don't use a neti pot
those things are pretty yucky
Sean introduces bugs to others, he doesn't collect them himself
@SeanGallardy Unlike your code
My brain is entirely disconnected from my fingers at this point
@PaulWhite If I don't introduce bugs, I'll code myself out of a job
I thought the modern 'job' involved only emails and trying not to look bored in Teams meetings
I had no idea code production was still a requirement
you have your junior developer (co-pilot) produce code, then you fix a couple things and pass it off as your own
quality largely optional
Really looking forward to SQL Server 2025 then
@PaulWhite I mean, yeah, still part of the job :D
Don't forget keeping Azure from flopping over on a daily basis
or, rather, "mitigating" the flops that it has
Never met a service that was so needy
I hear firefighting skills are highly sought after
In some regions
@PaulWhite I was trying to say ultimately it shouldn't matter whether it was an implicit or explicit conversion, the optimizer should have realized the expression as a whole was constant relative to the rest of the query. It normally seems quite good at that, eg using '' on an nvarchar comparison doesn't get an implicit conversion in the plan because it's already converted the value.
@SeanGallardy never used AWS huh?
US East region regularly goes down
@Charlieface Yes, I realise that. Point is, there are many weird and inconsistent SQL Server behaviours with such coversions--as is usual for any mature product. Only people who want to live in interesting times would play fast and loose with data types.
Here's a laugh:
Q: What is the difference if I make own EF Core on top of Dapper or using EF Core?

Raj Narayan GuptaWhat are the differences between creating a custom Entity Framework (EF) Core-like abstraction on top of Dapper, versus using EF Core directly in terms of abstraction level, performance, features, flexibility, development time, and maintainability? I have made a generic repo, but it didn't work a...

Okaaay, let's rewrite the whole EF Core, whatever floats your boat, mate...
And on top of Dapper, even funnier...
Hi @Erik this is amazing. I'm looking for to getting to my desk to check it out. Thanks — Patterson 41 mins ago
Marked as answer though
> amazing
DECLARE @T AS table (dt datetime NOT NULL INDEX i);
DECLARE @d date = CONVERT(date, '0001-01-01', 23);


SELECT T.dt FROM @T AS T WHERE T.dt >= @d;
SELECT T.dt FROM @T AS T WHERE T.dt >= CONVERT(datetime, @d);
datetime has a higher type precedence than date
but which behaviour do you want?
I just want everyone to be kind to one another
Panic over, TikTok is coming back online
Seems like those 911 calls paid off
Is there nothing DJT can’t do
Form a coherent sentence?
We’re used to that tho
Not exactly stiff competition in the mental faculties department when it comes to government
It’s a bit like reading KB notes
"They're not sending their best"
But here we are being unkind!
Shame on us ourselves
A black day for chat
As Hamlet said, "I must be cruel only to be kind."
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling Stop himself from sexually assaulting women?
@JohnK.N. Bassza meg a kurva életbe! :-)
@Vérace again not a common ability for presidents
Wordle 1,311 5/6*

Happy frog?
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling To whom are you referring? 1st president to be a convict - what an achievement!
@Charlieface Correct, I have no cloud resources, that's why my stuff continues to work.
@Vérace I was talking about what you were talking about but now you’re talking about something else.

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