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03:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

Wordle 1,306 3/6

5 hours later…
2 days ago, by Paul White
Wordle 1,307 3/6*

Wordle 1,307 3/6*

Wordle 1,307 3/6*

A chairde - Morning all!
Wordle 1,307 4/6*

@Charlieface Sorry for not getting back sooner - are you in agreement with me or, if not, where are we in disaccord?
Morning all
Jó reggelt.
1 hour later…
@JohnK.N. Jó napot kívanok!
@Vérace In agreement re your point "nobody gave a fig about democracy and/or the Jews" but just pointing out you seem to be one of those who doesn't seem to give a fig re the latter, and pretty dismissive of a number of western countries that support the former. And just saying that none of this is new in Europe.
@SeanGallardy Just had a read of your blog What Happened To Stack Exchange?. I couldn't agree more.
Azure SQL makes sense for small projects, where you don't run up big bills. Otherwise just get a great stonking dedicated server on Hetzner for $nothing/month and manage it yourself. How many DTU is this equivalent to hetzner.com/dedicated-rootserver/ax102/configurator/#
2 hours later…
@PaulWhite pathetic 🐦
Yes, but I have no sympathy
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling I booted up yesterday to find that it had put itself as an item pinned to my taskbar. When I shut down it was not there the night before. Just saying.
@Charlieface Yeah, use tools for their use. Too much hammer so everything is a nail or must forced to be a nail to play in the hammer sandbox. That's surprisingly affordable for the server in your link! You'd pay way more than that on GC or Az.
I've heard you get what you pay for on Hetzner
Probably the cheapest of the bigger European providers. They do expect you to manage your server OS yourself, but they are pretty quick to fix hardware issues. I once messaged them re a server that was crashing and rebooting every few minutes, broken fan fixed less than an hour later.
Never used it, never heard of it before now
By which I mean, it's a good option if you can do everything yourself and never need support. Local factors aside, there is a great deal of internet chat about them being pretty poor, service-wise.
But then, that's true of Microsoft too
I guess it depends what you want to pay for. I wouldn't use their cloud or storage services, they go down regularly, which is what I think the chatter is about. I haven't found their service too bad on dedi.
Laptop did not reboot last night, which is good
I also turned off those buried options in System > Notifications
@PaulWhite Woooo!
Discoverable, it is not
So tyvmft
Well, you can buy an on-prem box with 768GB of RAM and maybe 20-25TB of usable fast flash storage for about £25k. If you want HA you can set up a-never mind.
The answer was a diatribe about not re-thinking infrastructure policy. You're the one with the 16 hour load times, sunshine.
Fuck SANs.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells That's expensive!
local factors
You wouldn't get 4m IOPS out of any cloud provider for less than an order of magnitude more per year.
I made 32 TB of local NVMe for 2k
It is HP prices for the kit.
That makes sense then
You could probably do it quite a lot cheaper off Ebay.
I do buy quite a bit of used equipment from ebay
Bought my router and switches there
But I suspect those prices are fairly representative of what an enterprise customer would pay for the machine. Also, the SQL Server licencing would at least as dear.
Ebay is my preferred supplier.
And I've never seen an Azure shop that was paying less than that per month for their cloud services.
8k IOPS vs. 3.5 million IOPS.
Are SQL Server licences non-transferrable?
I can't imagine paying the amount per month these people do for basic setups
They are AFAIK
That would explain the lakh of a second-hand market
But muh cloud.
Even with data points (3.5x speedup) it's like talking to a brick wall.
Policy my arse.
How much do you think 25TB of SAN storage costs?
> Cloud computing has reached “peak centralisation”, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said at the company’s Ignite user conference
Bribes are real
> Satya Nadella, the CEO of Microsoft, reportedly said, “SaaS is dead,” as a provocative statement to underscore the transformative potential of AI and cloud-native technologies.
So are ~~baseball bats.~~ Governance sticks.
I initially read that as "government sticks" and I thought, no, guns are, then I realized I can't read.
3 dashes for ST IIRC
markdown strikes again
Bold of you to say
yes, --- on both sides
3 strikes, you're out
So are baseball Governance sticks.
No bats
Even when you point out that DBMS software had high availability features long before networked storage became popular.
I stopped trying to be helpful.
Currently their data platform strategy is to make data mesh layers for everything and move it all to the cloud.
Maybe I should start pimping myself out as a chief data officer. It doesn't look all that hard.
More buzzwords should definitely help
Well maybe they can think outside the box and leverage their synergies.
data mesh layers lol
I've got a data fever and the only cure for it is more buzzword technologies
Try drinking more fluids
A data mesh is just data marts hanging off all your applications. Apparently the apps teams are supposed to set them up and maintain them.
Sounds like something data science folks might think of. We'll just go out and build a bunch of ETL for every analytic app we want to do.
Hands up everyone who thinks letting app development teams design and manage your data estate is a good idea?
That's data mesh in a nutshell.
How do you build it in a nutshell?
First, you build a nuthouse
We're over CockroachDB?
we're gonna need some wasms
@PaulWhite Sometimes you can just use a nutsack.
Sadly, I think business intelligence was a futile effort.
It's mostly an oxymoron
@SeanGallardy It's mostly an oxy moron.
There. FTFY.
Thanks for halping
You're welcome. Always happy to help.
Anyone have good plans today?
i'm going to an asian market to review their kimchi selection
squats and deads after
That's unappetizing
it's quite good and good for ya
I thought you were a man of refined palate
I try to stay away from eating anything that's green
@SeanGallardy Actual or Estimated?
kimchi is not green
perhaps that was the problem
@Zikato Execution plan plus, please
I haven't paid for my subscription
It only costs your soul
Cows eat nothing but grass, so why aren't they green
I'm out of souls to give
@PaulWhite b/c they're american duh
I thought they eat corn in America
corn is for chickens
don't be grotesque
It's a ystery
chickens taste better on grubs and worms
Welcome to the farmering heap
and you think kimchi is gross, sheesh
sean is out here eating fish bait
I only ferment grapes and honey, sir
no, the chickens eat the fish bait, I eat the chickens
oh, and the occasional potato (fermenting)
Sean is a chicken, confirmed
(and part Irish)
we just learned the national bird of ireland is hitler, the sieg gull
ha ha ha
Anyway, it's nice to have such a free ranging discussion
@PaulWhite Yeah, my DNA says I'm an English Isles mutt
but I'm 100% pure bred 'merican
Wordle 1,307 4/6*

speaking of pure bred americans
check the eyebrows on that frog
I had to change a light bulb this evening
One of the downsides of long-lasting fluoro bulbs is that they stick in the socket
Dec 26, 2024 at 16:41, by Erik Reasonable Rates Darling
The prophetic perfect tense is a literary technique commonly used in religious texts, which describes future events that are so certain to happen that they are referred to in the past tense as if they had already happened. == History == The category of "prophetic perfect" was already suggested by medieval Hebrew grammarians, such as David Kimhi: "The matter is as clear as though it had already passed," or Isaac ben Yedaiah: "[The rabbis] of blessed memory followed, in these words of theirs, in the paths of the prophets who speak of something which will happen in the future in the language of the...
And one tends to forget whether they are bayonet or screw-in
It snapped as I was attempting to test that
did you get mercury poisoning
Luckily, it was very high up on a vaulted ceiling, the snap wasn't a surprise, and the ladder I was on was not shaky at all
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling idk, what are the signs
@SeanGallardy what is that supposed to represent?
@Charlieface supposedly my "dna" history
His DNA, I suspect
Language continuum is about the only thing that fits.
Nailed it
I like the way it says "nope" to czech
poor @Zikato
Actually no, Galicia speak a dialect close to Portugese, and DNA doesn't make sense for the same reason. Soneone also has an odd idea of who Germans are, and I'd love to know who lives in that strip between England, Wales and Scotland.
spain and italy huh
sean o' the moors
Basically, Latinx
(I have no idea if that makes any sense)
[blame the mercury]
hmm apparently the Yorkshiremen of Whitby are not the same Yorkshiremen as the rest. Who'da thunk?
Or West Anglesey are different Welshmen than East
I wonder how often Sean feels the need to conquer Europe. Quite a big splash of blue there
> The age of the person exposed (unborn infants are the most vulnerable)
You're safe, Paul
@PaulWhite I'm more of a sit and hold Australia and get my +2 per turn
Ah, that'll be the Italian influence then
> The effects of mercury exposure can be very severe, subtle, or may not occur at all, depending on the factors above.
i'm surprised you'd do one of those dna things
It was in my way younger years
I was given it as a gift from a SO
that's a real creepy gift
> Muscle weakness
Sean has mercury poisoning!
Wordle 1,307 4/6*

She was super nice and not creepy, sad we parted
real passive aggressive way to get you busted for any nsolved ystery
we finally cracked the case of the stick figure bandit, boys
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling Yeah I need to find a way to get them to delete my data
Quite reasonable to check he was from Earth
@PaulWhite I grew up in a place that had lead paint, so probably had mercury too
And that was just the stuff in the water
you had lead paint in the water
we had everything in the water, I grew up next to a coal power plant
coal filters a lot
Petrol was leaded for a long time
Lead water pipes were also popular
fly-ash is slightly radioactive
So are bananas
That's bananas
Just don't eat the green ones
I do enjoy friend plantains
Your closest friends are bananas?
> Coming from MySQL, MariaDb, PostgreSQL, I would expect it to be easy to create a backup/copy of an entire database including the Stored Procedures. In MS Sql Server, at first blush, the simple "Copy Database Wizard" seems like the right tool for copying a database.
This is such a strange course of events to me
Like, you know backups exist, but find the obscure CDW
Classic end user
At least they blushed, I suppose
> coming from databases with terrible backup options...
> i found the one way to not backup an entire database in sql server
print 'hello world'
I remember the Wizard phase
The AI of its time
speaking of ai
"no groups found"
there are 16 tabs open to my own website
Why are you not using vertical tabs
who uses vertical tabs
I guess everything does work backwards in the southern hemisphere
If you move to the northern hemisphere would you be forced to move back to horizontal ones?
But my screen is considerably wider than it is tall
I find vertical tabs in groups works much better
it sounds like your browser actually groups tabs
mine seems incapable
It's just standard Edge
there is certainly an encoded message in there
Documentation does exist!
Mostly archive links ha ha
@Vérace Hogy vagy?
can anyone spare a cigarette
You're only allowed cigarettes on holiday
well it's nearly the weekend
but will it be a great weekend?
that depends on your generosity
i should make a clone of buymeacoffee called buymeacigarette
Cigs might cost more than coffee at this point
v picky
Interesting to have those cigarettes next to an oakley case
Nice to see non-plain packaging
I guess Erik prefers Gauloises jaune without filters.
What's the little tab thing on the fronts?
erik prefers blondes 🥸
Goth chicks aren't blonde
Those cigarettes are not manly
h8 to br8 it to you m8
@SeanGallardy Why?
do not attempt to gothsplain to me
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling Galladryiel hath spoken
@PaulWhite if you want a manly cigarette, buy a cigar
Or a manly cigarette
@JohnK.N. Oakley glasses tend to be quite expensive, whereas those cigarettes are notoriously cheap
@SeanGallardy you only like girls who dress like golfers
You've spent altogether too much time in France recently
there is no such thing as "too much time in France"
I rest my case
man who hasn't left new zealand in 20 years...
I wonder what the French Canadians would say
i suppose unfiltered cigarettes are a bit more butch
probably "eh"
once you stick a filter on those things they're all skirts
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling versus one who hasn't entered?
maybe that will change when trump annexes you too
who knows what the chief clown will announce next
I try not to take any notice
@SeanGallardy well cigs in Switzerland are cheap anyway compared to N.Z. for example.
They're just very expensive plain white boxes here now
Not that I've seen one for years
CHF 9.- for 20 cigs. NZD 45.- for 20 cigs.
They're all locked away in stores
they don't have death notices on them?
No idea actually
45 NZD for a 20 pack?!
Who could afford to smoke at those prices
At least
@SeanGallardy No one. Hence we look quite likely to meet our smoke-free target
Every fucker vapes non stop ofc
It's cost well over 1,300 NZD just to smoke a pack a day
I can think of better uses for 1,300
Nice link
2 hours ago, by Paul White
markdown strikes again
> New Zealand tobacco packets must be the same standard dark brown/green background colour as Australia, United Kingdom, Ireland and France. New pictures and health warnings must be enlarged to cover at least 75% of the front of tobacco packs, and all tobacco company marketing imagery must be removed.
I think that's an old standard now
i couldn't find anything newer
I might be wrong but I thought they were all white with simple black print now
maybe that's condoms
Yeah, looks like you're right
It's so weird. Pretty much everyone I knew 10 years ago was a smoker, now no one at all
woohoo i passed my citizenship exam
Ok maybe 15 years ago
i only know a few regular smokers
everyone else is occasional/social
So a cigarette is around $2.50. A basic coffee $7
Hard to be a regular with prices like that
thankfully fiber is cheap
I rolled my own for many years
still no match for cigarettes and coffee
Speaking of which, I could go for some pancakes
Rum-soaked Port Royal was my fave
Mr Fancy Pants
Just got bored with regular tobacco
Natural progression from menthol
Started in my mid teens sometime
Smoked fancy long coloured paper ones for a while, when I could get them
I forget the name of them now
menthol is gr8
i think it's mostly banned here in the states
@PaulWhite nat sherman fantasia?
Sobranie is a brand of cigarettes, currently owned and manufactured by Gallaher Group, a subsidiary of Japan Tobacco. == History == The Balkan Sobranie tobacco business was established in London in 1879 by Albert Weinberg (born in Romania in 1849), whose naturalization papers dated in 1886 confirm his nationality and show that he had emigrated to England in the 1870s at a time when hand-made cigarettes in the Eastern European and Russian tradition were becoming fashionable in Europe. It is one of the oldest cigarette brands in the world. Albert's young cousin Isaiah Redstone (1884–1963) joined...
Man, they were awesome
oh! sobranie!
i haven't heard that name in 30 years.
That's why it took me a minute!
that almost makes me want to smoke again
Deep in archive storage
@HannahVernon Everyone would
Cocktail for daytime, gothic black russian for nights
never seen those b4
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling "made in USA" woah
there was only one specialist store that sold those brands near me growing up
black market 4 me
rarest of rare animals
@PaulWhite best.
so if i'm reviewing the transcript correctly, gauloises are not manly, but the rainbow cigarettes with the gold filters are
23 mins ago, by Paul White
Cocktail for daytime, gothic black russian for nights
It's a question of confidence, really
Not for everyone
black russian is coffee liqueur?
who can recall
vodka and coffee liqueur, apparently
the cigarette isn't literally a black russian cocktail btw
it's a long, slim, black cigarette to mood to
there was one cigarette that i'm gonna kill myself trying to remember the name of
people tried to measure it on the cool-o-meter, but it broke
but it tasted like french toast
i can picture the packaging but the words are all jumbled
like an llm drew it
modern cigs are so boring, no wonder they're unpopular
don't fail the transcript on that brand name
can't even get a doctor to recommend them anymore
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling But you should totally be on this statin which will wreck you super hard
they do want me on a statin, but i decline
As you should, it's a racket
in other news, last night i had a dream that i was arguing with someone over assigning rowcount_big() to a variable in some example code because the example code didn't explicitly need it for anything
Last night was a good night for dreams
@SeanGallardy yeah, both of my parents took them at some point and had lousy reactions
I had a dream I was part of the CIA and framing people, but then the CIA ultimately tried to frame me, it was a lovely thriller chase ystery dream
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling Exactly, and the reference materials are extremely weak on them helping - the side effects make people take other meds that then needs others, etc., and eventually you're just overall way worse off than not doing it
yeah, mine isn't even particularly high
fluctuates a bit between 220 and 280
Statin! Stat!
bob uecker died 😢
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling Please tell me that's not your resting heart rate!
@JohnK.N. Jól vagyok köszönöm, és te?
it's his compatibility level
Compatibility with what?
vNext apparently
him and Fergie
My latest execution plan art NFT, hot off the press...
> With the discovery of algebraic transformation rules...
"Discovery" is an odd word choice there. Like we found a new kind of flower.
I wonder why the document starts at page 187.
@J.D. Neat! Kinda surprised the SSMS doesn't crash trying to display such monstrosity.
@Yano_of_Queenscastle was thinking the same thing. There's at least hundreds of lines rendered there lol.
2 hours later…
@JoshDarnell maybe it’s the first number in algebraic transformations
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling Encoding secret messages into the ToC is pretty nifty.
i suppose it could be 180 or so redacted pages
maybe that's why microsoft bought the rights to the book and made it free
views were a mistake
03:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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