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A chairde - Morning all!
Wordle 1,306 4/6*

5 hours later…
Wordle 1,306 4/6*

Wordle 1,306 3/6*

3 hours later…
Wordle 1,306 5/6*

Not very dominant today
I wonder how Erik is doing
Wordle 1,306 6/6*

apparently, I don't have it
@PaulWhite time will tell
Not dead then. That's a start
listed as day by day
there we are, nice and tidy
> I am asking, because I work in an environment where I would have to restore 1200 databases daily to check for inconsistencies, which is a NO-GO.
sounds like a job for powershell
or 1,200 interns
Is it legal to restore to Developer Edition to run DBCC checks these days?
I don't think it is but don't quote me on that.
Maybe there's some weird Software Assurance clause or VM allowance or something
There's no free honey pot. You gotta pay, pal.
I suppose I should contact my Licencing Associate
It could be worse. You could be using Oracle
@PaulWhite nope.gif
@SeanGallardy Oh dear. Poor Mini
Then again, I suppose everything's legal if you don't get caught
@PaulWhite well if you refresh your development environment daily you may add running dbcc checkdb in as a step to ensure a successful restore
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling Yes, I see. I just wonder if the Licencing Associates will see it that way
can't have developers working off corrupt data tho
what is an associate, if not an intern persevering
It's someone with the power to send you an enormous invoice
it's not the size of the invoice, it's the motion of the accounts receivable
@PaulWhite Are you running for an office?
No, just making idle observations 😊
Sometimes everything is legal even if you get caught
> If you have Software Assurance and are using an unlicensed passive failover instance, that instance can now be used for DBCC CHECKDB without requiring a license and you can run backups from there too.
@SeanGallardy ^ Does that seem right? Claims to be a November 2019 change
I realise that's not the same as using Dev Ed
I think that's correct
But someone always shares this link when it comes to the DBCC on replicas discussion
@Zikato Yeah, it's in the comments there and Brent said it was a gr8 point and he loves that change
i already had to find one of my old posts on there today so i don't want to click again
Just wondering, do you have to pass the bar to become Licencing Associate or is "a bar" enough?
you probably have to pass some microsoft certification
I'll pass
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling Technically you're not allowed to restore prod data into developer edition as a dev tool, unless you use enterprise/standard
@PaulWhite Your quote is correct
@Zikato They don't even check for a heartbeat
I doubt anyone except the very largest customers have the time, money, or patience for a serious licencing fight
I mean, technically you can appeal any decision
But if you lose, you can really lose
Wordle 1,306 5/6

@Zikato Have we seen HannahVernon's yet?
Doesn't matter. King and Queen are mutually exclusive
@SeanGallardy what should developers develop off of?
Azure, probably
they'd develop a drinking problem
Dependency as a Solution
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling Presumably, anything they like so long as it's not production data
Or production data if they fork out for a production licence of some kind
It can all get quite expensive if you have properly licenced dev/test/qa environments
Depending on any deal you can strike with the Licencing Associate
That's how it used to work, anyway. Been a while since I last got into any of that
that's baffling
i suppose it's microsoft being scummy as usual
you need to develop off production data at some stage
Yes, of course. Some would argue it's an opening negotiation position
You often end up with some complicated VM scheme
Or just saying bugger it and moving to the cloud
It's like anything else. You start with this astronomical number then the salesperson finds a 'clever' way to knock a very decent chunk off it, and you end up paying MS roughly the maximum you could possibly afford anyway
I've never really understood what Software Assurance is supposed to mean
I suppose it's just a label
who is the assurance for would be a good start
afaict it just ensures microsoft gets paid more
Pretty much
But they still want you to rent cloud monthly rather than buy software as a one-off
I remember people being quite miffed about 2008 R2, for example
well that was rotten
There's a pattern, if you pay close attention
now i have to pay attention too
god u ppl
Do you have a licence for that OS
club never activate
One of the greatest things, I think, is that much of he code base is the same between releases.
So, you end up paying multiple times for the same software
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling devops :P
Absolute racket
i've been doing a home office purge
getting rid of a lot of old stuff
Tidying the junk drawer again?
feels kinda good but still left with the dread that i'll need that monitor cable tomorrow
It is inevitable
@PaulWhite several junk locales
We gave away a set of ramekins a little while ago because we never used them
We'd both forgotten we had them
Guess what we needed almost immediately
next day: hummus sampler arrives
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling Does it spark joy?
It cannot be coincidence
@Zikato hopefully it will spark joy with whomever takes this donation bag
they'll probably think someone died
no man ever parts with his cable collection
there's a brand new grok today
I have a massive cardboard box in the loft with cables
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling I saw a separate website arrived as well
i would really like if grok image generation were available as an option when writing an article
it's weird to have to do it separately and save it
I agree. It's weird all other images in an article can be pasted directly
The banner needs to be saved and opened as a file
I am in that existential crisis right now, I have boxes of cables... actually needed to pull an HDMI cable out the other day
The change to the new file format was annoying too
Yeah, I needed an HDMI last year. Found three in the magic box
Of course, I had to dig past 138972802 USB cables to find them
I also tend to keep the original boxes for technology purchases, so I have many of those around... had to RMA my AIO a few months ago and happy I had the original box.
Same! They live in a room off the garage downstairs
We keep boxes for most things because it's handy when moving them on
i used to do that, but my purchases outpaced available space
I've often thought about collapsing them
But no one is that organised
And certainly not me
i'll be getting rid of some old mac boxes today
You still have Mac gear?
iphone, intel mac, m3 mac 4 easy travel
So you got it all happy and working in the end then
well good enough
all my actual work is windows vms
and ofc i have my lenovo laptop with all the beef
and my old gaming tower is what i do my video recording on
I watched a SQLBits viedo today
It could have been a 3-minute read blog post
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling No, Erin
did you let her know that
I'm still trying to catch up on EDD videos, but became distracted
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling She'll find out when she reads the transcript today
well good
i wonder what would happen if we asked a llm to summarize the entire transcript
perhaps the first computer suicide
Our egos would probably never recover
mine is generally beaten to a pulp anyway
Same ofc
Anyway, it's probably just as well the chat interface isn't really easy for AI to navigate
I had Grok summarise my recent articles. It was depressingly good at it
i wish i could have something do that for videos
Not perfect, but a damn sight closer than I expected
I doubt it will be long before they can do video
did you try any others?
sorry that was vague, did you try any other llms for summaries?
I tried to retain some residual self-worth
Oh I see, no I didn't
I only really have access to CoPilot and I find that just annoying
I'm probably missing out, but I don't think I could handle any more
It's such a relief when it's wrong about something
i use gpt for image generation and claude for writing tasks
i should use grok for more
Yes, your image generation seems superior
But my needs are quite simple
No magazine to publish
i haven't done much in a while with that
Do you pay for GPT and Claude?
I try to use Grok as much as possible because it's the only ROI I get from X
i should use it more
I'm silly really because it's a small amount and I do get entertainment and news as well
It's easier to focus on such things when you only have two or three subs in total
I wonder what Master Database is thinking about
changing its name probably
The outrage....
Q: 2024: a year in moderation

JNat It’s that time of the year again! As we bid farewell to the year that's concluded and welcome the new one, we have a tradition of sharing moderation stats for the preceding calendar year. As most of you here might be aware, sites on the Stack Exchange network are moderated somewhat differently t...

there it is
when are the next moderator elections
i want to not vote for evan again
slowed down by there being multiple masters these days
32762 - model_replicatedmaster
more problems solved by adding a layer of abstraction
This is the software engineering way
@PaulWhite You could have read my blog, it's not as fancy as yours though seangallardy.com/…
Or maybe you did, who knows these days
Big brother being what it is
@SeanGallardy Nah, I just queried sys.sysdbreg
Oh, I see that's in your blog
Emoji window is broken in VMs/RDP... classic.
That's been pretty flaky in general of late
Mostly the contained AG stuff just annoys me when I have to skip over it all in debugging sessions.
This instance has never, and will never, see an AG
@PaulWhite I'll try harder
so what's everyone up to today
17 hands
that's a lot of high fives
Trying to find some time to work on the debugger and the ssms extension. /sigh
Breaking read-scale AGs
Booted up to a stupid M365 co-pilot item pinned to my taskbar that I didn't ask to have
If I wanted a piss poor llvm answer, I'd ask the wall for its thoughts
i had a surprise windows update overnight that shockingly didn't add anything stupid
That you found...
but still asked me 10 questions when i logged in
Turn that crap off
Waiting For Resource
Duration: 1h 52m 38s
I might finally lose it today
I also disable windows updates through local GPO
boy they really buried that in w11
thanks tho
Always :) I'm 100% for getting people to disable all that stuff, it's not only annoying but it's excessive. I'm surprised you weren't asked to respond to 10 different surveys per Windows feature team and then if you'd recommend Windows OS to your family and friends.
i'm in a ms presentation about a* in 202*
they're letting the attendees interrupt to ask questions
whole thing is derailed
To quote a friend who sat through similar items, "I couldn't take how hard these VPs were jacking each other off about AI, I had to leave early."
I paused my update for a week
No doubt it'll ignore me
what are the odds that will be respected
It's only failed once but that was no fun at all
25k rows was just referred to as a reasonable number of rows
@PaulWhite You don't want to disable it and manually run it?
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling So 25k for tuning that query should be a reasonable rate?
The math checks out
@SeanGallardy I don't want to be seen as a troublemaker
Too late for that, buddy
Other tags on you include pedant and rabblerouser
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling I hear licences for production data are expensive
@SeanGallardy Fair, but I'm hoping to keep that from the OS
get embedding in this guy's accent sounds like a seduction directive
bragging about 100ms for 25k row query now
lmao even
What were the other 99.9ms used for
probably seeing if contained ags are enabled
It sure will be great to have the T-SQL debugger back
Don't F it up, Sean
1 million row query takes 10 seconds
up to 30 seconds now
finally done at 37 seconds
This is what happens when you build SQL Server with all C++ optimisations off
@PaulWhite wasure te shimae sonna mono wa okora nai
And run it from the console with extensive debug output
With Azure remote memory enabled
Remote disk too
next will be remote CPU
i gotta bail on this, it's depressing
Remember, it's all artificial
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling Another satisfied customer
17 mins ago, by Sean Gallardy
To quote a friend who sat through similar items, "I couldn't take how hard these VPs were jacking each other off about AI, I had to leave early."
99 parameters and performance ain't one
@MasterDatabase Comments deleted
what noise did they make
something like foxes screeching in the night
one assumes
can i get confirmation
from a reliable source
(anyone but peter)
well grok doesn't care much for safe dynamic sql it seems
a whole new world for consulting, fixing your AI security bugs
3 hours later…
I think it's ridiculous generative AI can write code at all
Somewhat correct code that does what it was asked too
Like, it doesn't strike me as something it should be able to do
I suppose the lakh of safety in dynamic SQL reflects the same quality in its learning set
It will eventually get it right
That was New Grok
It took 10 or so prompts for it to stop either writing unsafe dynamic SQL or to stop putting string splitters in the where clause
Or a mix of the two
> MSFT is re-announcing M365 Copilot Chat (the former Bing Chat Enterprise) today.
Why did we ever get rid of firing squads

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