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@Vérace You wrote lets instead of let's. I fixed it
Okay weekend is canceled you’ve all mucked everything to the back teeth
Back to work
2 hours later…
3 hours later…
A chairde - Morning all!
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Paul White - Oh dear... Black-balled! Hangs head sheepishly. Shame down the generations in the family. No choice now - bottle of port in the dining room, take out pater's old Webley and put an end to the wretched ignominy of it all! This is just the final straw, the one that broke the back of the dromedary. Looking over a recent comment where I was pointing the OP to the importance of first principles - but I realised with horror that I had written prinicipals.
OMFG - what do school headmasters have to do with databases? Worse still, I couldn't edit - my OCD went into overdrive as did my persecution complex - blamed everybody from the Brits (who, in all fairness, are normally at fault for everything) to the primary school that I attended... ah well, I'm just going outside - I may be gone for some time!
4 hours later…
> nobody gave a fig about democracy and/or the Jews
> Again, "cordial" != diplomatic! We still have diplomatic relations with Israel but they can hardly be described as "cordial". Anyway, how's the US doing supporting genocide in Gaza these days?
Both in one, not bad...
"democracy and/or the Jews" basically European history in a nutshell. Don't get me wrong, the British and Americans aren't much better.
@Yano_of_Queenscastle Yeah still find it funny that it got 25 votes, I didn't really say much.
@Charlieface Hot network questions tend to get more attention (=> upvotes) shrugs
That was the question, why was it so "hot"
My personal theory is that while technical, it is also relatively straightforward, and does not require any obscure knowledge to understand. Which makes it interesting for broader audience. Clickbait, if you will.
But I have no idea how are these picked.
so I may be completely wrong
@Yano_of_Queenscastle The latest information is in meta.stackexchange.com/q/325060, including the "points formula" via a link
In short, being a decent Q & A that is well-received locally helps get it on to HNQ. Being "clickbait"--or (more kindly) having wide appeal--attracts votes to keep it on the HNQ, up to 72h.
There is competition with other sites on the network, so choosing a quieter time might help with that
The mod team here doesn't have a very high bar for removing posts from the HNQ if they begin to generate too much noise/work
Or if they don't advertise the site well
Generating more votes is a bit of a side effect of the intended advertising element, attracting new users to the site
More Users, More Comments
Thanks for an explanation.
Here's a fun one
Q: SELECT COUNT(*), with missing FROM doesn't fail, what is it doing?

Dave ButlerI had acidentially written this code SELECT COUNT(*) "Table0" WHERE "Column0" = ? LIMIT 1; When I meant to write this code: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "Table0" WHERE "Column0" = ? LIMIT 1; I was really surprised that the first line compiled without giving any kind of error. I have checked the syntax ...

There's a reason the pros always like the alias = value syntax in SQL Server
Zero score has been replaced by the word "Vote" on SO I see
1 hour later…
At least they're getting to grips with the root causes of why the entire network is going down the Swanee (sans paddle)!
yes hello doing well thanks
glad 2 hear it
why was the weekend cancelled?
i forget
long day
nosferatu was p. good but still not as good as bram stoker's dracula
The book?
see transcript for details
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling well, ofc not
I hope the new one adds something not covered or done better in the 36262016376 previous movies
Does the vampire at least win in the end
No spoilers, I guess
i will not spoil
I cannot believe how dumb PSP is. I must be doing something wrong here
Even the Extended Events don't fire reliably. Well, ok, that's nothing new
And the data they contain is often wrong
Why does nothing work
i don't think microsoft cares about sql server anymore
Wasn't the original silent film also called Nosferatu as he was the original vampire?
Yeah, classic. That's partly why making a new one is a bold move
Not a huge fan of manicures, as I recall
What sort of name is Robert Eggers
B. Eggers belief
he made the vvitch
which was an excellent movie
but everything since has been a dreck
northman was awful
the lighthouse was too weird to live
> This adaptation by Eggers is seen as both a homage to the 1922 original by F. W. Murnau and an attempt to bring new life to the vampire mythos while maintaining its dark, eerie essence. However, opinions vary on whether it successfully innovates beyond its predecessors.
Opinions! So variable
like i said, it's good-enough (faithful, i suppose) take on the book. and it's a very nice looking movie.
it has some creeps and some spooks.
Ola Hallengren pushed a fix on a ticket I've created 5 years ago
jeff atwood had $8 million to give away
Must be nice
@Zikato So who is faster, him or MS?
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@SeanGallardy I'll let you know once MS actually finishes something
@Zikato Ahem. I finished multiple things so far, good AG fixes!
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling Oh yes, there's definitely space for terrible movies that become good in the right context
So are you fundamentally saying the only way to create a stored procedure on the secondary database while its synchronizing is to create the stored procedure on the primary database? Or alternatively suspend the synchronization? — Patterson 6 hours ago
I liked Untold because it genuinely added a new twist
@PaulWhite i don't remember if i saw it or not
@SeanGallardy you should have people pass a test before allowing them to set up an ag
that is a variable-level comment
@PaulWhite Too bad the subplot with Charles Dance won't get resolved.
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling The good and bad part about making things easy is you either make it easy and give people no knobs and everything just works that one way (aka Apple) or you make things easy and give them a crap ton of knobs and configs and assume people will be knowledgeable on the subject before effing with said knobs and configs. Sadly, most things fall in that 2nd bucket.
@Zikato Well, there's still time
I hadn't remembered the theme for Untold was performed by Lorde (🥝)
climbing a mountain in full armor is quite a feat
Not her best work, it must be said
Tears for Fears, yes
But Garbage did it well (IIRC)
I don't much care for Lorde's effort. I like her stuff more generally, especially the early bits
like remaking nosferatu, covering ts4fs is q a b gamble
Hm. I might have been thinking of When I Grow Up
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling Yes indeed
i can't decide what to listen to today
was on a bit of a faith no more kick, but i think that's wearing off
How about listening to the sound of disappearing comments
It's more pathetic than that
No exploding dux
comments are single-cell organisms
stray strands of RNA at best
a thin amino acid gruel
barely a flicker from the intelligent life detector
registers as organic compound
it's nice that sp_getapplock lets you set a lock timeout as a parameter
from back when microsoft cared
fit & finish
@Zikato I'll be honest, I'm not a huge fan of his code quality. Yes it works, and it follows recommended practices for backups and handles a lot of cases. But it's procedural code written in a single giant T-SQL script, which is about as bad as writing it in PHP. It should have been written in either Powershell or C# or Python, and broken up into separate functions.
Have you seen SQL Backup Master? Great piece of software, free version covers most cases.
and Standard and Pro versions are perpetual licence and don't cost much.
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling I love how his graph for inflation has medical care services and hospital services separate. Most people would put those in one.
Is it easy to edit the SQL Backup Master source code to fix bugs yourself or customize it
@PaulWhite Almost, you can raise a ticket and they fix it very fast. I've done so at least twice.
I mean, all power to them, but there's a lot to be said for an MIT script written in a language you already know and use every day to do much the same sorts of thing
I suppose you could decompile it (it's written in C#) and recompile it. But you pay for support.
Like I've said many times, DBAs need to learn real imperative languages if they want to do imperative stuff. T-SQL just doesn't cut it for those workloads.
c.f. Sommarskog's enormous series on error handling
You do talk a lot of shit sometimes
But at least you're emphatic with it
So credit for that
okaaay, I'll bite. So how do you catch a SQL compile error in SQL itself?
Oh here we go again
Yes, shock I am aware of that
What's that got to do with the price of fish
Why are you writing SQL that doesn't compile
I can't think of any good reason to write a backup solution in C#, Python, or any other programming language except if that's the only tool you know
So how would you send a backup to S3? Or to OneDrive?
Sounds like a DBA problem
Which only works on 2022...
And doesn't work with anything except S3 and Azure
Get an infra person to present the resource to SQL Server
Back it up locally and archive it async
idk it all rather depends doesn't it
Which can only be done by buying in some tool to present it as an OS drive, a rather bodgy workaround, which probably won't improve your costs.
That's a very can't do attitude
But sure, if you genuinely need something special that only paid/third-party software can do nicely, go with that. People have been doing that sort of thing forever.
Ola's scripts are third-party. They aren't provided by MS.
Don't be a dick
That's a long walk from saying probably the most widely used free community supported SQL script should be replaced with C# or Python
And remember, you can't spell python without y tho
10 mins ago, by Charlieface
okaaay, I'll bite. So how do you catch a SQL compile error in SQL itself?
If we're comparing C# and SQL...how do you do that in C#? It's not really an apples-to-apples comparison.
Catching SQL compile errors: try { // send SQL command } catch (SqlException ex) { //etc } If you're talking about catching a C# error, erm, it doesn't build.
There's probably some funky reflection, dynamic, or expression lambda thing
All of which are catchable.
> If you're talking about catching a C# error, erm, it doesn't build.
Charlie is teaching me about SQL and Josh about C#
That's what I was saying. C# can't catch C# compile errors at runtime. SQL can't catch compile errors at runtime. The reasons are different, but still.
It's a bizarre thing to be focussing on in the first place
I do relate to @Charlieface regarding enormous SQL stored procedures. They disturb me, and my instinct would be to try and break them up somehow. But it makes sense to do it that way for a lot of reasons.
Same here
I prefer smaller procedures with a well-defined single task
Doesn't always work out that way for various reasons
The good news is github.com/olahallengren/sql-server-maintenance-solution allows forks and pull requests
@JoshDarnell what I was trying to say was: if you are executing dynamic SQL, you can catch errors very easily in C#. But in SQL it becomes very difficult to cover all cases. You can't timeout a script, and you can't catch KILL or other aborts either.
@JoshDarnell I think that's my main bugbear also.
@Charlieface I see that now, I sort of misunderstood that part of the point you were making.
It's a common theme in scripts to end up very long, admittedly very easy to do in Powershell as well, and even in C#. Just less likely with the way it's designed.
I think also the tooling for refactoring in SQL is awful, and breaking into functions and procedures often makes the code longer not shorter.
eg in many IDEs you can select a piece of code and click "Extract into Function" or "Introduce Variable", but SSMS doesn't have that. It's starting to get better in DataGrip though.
We also don't have nested schemas, which means you have to put prefixes on either the schema or table name.
ah, this debate again
Apparently, the next SSMS has more VS-like facilities
It's also easy to catch C# errors from SQL
No idea what nested schemas would be about or where prefixes come in
But you need to do far less dynamic C# than dynamic SQL
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@PaulWhite Like MyDb.Sales.Customer.Address where Sales and Customer would both be schemas. Instead you need to do MyDb.Sales.CustomerAddress
@JohnK.N. Nice
Or maybe "private tables" or similar.
you could rig that with views
seems like a lot of work tho
What purpose is any of that serving except making SQL look more like a programming environment you're used to?
you get to type more dots
poor parsename
god why
oh no
A good thing about Ola's scripts is that they are nicely formatted and organized in general, and have some helpful code comments. By comparison, the last time I tried to look at sp_WhoIsActive I felt like I was losing my mind.
it feels like adam did that on purpose to dissuade casual tinkerers
I worked on the development of sp_WIA. It was as bad as you imagine
there are many parts of it i find completely alien
Many bad things are done in the name of performance or being self-contained
just the help section is a giant wtf
Yeah, that was all his work. He liked it at the time
One makes allowances for artistic expression
@Charlieface Going back to an earlier point. What particular example of a compile error did you have in mind? One that is uncatchable from T-SQL, I mean.
Actually, the worst bit about sp_WIA was trying to work out what DMV columns really mean
There was much frustration about start and end times, for example
You would think they would be easy and obvious
@PaulWhite I didn't know that!
@PaulWhite statement_end_offset always entertains, I have to google it every time.
I expect all Erik's procs to be converted to C# by the end of the week. If not, weekend will be cancelled
@Zikato Yes but you can't catch the ABORT weekend statement.
@PaulWhite god bless whomever wrote the expression to convert those to dd hh:mm:ss.ms
BREAK is what I can't catch
you will CONTINUE to not CATCH a BREAK
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling The issues were more about when exactly start time or end time occurred for a task, statement, or batch. The documentation doesn't say, and it was not at all easy to work out in all circumstances.
you can CATCH these hands
🎶 try jesus 🎵
@PaulWhite i get that, i've had similar problems in my scripts. it's all very disagreeable.
Yes, it is. And yeah, exactly that sort of thing.
May 11, 2021 at 19:39, by Peter Vandivier
user image
i'm trying to remember the problem i had specifically, it was probably when i was working on blitzwho initially.
I do apologise for denormalizing the transcript eariler
The specifics are always awkward to recall
One only remembers the pain
how hard can it be
There were many reports in the early days of negative durations and whatnot
all solved with ABS i'm sure
like most of life's problems, one variety of 6 pack or another makes them go away
@PaulWhite I'm misremembering. XACT_ABORT ON doesn't abort syntax errors was my issue.
@Charlieface But you can catch them
Yes, in an outer scope.
You need both XACT_ABORT and a catch for proper handling of syntax and binding errors, if I'm getting it right.
That's my understanding
Outer scope is always handy
There aren't very many truly uncatchable errors
An Assert (sever error occurred on your connection or something), but that's not actually supposed to happen :-)
Bugs do exist
Luckily, sequences on table variables are not very common
I half think that originally came up on DBA, but I can't find it now
Sommarskog has an interesting feature proposal SET STRICT_CHECKS ON which basically bans all the weirdness sommarskog.se/strict_checks.html
Lost of course
Yes, he's been banging that drum for at least a decade. No chance
I don't like the "Multi-column Conditions" section (too many times it's gonna trigger), but I would add banning SELECT @variable = col1 FROM someTable unless there is a uniqueness guarantee.
he has a neil peart sized kit of drums that'll never come about
ie if you see an Assert in such a query plan then you have a bug in your code, a missing TOP (1)
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling have to admire his persistence
dogged is a word created just for him
but seriously how did jeff atwood have 8 million dollars to give away
i'm still perplexed
@JoshDarnell Oh, to be clear: I didn't write any code directly. Helped with technical issues and pre-release testing.
did he cure cancer with cold fusion
Research assistant, perhaps
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling Presumably, his share of the SO sell off
i wonder what he got
i think i would need to have 100 million to feel okay giving away 8 million
I think he's pretty serious about giving most of what he has away at some stage
So, idk, 20 mil?
One doesn't really need that many millions to stop worrying about money
House etc paid off
I doubt he has zero ongoing income either
@PaulWhite ah okay.
> Stack Overflow was sold to Prosus, a Netherlands-based consumer internet conglomerate, on 2 June 2021 for $1.8 billion.
I may have been responsible for the nested replaces around the xml
But most of it was DMV hackery
I still have like 100,000 lines of Gchat about it
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling I wonder what it's worth today
$1.8 million perhaps
Jeff should put a bid in
can't be worse than giving it away
i scheduled a tweet for november 30th of this year
to celebrate the 25th anniversary of sql server 2000
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling He couldn't find anyone to employ... blog.codinghorror.com/why-cant-programmers-program
It seems to be getting harder to find anyone competent to do anything
@PaulWhite Thanks
Glad I missed most/all of that discussion
I'm a little behind, computer is having issues.
1 hour later…
windows update strikes again

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