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12:07 AM
Why do you let gravity off so easy
Seems like it would be just as liable here
Might be hard to prove intent
Its intent is its very nature
Never really singles anyone out though
Very equally applied
Some girls are bigger than others~
One could argue the ground supplies highly localised exponential negative gravity in the crash scenario
I thought I saw you misquote Morrissey on the socials yesterday
But yes, they sure are
12:33 AM
Oh yeah I realized that autocorrect made me look a fool a couple hours later
Responded quickly during a break while teaching
Suppose it could have been worse
It could
12:58 AM
The gravity of the situation doesn’t escape me
19 hours later…
7:43 PM
It's not often u c an en passant discovered checkmate
Wordle 1,177 4/6*

@PaulWhite depends on how often u look
8:28 PM
@PaulWhite where?
9:36 PM
In early don’t play chess enough but
Almost as impressive as
Location:	 Sql\Ntdbms\storeng\drs\include\fixedvarrecord.inl:3779
Expression:	 FALSE
SPID:		 57
Process ID:	 29820
Thread ID:	 7148
Description:	 Invalid switch value
A system assertion check has failed. Check the SQL Server error log for details. Typically, an assertion failure is caused by a software bug or data corruption.
Assertion check in an excited state
10:08 PM
I wonder if Postgres people have these problems
Postgres people open-source their problems
An equal opportunity assert:
Location:	 Sql\Ntdbms\storeng\drs\cdrecord.cpp:1321
Expression:	 FALSE
SPID:		 66
Process ID:	 29820
Thread ID:	 16764
Description:	 Invalid switch value
10:31 PM
10:48 PM
I think this is the maddest behaviour I have ever encountered from SQL Server
Like, completely way out wacky woo
Ghost records huh
Is someone pls with trace flags
@ErikDarling Often a feature of deletes when indexes are in use
Apologies for the writing delay, it took a while to nail down a sensible repro
11:44 PM
Is this a single record delete
11:55 PM
It can be

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