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Does it make coffee ?
Does it tell the time?
12:43 AM
@Charlieface I know. I didn't want to ping you
And please don't ask questions in comments. Ask your own question on main. Ask in chat.
Or make it clear you'd like the answer to address your point, assuming it's directly relevant to the question
@JoshDarnell They both die right at the start
The rest of the movie runtime is filled with road runner cartoons
@PaulWhite <insert roadrunner-tongue-noises.wav>
@ErikDarling It also really hurts when others don't think, don't you think?
basically applies to any verb
it hurts when you verb, and it hurts when other people don't verb
12:58 AM
@PaulWhite you rat bastard
@mustaccio have you got a study tho
It really hurts that you don't think I've got a study
tho I really haven't
is that study enough
I’d have to think about it
1:24 AM
don't hurt yourself
or others
2 hours later…
3:39 AM
@ErikDarling 🐬 🌊
8 hours later…
11:57 AM
Wordle 1,145 5/6*

Wordle 1,145 4/6*

the one eyed frog king has come
about time
12:12 PM
that got weirder than i thought it would
These are not the Altered Images I like
stop liking your own messages
Wordle 1.145 3/6*

2 hours later…
1:58 PM
Wordle 1,145 3/6

2 hours later…
4:20 PM
@Zikato A status message of a CSS engineer in your neck of the woods.
> These Czechs are an amazing nation. It's a pity they weren't there at the creation of the world. They could have advised. But even Czechs can’t read minds, so tell me the case number.
that right there is some next level sarcasm
I'm trying to convince another DBA here who is the person who maintains SolarWinds Database Performance Advisor that they don't need a sysadmin account to register instances, and that the DPA instruction manual shows exactly what to do. They keep insisting they need sysadmin, including "you can revoke sysadmin afterwards". Ohhhkaaay. nah thanks.
They don't need no stinkin' sysadmin.
"please show me where in the process you're hitting a roadblock that would be resolved with sysadmin"
I just told them to share the screen with me so I could do it
sorry, asked
I'm expecting they will come back and say "but we need sysadmin"
on another matter, we just had a meeting with 7 senior people to discuss whether or not we should open a firewall port for SMTP between this newly deployed SQL Server and the SMTP service provider we've been using for almost 10 years.
and in yet more news, just received this gem:
> Surface Command breaks down data silos by combining comprehensive external attack surface monitoring with internal asset visibility across hybrid environments to build a dynamic 360 degree view of your entire attack surface in one place.
I mean, folks, where is the promise of AI
i spent 10 minutes trying to get chatgpt to change the background of an image it drew to white
perhaps people are catching on that ai is not so great
4:37 PM
> 360 degree view of your entire attack surface in one place
so it becomes easier to attack
exposing all of your vulnerabilities
@ErikDarling that's so awesome. Getting AI to produce an image is a terrible experience.
Something went wrong lol I bet
some people seem to have mastered it
unless they're just happy with less
i dunno
i hear if you type "brian and lois" into chatgpt you get auto banned
Baking my first muffins ever, wish me luck
4:49 PM
good luck and may your muffins be tasty
5:14 PM
Status update
user image
> It's a pity they weren't there at the creation of the world
It all would have ended long ago
5:36 PM
There's a joke about eating muffins in there somewhere...
6:08 PM
pretty certain
Apparently SolarWinds DPA reports a job as failed even if it reports it succeeded if one or more steps fail.
The DPA DBA is recommending we use sp_stop_job to terminate the job instead of having the first step fail.
i.e. for jobs running on the AG secondary, the first step checks to see if the current node is the primary for the job's database. If the job is running on the primary, the step succeeds and the job proceeds, whereas if the job is running on the secondary, the step fails, causing the job to exit with status "succeeded".
they are saying instead of ending the step with status "failed", we should run sp_stop_job 'job_name'; and report success
SolarWinds is never going to get a good recommendation from me
6:25 PM
@SeanGallardy I ate a nice juicy muffin this morning, very enjoyable
it was made with blueberries, hence the juicy bit
1 hour later…
7:40 PM
@ErikDarling THird line "Luvee" what exact kind of entertainment are you offering ?
8:17 PM
@Criggie Clearly "ENVE" entertainment :P
To me, ENVE is a kind of differential for a landrover series 4wd. So definitely entertaining.
I wonder what the purpose of that website is.
I mean aside from the obvious "it generates a zip file"
gerenating a zip bomb ?
A well-formed zip archive that contains infinite null chars, and when someone or something unzips it, the unzipper uses all the resources
I particularly like the thought of "someone" unzipping it. Hopefully AI.
I created an account with Verisign GRS and now I have all the TLDs
> This db gets ~3 billions rows worth of inserts a day. That's basically all the activity.
I'd say that's all the activity
3 hours later…
11:28 PM
Not lakhing inserts

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