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3:17 AM
@ErikDarling from orbit, perhaps? Are you Ripley ?
3:34 AM
@Criggie I am clearly Ripley’s love interest
4:09 AM
3 hours later…
6:56 AM
Wordle 1.144 4/6*

7:14 AM
Wordle 1,144 5/6*

4 hours later…
11:40 AM
Q: Revision is gone, likely just rejected, but how could it vanish without any trace?

questionto42I have changed Getting a "Request to run job refused because the job is already running" When no job is running? to Why do I get a "Request to run job refused because the job is already running" when no job is running? at Getting a "Request to run job refused because the job is already running"...

12:03 PM
Logically you would think that join elimination should still be possible, by adding the missing IS NOT NULL predicate automatically. I wonder why it doesn't do this. — Charlieface 4 mins ago
There are many limitations to the simplification logic
@PaulWhite I suspect a lot of non-federal places are also going to stick to 19
I didn't know sql sentry stopped working on the plan explorer
12:42 PM
sql sentry didn't. solar winds did.
I think I can live with my inferior connection dialog box a while longer
Upgrading SSMS is always a pain in the ass anyway
Something always seems to break or change
My main reason to update is to remove the checking for open transactions popup
@Zikato That exists in SSMS 19 though?
I find myself using 19 so I don't have to constantly change the encryption options every single time in my test environments
12:57 PM
@PaulWhite I know, I'm still on 18 and that's the only reason I consider it
Ah, I see
like you said, upgrading is pain
I don't remember 18->19 being too bad, but I might just be masking past pain
do you also use Sql Prompt? I still have some broken functionality from the last upgrade
I wish they'd keep more up to date with new syntax rather than adding new features I will never use
1:06 PM
or locking useful existing features behind toolbelt license
Oh really?
Wordle 1,144 3/6*

1:21 PM
Yeah the sql prompt format can be used as a CMD (for example in pipeline) but you'll need the whole toolbelt license

in section: Features available only in SQL Toolbelt Essentials and SQL Toolbelt
Had no idea that existed
2:08 PM
@Zikato well shit - does that mean if you buy just SQL Prompt it doesn't work? that it won't work in the free trial mode? or both?
either way it explains why i couldn't get it to work in a purchasing pitch demo :\
1 hour later…
3:17 PM
@PaulWhite Yeah, was just wondering if I was missing something obvious, because it seems daft they didn't put that in.
By the way putting a comment as a link in chat does not ping me, you need to add my hashtag @PaulWhite
3:32 PM
   [ID] int IDENTITY(1, 1)  NOT NULL,
   [ROWID] uniqueidentifier  NOT NULL


^^^ an actual table, but like, why.
the [ROWID] is an artifact of migration from DB2.
the table is referenced via a foreign key
seems so bizarre to me
3:49 PM
its a synthetic piece of data that means nothing a bit column couldn't do in the referencing table.
I blacklisted twitter.com / x.com so I have no idea what happened on the weekend, but apparently a lot of folks are fleeing. I understand there was some comment about a civil war.
so glad to see Harris has chosen Minnesota's governor for running mate. Maybe, just maybe, the Democrats in America are going to show up for once.
4:32 PM
I've been staying off Twitter because of the nonstop Deadpool and Wolverine spoilers.
@JoshDarnell you could solve that problem by going to see it
though it's a bit odd that it's considered more ideal to pay to see the spoilers rather than get them all for free on the internet
in other news, i think eager spool < gather streams < sort might be my new least favorite trail of operators
perhaps limited to top percent plans
4:48 PM
@ErikDarling I enjoy the experience of being surprised in the theater.
Planning to go tonight. Or tomorrow
I have to secure childcare
5:01 PM
it is an enjoyable movie, even if a bit frantic at times
5:59 PM
@ErikDarling 🤷‍♂️ I'll ask her when she gets back lol. But today we're in Fire Island.
i hope the weather holds up for you
supposed to get murky out there
4 hours later…
9:49 PM
Thanks, yea its been interesting so far. Rain kept getting pushed back this morning and it went from cloudy to an actual warm and sunny beach day. So we caught some good sun. Just downpoured for an hour and now clear again lol
2 hours later…
11:35 PM
@J.D. hope you brought your floaties

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