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1:24 AM
@Charlieface Don't leave answers as comments then
1:35 AM
It's not a complicated concept
2 hours later…
3:25 AM
@PaulWhite No, I'm not planning to answer.
4:12 AM
@MichaelGreen Thanks
8 hours later…
11:51 AM
Wordle 1,142 5/6*

Wordle 1,142 X/6*

12:08 PM
@PaulWhite I've started writing an answer but it got too big so I turned it into a blog post instead
Is it still worthwhile to answer with just the snippet and some basic info and link to my blog?
@Zikato So long as the answer is an answer that offers some value without visiting the link, yes
@PaulWhite That applies to results as well though
@Zikato You asked me to elaborate
Fair enough. The "where execution plans appear" confused me because it omitted the results
I understand that
I couldn't remember offhand exactly what the SSMS option was called or what it did
I just knew it was something I set differently and didn't see in your post
12:17 PM
I like the results on the same panel, I just show/hide with Ctrl + R
Yeah, I find that less optimal
Too squished
> A plan recompilation is not necessary for the engine to change its mind about locking granularity between executions of the same plan.
@PaulWhite The default hotkey for switching between editor, results and messages is horrible though. F6 and Shift + F6
I use F5 for execute and F6 to cycle
btw: thank you @ErikDarling for reposting
12:23 PM
It's inconvenient when I switch to VS, but I don't use that nearly as much as SSMS
I never bonded with CTRL+E or whatever it is instead of F5
@Zikato no problem at all. I try to do that whenever I can.
F5 is from the golden age of SQL
Ctrl + e is useful for environments with strange keyboards where the f keys aren’t locked to their function calls
Have u tried not working w strange keyboards
12:31 PM
Also, I use bar mode instead of map mode for scroll bars
But this is a 19" laptop screen
I wonder how much of this workflow they'll break with the next SSMS
Next ssms will be just a popup to download ADS
12:47 PM
> Berkshire Hathaway has dumped more shares this quarter than any other quarter in its entire history.
Probably nothing
Maybe Buffet wants to build a pyramid
That's a gr8 idea
They were expensive even back in the day. Imagine what inflation would have done to that
1:05 PM
People always say: can't take money with you to the grave. Well, look at the pharaohs
@PaulWhite I’m sure there will be a co-pilot to help you
A movie theater nearby is re-screening Galaxy Quest today. It is turning out to be a great weekend.
By Grabthar's hammer, what a weekend
1:30 PM
Why yes
3 hours later…
4:17 PM
Wordle 1,142 4/6*

5:02 PM
@PaulWhite not really an answer IMO, which is why I left a comment. Because OP says they don't want "any crazy loop" so unclear what they do want, or whether dynamic SQL is the answer, and you didn't provide any actual code (athough now you've added a link to someone else's)
To wit
5 hours ago, by Paul White
@Zikato So long as the answer is an answer that offers some value without visiting the link, yes
On another note: someone really has it in for me with some serial voting, looks like it's mostly reversed now. Wonder what sort of penalty one gets for it
@Charlieface Of course it's an answer. It's exactly the answer I was thinking of while reading the question and encountering your not-a-comment answer. The link (also originally a comment!) is there as an addition. It is not the only content, such as a link-only answer would be.
argh ! thank you ! i assumed it would take any data file name and retrieve it's data. thanks. — Racer SQL yesterday
@Charlieface I can see who it is. Not someone I'm familiar with. Will check into it.
Q: Is the comment-only answer acceptable?

Peter VandivierI've just read a post that's really mundane. It's one of those "just read the error message" type questions. There's an obvious, correct, and incredibly trivial answer I can respond with; but I'm not sure the original post is high-quality enough to deserve a full post in reply. So... Is the comme...

@Charlieface I've sent a warning. Let one of us know if you experience more targeted votes.
6:07 PM
It’s tough being in the TOP (1) PERCENT of dbo.Users
1 hour later…
7:26 PM
@PaulWhite Thanks, will keep an eye out. Was kinda weird because that type of thing usually follows some sort of angry conversation somewhere, but can't think where that might have been recently.
1 hour later…
8:39 PM
@Charlieface you're ugly and your mother dresses you stupid
how did you know?

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