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12:25 AM
Fastest landing best landing
1 hour later…
1:35 AM
1 hour later…
3:00 AM
@ErikDarling nah, just a mini-moon at Fire Island for 2.5 days. Then she's leaving for Africa for 2 weeks. I'm chilling home. We'll go somewhere warm and awesome during the upcoming winter.
3 hours later…
5:31 AM
@ErikDarling Those views ultimately reference a non-parallelizable intrinsic function. Views are of course not functions themselves. I believe the intrinsic concerned is HAS_ACCESS().
For example, sys.objects references sys.objects$, which is:
CREATE VIEW sys.objects$ AS
		o.id AS object_id,
		r.indepid AS principal_id,
		o.nsid AS schema_id,
		o.pid AS parent_object_id,
		convert(char(2), case o.type when 'ET' then 'U' else o.type end) AS type,
		n.name AS type_desc,
		o.intprop AS property,
		o.created AS create_date,
		o.modified AS modify_date,
		sysconv(bit, o.status & 1) AS is_ms_shipped,				-- OBJALL_MSSHIPPED
		sysconv(bit, o.status & 2) AS is_auto_dropped,				-- OBJALL_AUTODROP
		sysconv(bit, o.status & 4) AS is_system_named,			-- OBJALL_SYSNAMED
A related item in standard T-SQL would be:
FROM dbo.Votes AS V
That's parallelizable without the WHERE clause
@ErikDarling You might be able to get a serial zone by wrapping the system view in a multi-statement table-valued function
5:51 AM
@MichaelGreen Are you intending to answer dba.stackexchange.com/q/341037 or did you just vote to reopen in a general sort of a way?
4 hours later…
10:17 AM
Wordle 1,141 3/6*

I'm getting good at this
Wordle 1,141 4/6*

11:10 AM
@PeterVandivier SentryOne Plan explorer has that feature (even though it doesn't anonymize the stat names which usually contain the index/table name)
That was suggested. The OP cannot install software
I really liked the plan explorer. Too bad it couldn't keep up with SSMS and add the operator times, etc
IIRC you helped with some suggestion on adjusting the showed costs somewhere, right?
I was involved with PE for a number of years, yes
11:21 AM
did it all go downhill due to the SolarWinds buyout?
That was a big part of it
But investment had already tailed off before then and I wasn't really part of it by then
I've missed the golden age of SQL. SentryOne was still good, SQLSkills team was active, there were still good engineers in MS
well, back to work. I have a first free afternoon in half a year so I can finally finish a blog post
2 hours later…
1:45 PM
@J.D. what do you do in africa for two weeks
@PaulWhite spiteful creatures
1:58 PM
okie dokie
2:27 PM
Wordle 1,141 6/6*

go back to frog school
2:40 PM
5 hours later…
8:01 PM
@ErikDarling Not often you see TOP PERCENT
8:56 PM
@PaulWhite I’m gonna make it really popular
1 hour later…
10:07 PM
10:24 PM
I like changing where execution plans appear
can you elaborate?
10:58 PM
@PeterVandivier SentryOne Plan Explorer does obfuscation but OP doesn't want to use that either, even on a different machine, because "reasons".
@PaulWhite Your answer looks more like a comment... oh wait maybe it was someone else's comment.... good thing you deleted the comment so nobody realizes....
11:25 PM

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