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1:16 AM
@PaulWhite So you're suipposed to line them up on-end like big books ?
@PaulWhite still pops for me even with no tabs open (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
1:34 AM
A chairde - Morning all!
Wordle 1,125 6/6*

Phew - made a silly mistake that nearly cost me my streak!
Shame - assaults on asylum seekers and proposed refugee accomodation attacked in Dublin!
2:26 AM
Wordle 1,125 3/6*

3 hours later…
5:09 AM
@PeterVandivier first thing I do
...since ages.
Wordle 1,125 4/6*

7 hours later…
12:26 PM
@ErikDarling Nice. And will you be adopting that as your new fursona from now on?
1:16 PM
Wordle 1,125 4/6*

2 hours later…
2:53 PM
Wordle 1,125 3/6*

Been a while since I had a guess with four yellows, I think.
3:46 PM
@ErikDarling idk if that branding checks out. that microphone looks like a rollup at a glance and the raccoon clearly has more body art
4:13 PM
it's the bear truth
4:37 PM
Can anyone spare a cigarette
Jun 7 at 12:03, by mustaccio
Wordle 1,084 2/6*

careful, it's already lit
5:20 PM
This isn't the performance tuning session
6:01 PM
you should go, i hear it's gonna be lit
6:13 PM
I prefer performance tuning in the dark
6:39 PM
I prefer dancing in the dark
much like The Boss
I prefer dunking on the dork
3 hours later…
9:37 PM
What about sitting on the dock? Its on the bay.
1 hour later…
10:45 PM
@Zikato given the tech of the day, big carbon-film microphones should be clearly visible right in front of them. Therefore its all mimed to tape or perhaps even to a record.
10:57 PM
Nevermind I bought cigarettes

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