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A chairde - Morning all!
Wordle 1,122 5/6*

Not a frog!
Wordle 1,122 4/6*

3 hours later…
Wordle 1,122 5/6*

@HannahVernon Wow! Two complete blanks for starter words - maybe you need help from an Irish scientist?
4 hours later…
Some people are simply determined to extract every last trace of joy from life
It’s nice that Irish scientists took a break from trying to determine how many beers Jesus could drink
Imagine leaving a comment on one of my unrelated dba.se questions to ask me to look at a question related to an article I wrote 12 years ago, which you didn't bother to finish reading. Further imagine you chose to ask your question on Stack Overflow.
Must be hard being a celebrity.
I really must learn to value my time less. This poor person didn't even have time to download AdventureWorks so they could run my examples directly. They did have time to mock up their own flawed test using tables only they can see, and which do not reproduce the issue for reasons I explained 12 years ago.
Of course, I'm mainly irked by the comment
I suspect trolling by some guy sat on a Tenerife beach
Surely no one would go as far in their trolling to post comments? One has to draw line somewhere!
Only simply never knows with advanced tolls. They can b v sneaky and subtle
Naturally, I wrote a detailed answer 🙄
Then bitched and moaned about it afterward
Thanks for attending my talk etc
You're way too nice
It's not always easy to balance setting boundaries and being nice.
But we appreciate you being nice.
Not really, I just can't cope with the idea of having seen an unanswered question about my article
To that extent, their strategy worked perfectly
A nice person wouldn't have constructed a special voodoo doll just for that person
But I suppose everyone does that as a coping mechanism don't they
I mean... I am not sure absolutely everyone. But I am absolutely sure someone.
Feedback so far indicates this is Perfectly Normal Behaviour
Of course, I had to filter out some obviously wrong feedback
Misinformation is rife on the Internet
@PaulWhite pool. Tenerife pool.
Was a beach before you started drinking there
The sad part is the length which all of this has been discussed without a single reference link
I'm sure naming & shaming would be bad form
Yes but the transcript must be benefitted
I'll continue with the pins & knives if it's all the same 2 u
Else wise it’s incomplete
And lacks normality
The interested researcher could find recent answers from me on SO if they had the time
Perhaps u should leave a comment on an unrelated dba.se answer to request the information
I hear that's a winning strategy
🤣 dont u dare 🤣
This is perhaps the strongest encryption I’ve encountered
Erik is temporarily suspended due to Rules Violations
Time will be served trapped on a small sandy island
Ah, the Palm Tree wing
Hides the guard towers quite well
Supermax security
Shark filled moat and everything
Beer only comes in plastic cups by the pool
Did u exhaust the prison champagne supply already
Champagne is tough to drink in quantity
Gives me a tummy ache
Gosh ur life is beset by challenges
I suppose beer is good for rehydration
For those in a lighter weight category
I’m always willing to take your advice
It's fine for your liver to also have a holiday, I suppose
I’m always willing to take your liver
I have been rewarded with another comment
Your Eternal Reward™️
For which I am Eternally Grateful™️
Are you humbled and honoured
Thank u for the spare u
That was an honor
4 u
@PaulWhite Shocked and awed I’m sure
It's all such a surprise
On the plus side I bought a pack of Benson and Hedges blues and they’ve been quite nice in the evenings
I had no idea they were available in blue. What does that signify?
B & H were always gold. That was sort of their thing.
I think blue generally indicates reduced strength
I see
2 hours ago, by Paul White
For those in a lighter weight category
Theme developing here, maybe
Has Sean been coaching you at all
Paul calling me thin and pretty
What a day
I just misread my phone's lock screen humidity display as the battery percentage and almost decided not to charge it
What was the humidity
But it is 1:40 am so
Are you keeping vintage cigars alive
> gunslinging space frog
@ErikDarling it also rained in the past half hour
> Simultaneously control a sword-wielding robot and a gunslinging space frog in Shoulders of Giants, an explosively colourful sci-fi roguelike. Play alone, with a friend, or as part of a four-person team, cutting through waves of enemies on a quest to rescue the galaxy from the forces of Entropy!
No point fighting Entropy
Seems like a silly game
@ErikDarling It's 55% inside rn
Phone @ 92%
Humidity or battery
@Vérace I use any word that popd into my head as I'm opening wordle. Sometimes it works out, other times not so much lol.
Most recently, I've been trying to get my final Wordle grid to tell a bit of a story, ideally a contemporary one
About frogs
And entropy
"Frogs" is tricky because, although five letters long, it's a plural
I might try to start with Space Frogs tomorrow regardless
Depending on what else comes up in the meantime
Humid cigar is also a possibility
One tries to also keep half an eye on actually winning as well
Humidity 85%, Phone battery 98%
I wonder if there would be a market for me live streaming my daily Wordle on Twitch
Probably six expert users
The ad revenue will be outta this world
I'm playing the long game here hoping at least one of the six will become a philanthropist billionaire
With a special appreciation for endangered kiwis
A plan like that doesn't really require any sort of backup
Good luck!
ty but I really don't see luck playing a part
That explains a lot
Well, hindsight is 6/6
It may not be a perfect strategy
user image
@ErikDarling No, no, no!!! You've got it all wrong - Irish scientists are interested in St. Patrick's beer drinking capabilities - those of Our Lord are obviously infinite! Heathen!
Mind you, St. Patrick would be a bit of a wild hoor after a few pints down the local!
Always chasin' de wimmin!
@PaulWhite 💯 💯💯
Also if I ever hit lotto for significant money Darling Data will become a non-profit employing the best and brightest researchers to figure out how much of their favorite drink they can drink
where do i submit my CV?
You’d have to find someone at Darling Data who knows what a CV is
idk you've been pretty liberal with the extra vowels lately
4 hours ago, by Erik Darling
Are you humbled and honoured
We here at Darling Data make extra allowances for the linguistically challenged
v consideurate
1 hour later…
@ErikDarling CV is shourt for resoume
Or résümé if in Ireland
@mustaccio there is no 'c' or 'v' in resoume
@Zikato Maybe in yours; there's plenty in mine
1 hour later…
@mustaccio why would I want anyone with a short resume
less time spent reading, more time spent invoicing
1 hour later…
Wordle 1,123 X/6*

Well then
Why did you keep guessing SNAIL
Because the immortal snail never stops.
Not the grenouille immortelle alors?
Wordle 1,123 3/6*

Coworker - (grumpy old man) Gets a new M1 macbook pro (yes it takes that long for stuff to arrive here)
He's doing some mandatory training thing full of 30 second videos, but each one takes 2 minutes to load before it will play.
So he bitches to local IT wallah......
Response from local IT expert: MY Laptop takes 20 minutes to log in!!! 2 minutes is good !!!!! You should be GRATEFUL !!!

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