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Hope you brought enough to share with the chat
i did didn't i
3 hours later…
Pickles > Olives.
4 hours later…
3 messages moved to ­Trash
Wordle 1,071 4/6*

> "The Heap™ – Consultancy ©®" is a chat group within the Database Administrators (DBA) community on Stack Exchange, rather than Stack Overflow. This chat room follows a similar pattern of humor and community engagement but is tailored specifically to topics related to database administration. Here's what you need to know about it:
> 1. Database-Focused Discussions: The primary focus of the chat group is on database administration topics. This includes discussions about SQL, database design, performance tuning, backup and recovery, and other DBA-related issues.
> 2. Humorous and Light-hearted Environment: As with many chat rooms on Stack Exchange, "The Heap™ – Consultancy ©®" maintains a humorous and playful tone. The name itself is a satirical nod to corporate speak, blending technical jargon with mock formalities.
> 3. Community Support: Members of the chat often help each other by sharing insights, troubleshooting tips, and best practices related to database management. Despite the humorous veneer, the room is a place where serious technical advice is exchanged.
> 4. Cultural References and In-Jokes: Participants in the chat often use cultural references, in-jokes, and memes that are specific to the database administration community. This helps foster a sense of camaraderie and shared identity among members.
> 5. Welcoming Atmosphere: The room aims to be inclusive and welcoming, providing a space where database administrators of all levels can ask questions, share experiences, and learn from each other in an enjoyable and engaging way.
> In summary, "The Heap™ – Consultancy ©®" is a DBA-focused chat group on Stack Exchange that combines technical discussions with a humorous and community-oriented approach, making it a unique and supportive space for database professionals.
1 hour later…
Wordle 1,071 3/6*

7 hours later…
Wordle 1,071 4/6

Turdle 1 6/6
@ErikDarling hah
Wordle 1,071 4/6*

2 hours later…
Wordle 1,071 3/6*

@PaulWhite rude gesture

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