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Who knew Hitler's birthday was such a big deal in Holland
Wordle 1,037 4/6*

7 hours later…
@PaulWhite because he loved to smoke weed
seems unlikely, I have to say
didn't exactly behave like your typical stoner anyway
Well he loved meth more
more plausible
2 hours later…
Why so
Dude really wanted to chill in France and do some paintings
Eat some pastry
Vegan gluten free
Prob drink absinthe
A real bohemian
On meth
So, he might have been less bad than he seemed?
Less? Or führer
The generally tolerant official drug policy in the Third Reich, the period of Nazi control of Germany from the 1933 Machtergreifung to Germany's 1945 defeat in World War II, was inherited from the Weimar government which was installed in 1919 following the dissolution of the German monarchy at the end of World War I. == Historical background == Before the First World War, the collaborative research efforts of the German university system and German corporations enabled the German corporate sector as a whole to obtain a virtual worldwide monopoly on drugs whose production required chemical expertise...
If only cocaine had been invented 🥳
Perhaps he would have been kinder on e’s and wizz
> In 1569, Spanish botanist Nicolás Monardes described the indigenous peoples' practice of chewing a mixture of tobacco and coca leaves to induce "great contentment"
Where do I sign up
I could use great contentment
> Dr. Morell went on to prescribe powder cocaine to soothe Hitler's throat and clear his sinuses.
> Whether Hitler was addicted to amphetamines remains unclear.
As far as I can see, that entry doesn't mention marijuana at all.
I hear they have heaps of Hitler editors to ensure accuracy
Is there anything government doesn’t ruin
They’re probably behind Coke Zero too
I used to really like Coca-Cola, but it is far too sweet for my taste these days
I don't know what Coke Zero tastes of
But it isn't anything good
Diet Coke is just plain repulsive and always has been
The vanilla and cherry cokes were very nice at the time
@ErikDarling Mild smirk, but yeah I suppose there are plenty of German experts and historians around
Our recent visitor also left two cans of sugar-free Red Bull in the fridge over there
They're still there
Perhaps it’s a different formulation, but Diet Coke (with a lemon) is the only soda I find tolerable
Well, each to their own
Only the medium Nando's peri-peri sauce was immediately available locally. I tried it tonight and liked it. I don't think I'd need it any hotter.
I had very nice pani puri last night
Looks nice
Don't you ever eat normal-looking food, on the correct size of plate?
@PaulWhite wonder if they sell Nando’s in the US
Perhaps Amazon
Probably not, it seems quite exotic
I spat out any bits that tasted of Freedom anyway
I suppose we should be grateful you finally found stable wifi
It was a sushi place called Taiko. Those were just the generic dinner plates. Everything arrived on an appropriately sized and decorated conveyance.
Were the staff appropriately qualified
Their mettle was tested and not found wanting
And on wheels
Like all good luggage
Also there was a Japanese man that played a drum every time you walked by
It was an interesting touch on the way in but on the way to and from the bathroom seemed overkill
Now there's a job that will never be replaced by AI
Did he bang a different rhythm while you were in the bathroom
As it were
One drumbeat for wees, two for poos
Three always raises an eyebrow
I wonder what sort of career advice and early qualifications lead one into that sort of employment
Always sounded the same
Discretion is important in these crowds
Did you find out what his official job title was?
Human Proximity Alarm Associate, maybe
Or perhaps they rotate the role among the staff
Dunno, he seemed quite dedicated
Doesn't seem much to keep one in a state of great contentment
Might have been on drugs
Oh wait, this is in Amsterdam
He’s just high on drums
Helps to drum up business, I guess?
Maybe the mounting irritation ensures a good turnover of seating
This could be a whole science
Maybe it's not even an employee. Just a random crazy person
Good thought
Maybe a billionaire who had rejected modern life and found true enlightenment
There are several unanswered questions here
I thought pani puri was Indian food, so it seems odd to have a Japanese drummer
Z quoting only the very best of sources
yeah. Nothing too convincing
I can chatgpt next while we're at the great sources
Nothing from MS Documentation so far
I bet they only do it for tourists who look like they might have a habit of tipping
> The drummer will stop and go get a drink for USD 50
It'd be funny if he gradually moved toward your table and increased the frequency and loudness of the drumming until you gave him money
Savvy locals take ear plugs, and a concealed water pistol
He drummed for us all
American and lesser life forms alike
Perhaps he was new
Taiko is a Japanese restaurant but featured an ~eclectic~ cuisine
As long as you had a good time
I wonder what a Dutch restaurant would serve
There was a lot of wagyu involved
Stroopwaffles and gouda, for sure
@PaulWhite Dutch Baby
Yes, that's what i said, sweetheart
Beef fat frites and mayonnaise
Und waffle ist nein ein DUTCH BABY Herr Weiss
A stroopwafel (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈstroːpˌʋaːfəl] ; lit. 'syrup waffle') is a thin, round waffle cookie made from two layers of sweet baked dough held together by syrup filling. First made in the city of Gouda in South Holland, stroopwafels are a well-known Dutch treat popular throughout the Netherlands and abroad. == Description == A stroopwafel's wafer layers are made from a stiff dough of flour, butter, brown sugar, yeast, milk, and eggs that has been pressed in a hot waffle iron until crisp. While still warm, the waffles have their edges removed with a cookie cutter, which allows t...
> ...Dutch restaurant...
Dutch, baby
Yes, that's what I said, sweetheart
That's all the explanation I'm offering
It occurs to me that a party booking, correctly spaced and paced, could get quite a good tune out of that drummer
Moving in a loop, you'd have the beginnings of a DnB track
Maybe that wouldn't be culturally respectful or sthg
I'd have a real yen to try it though
Would cost you quite a few yen to try it
Not sure what a thruple exchange would look like from NZ to Yen to Euro
Maybe wait until after the nuclear dust settles
I hold everything in gold
Oct 13, 2023 at 14:12, by Paul White
Oh, and diamonds
Wordle 1,037 X/6*

that ended my 65 day streak
dead frog
end of the road for him
had a good run etc
@ErikDarling because we all know where the Nazis' drug policy ended up.....
@PaulWhite learn.microsoft.com and docs.microsoft.com go to the same place for me. Does it depend on country?
@Charlieface No, I just h8 "learn"
2 hours later…
@Charlieface where’s that?
@HannahVernon just about made it
Wordle 1,037 6/6*

@JohnK.N. yeah, frustrating. I see you got it just in time!
@PaulWhite most definitely
you had the bad luck of having that letter in the second place after your second guess.
yeah it threw me
my wife got it in 4 ofc
you know, just to add insult to injury
I'm in process of setting up a Distributed AG between our on-premises production AGs and our Azure AGs. The on-premises setup has an AG between two nodes, and a Distributed AG to our on-premises DR site, for a total of 3 nodes. Similarly, our Azure setup is two nodes for HA using a regular Availability Group, and one node for DR in a different zone running as an AG, with a Distributed AG between them.
So, to get data to sync between on-premises and in-Azure, I create a third Distributed Availability Group spanning on-premises to in-Azure. So far, pretty smooth. Auto-seeding has worked for almost all databases, which is sweet.
One of the databases where auto-seeding didn't work had to be manually restored in Azure (not sure why Autoseed failed). When I did the restore I forgot to use WITH NORECOVERY, so I waited for an hour for the restore, then of course, had to do the restore again. Awesome.

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