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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 20:00

@JoshDarnell their?
I wonder why they chose VS shell over VS code
Maybe all the GUI weirdness of SSMS was too hard for VSC
Oh! Azure Data Studio was their attempt to develop an SSMS replacement using VSC. I did not know that before
2 hours later…
@PaulWhite my shame 😲
2 hours later…
Wordle 1,243 5/6*

Goodness me I hate when that happens
1 hour later…
Wordle 1,243 5/6*

3 hours later…
Wordle 1,243 6/6*

Everything (aside from the trivial stuff) about git feels like arcane magic with any number of hard-to-remember invocations requiring fresh chicken's blood and whatnot
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling DB scoped configuration was already available in 16.x
I suppose they mean something else
> New page in the database properties dialog for Database Scoped Configuration options
Maybe it means moving the highlighted section to its own tab (or a new page)
There are quite a few options not listed though
So perhaps they're looking to include all those as well
> Language support for Czech, Polish, and Turkish
Why do they bother? Good luck getting any help online if you're using localized version. You have to guess what was the original English text anyway
@PaulWhite Thanks!
I'm back to the usual amount of shame now.
@Zikato They're v progressive at MS. Have to be seen to be doing 'the right thing'
Why they chose those three languages is anyone's guess
Probably to raise their DEI and ESG scores
Well Czech because the 24/7 support (follow the sun) is sometimes based in Czech Republic, maybe?
@JohnK.N. that's a bit like saying dark mode has always been available.
4 curious mindz
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling How usable is it? Running it in a sandbox/VM or main desktop? I don't suppose SQL Prompt works with it
it's plenty usable. i just installed it on main to see what a few things looked like.
i didn't have time to test reinstalling sql prompt for compatibility but i'd be rather quite surprised
The new connection experience does sound exciting
I was thinking SQLPrompt might work because it might see SSMS 21 as VS
oh well let's find out
There's usually a SQLPrompt update available
Maybe that doesn't work like a reinstall does idk
Now they've u-turned on dork mode, the betting odds improve for the T-SQL debugger
Imagine explaining to a programmer in 2024 that your IDE doesn't have a debugger, so you use print statements
let us begin the seeing
ah yeah nah it didn't pick up
oh well
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling Yes, i c
i bet there's an enum file in sql prompt that just needs to have the path for 21 allowed
Maybe RedG8 will issue a st8ment
They've been p good about that with past previews, in general
do i have to do everything 4 u ppl
good point
Not that I'm wedded to SQLPrompt. It's just so much better than the built-in IntelliSense
Maybe they'll notice how shit that is and fix it at some stage
General VS/code IntelliSense is gr8 these days -- better than SQLPrompt really
For programming languages anyway
I guess SQL is different because of all the stupid metadata queries you have to run
Not to mention all the things that aren't in the metadata
i have seen the auto complete for c# etc and i am impressed
probably all the stupid dependencies muck things up 2
sql server version and compat level
it irks me to no end that you can't add a compat level hint to certain queries to use enhanced compat level t-sqls
i wonder whose idea that was
they do not get a 🍪
Oh yes, not just metadata queries -- the whole ScriptDom thing
I wonder if SQLPrompt is built on that
it can't be metadata for everything because it refuses to accept that there's a compat 160 use hint
It's not exactly built from engine source as I recall, but they do keep ScriptDom impressively up to date
didn't it not recognize forcescan as valid syntax for a long time
there was something else too
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling Yes, SQLPrompt has been falling behind for a while. I wonder why
the time really will just flyway
Maybe they wrote their own implementation and just ran out of interns
english summers, you know
Could be licencing issues with using ScriptDom in a commerical product
well they started bundling sql prompt with vs something or other no?
It's a funny thing. Heaps of effort goes into ScriptDom, but then they hardly document it at all. Arvind Shyamsundar does an ad hoc thing on his blog.
Perhaps RedG8 will have extra revenue to invest after the Summit extravaganza
Hugely popular and well-attended precons this year, I hear
I suppose they'll w8 to c how many refund requests come in
no refunds
at least not for me
Reverse invoice action. Can u imagine
I was joking about the refunds
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling It's slightly weird though because you'd have a hint in the statement that affects the parser. The parser would probably need to restart using a different config when it reached the end bit where the hint is. Not insurmountable, just a bit odd
I mean, I can sort of see why it doesn't work
@PaulWhite It is
@Zikato They're a bit behind with their chores then
well it's not like RG maintains scriptdom, so it's not on them
@Zikato It kinda is because ScriptDom is far ahead of SQLPrompt
It's generally very good in fact, often ahead of the official docs
That's where I first saw the suppress messages option for ignore-dup-key for example
interesting back when I was investigating it was definitely behind
I mean, I might be wrong on the detail, but that's how it seems to me
suppress me scriptdom
that's like 2 years back
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling we'll get you a different dom
Oh yeah well I was looking at it more recently than that
I'm planning to start a project with scriptdom as C# learning exercise
I've always thought that would be fun, if potentially frustrating
Because if Arvind hasn't written about it, you won't have anything to go on
Lakh of learns
Well they made it open source back in 2023 maybe the situation improved since then
I would write a tighter SQLPrompt and just eat their (and IntelliSense's) lunch
I will create a script formatter with no options. Then everyone will be stuck with leading commas. Muahahaha
@Zikato Yeah, that's the classic post that links to Arvind
default post, really
Always strikes me as odd that young Z has many fine qualities in general, then ruins it with comma placement
Flaw in the rug, perhaps
I usually read the Dan Guzman's scriptdom blog post. Also Ed Elliot's

> The script DOM library official documentation is rather scant
In theory, you could answer your questions from the GH source
In practice, a fair amount of it is impenetrable
And there's hidden antlr stuff and whatnot
@PaulWhite it was written in 2020
But if it were easy, everyone would b doing it
@Zikato Yep
Maybe I should spend some more time on it. I wouldn't mind building a source of passive income
There's this sort of inevitable pattern where a good product like SQLPrompt seems to get handed over to marketing or something. The core gets neglected and they start adding bits no one asked for. Like AI.
Warning about missing WHERE clauses etc
yeah or branching out to 20 different database engines
Even code formatting is a bit of a stretch
Though they made a brave effort at that
The missing where clause rule is trickier than it seems
Well, naturally
Some people ended up writing WHERE 1 = 1
I just turned the whole damned feature off
There are heaps of rules that are no doubt well-intentioned
It's most annoying when I'm doing update via CTE. The where clause is in the cte but not in the final update
But everything is trickier than it seems
On a similar theme, the SSMS team would be well advised to ditch the CoPilot idea right now
There is no turning back now
@PaulWhite it's probably one of the few things they can get funded for dev work
Marketing said it would be good to write SQL queries from Natural Language
microsoft is truly sick with it
It's a pattern. People just can't seem to be happy with using a thing for what it is objectively good at. They have to wildly extrapolate to it solve all known problems everywhere for everyone at all times
It's to appease all these single-issue voters users
Well, exactly
I blame the overuse of superlatives
And misuse. Like "very unique"
"vast majority"
it's like saying "big huge"
I'm pretty ok with "vast majority" though
Better words exist for sure, but it gets an idea across
Very unique utterly grinds my gears
It's either unique or it's not. It can be any more unique than unique.
@PaulWhite Unless the mandates that all things will have AI in it and that determines your end of year review, the AI sludge will continue to flow
Whereas vast majority implies something much more than a simple plurality
Super cool having that in the VS installer.
@JoshDarnell Really is
VSI being a work of art these days
Everything's neat, quick, and just works. Update on close is a neat thing as well
vast is subjective though
Is that an actual fact?
some people would say it for 65%, others for 85%
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling The other one that gets abused massively is "critical". Everything's bloody "critical" even when it's clearly not even moderately important in the gr8er scheme of things
these tipping points are killing me!!!
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling it is. It's not a precise expression, but it's not redundant or tautological either
If everything is crucial, nothing is.
- Syndrome (probably)
Yep, wild extrapolation and exagerration everywhere
@PaulWhite Are you absolutely certain about it?
@Zikato Yeah well, look I see the point but I'm not trying to insist language be sensible or logical or anything obviously unattainable or undesirable like that. There are examples of useful redundancy for emphasis. "Very unique" just makes me want to hurt people, that's all
That's fair
It's a background irritation most of the time but some country just had a really public election process go on for about 724620644084 years and everyone was at it
I dislike the redundancy hidden in abbreviations. For example LED diode
it was quite unprecedented
@Zikato ignoring the classed "ATM machine"
The worst thing is that in the end no one really knows what was actually promised and what was wildly exaggerated rhetoric etc
PIN number
to get the classic out of the way
It's at the stage where if you express a thought in reasonable terms, no one takes any interest because it's not "critical" or "very critical" or w/e
All v much like overusing !important in CSS
Appealing to the local webdev crowd
Do you expect people to put some thought into their code?
expect might be overstating it
the vast majority of people might expect it tho
it's probably quite subjective
The language is losing richness if nothing else. Everything's "amazing" when clearly it's not even remarkable, or possibly noteworthy
Amazing point, man.
And I suppose this is how we end up in stupid places like "very unique". You went superlative too early and are now painted into a corner
i'm gonna start reverse marketing
"this thing sucks, you gotta try it to see how bad it is"
@PaulWhite It's not the worst point to make in the grand scheme of things
Erik just went full clickbait Youtuber on us
Erik shared an otherwise interesting video recently, which I almost stopped watching when every question from the audience was met with, "That's a gr8 question" even when it was clearly the most mundane of interrogatives and sometimes even bordering on the daft, indicating the person hadn't been awake for the main talk
@Zikato He's just after a useful passive income
Most questions suck, anyone who says differently is selling something
@PaulWhite which one was that?
as a public speaker you're taught to tell everyone their question is great regardless of quality to they feel welcomed and included
i usually say "wow you really spaced out" instead
unless you're Brent
I'm not advocating for people being rude, like "that's a stupid question, were you asleep for the talk" but decorating everything with the same stock platitude is just meaningless at best and insulting to the intelligence arguably
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling The PhD student
now I gotta see how bad it is
It's not an egregious example, it just came to mind
@Zikato lol
there was one precon comment where an attendee told us they really improved a query by reducing logical reads, though the query didn't actually get faster
"it was still about 7 seconds"
Reading the comments on Brent's blog posts is always kind of funny. 50% of his responses are just telling the commenters that they are stupid.
It's a tough job but someone has to do it
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling Right. But why
I mean people are taught all sorts of stupid things
> 5 files changed, 161 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
@PaulWhite brent probably said to do it
Be careful with CUs :D
I created a hardlink today so git works how I want
I will no doubt regret this
It was originally a symbolic link but OneDrive wapped out on it
It's fascinating to me that all files are in fact hardlinks and my new fancy hardlink is indistinguishable from anything else without running fsutil on it specifically
So, I now have two files in two different places that are essentially the same file
Future me is going to come back in time and kill me so if you have anything important to ask, I'd get on with it
can i have your sql server notes
next question
can i have them when you're dead
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling O btw Amanda shared one of your white wines with the neighbour today and they absolutely raved about it
Shazi Riesling 2023 or something like that
produced by darling data vineyards
u can have my spare wine
u will not need a big box
spare wine
as if there was ever any of that
Pretentious people speak of cellars
There's something vaguely offensive about owning more wine than you could ever drink
Like, what is the point of that
we should ask the billionaires in the room
Another pointless species
isn't that the truth
they are dogmatic with their money and their wine.
There's a general trend where increasing wealth correlates with increasing pointlessness
Exceptions exist, ofc, but that just proves the rule, I'm told
It must be hard to regard anything as important when you have a few billion in your back pocket
I just wanted to say sorry about yesterday's short but nonetheless pointless political debacle.
I should learn never to engage like that
Did nothing to improve the gymnatics, but such things happen when ALL CAPS are allowed
oops there I go again
Learning is slow, but we're in it for the long haul
hey at least SSMS runs under modern Visual Studio now though hey
It all starts with comma placement, you know
i would like to be a pointless billionaire
oh my god I hope chat.se never dies
i'd make all of you pointless millionaires
@HannahVernon Yes, that's all v encouraging and I hope they don't have time to fuck it up
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling Nothing wrong with millionaires
it's when you have a thousand million where it becomes pointless. And that only applies for the next 5 decades or so until a billion is worth the same as a million in today's spending power.
Everything is nuanced
except dogmatism
you're on a roll today, as always, it seems
idk, the stupidity of it all is that pretty much everyone that owns their house in my town is technically a millionaire
You can all be millionaires just convert your money to HUF
Local factors are especially important in the present discussion
If I were ever in a position where there was more wine available than I could ever drink, I would immediately start throwing parties
Or send the wife around to the neighbours', which p much comes to the same thing
Someone could DDoS you with wine
So much of the local social fabric is based on rocking up unexpectedly with a bottle of good wine
I can think of far worse things
@Zikato They're most welcome to try
Unexpected surprise - that's another nice phrase.
There's a lot to be said for the death penalty really
In other news, we're going to see a 75 year old rocker and his E-Street band that's been around for 50 years tonight. Should be fun.
wow, shipping to NZ is expensive
You should try living here
when i'm a billionaire i will
I wanted to send the best boxed wine Czechia has to offer
I thought wine was supposed to be a gift
It's always a gift
Free gift, one might say
Not if one would like to remain unshot
I could send you some wine from Manitoba but I think you'd probably unfriend block me
Yous seem to be under the impression there is some sort of wine shortage here
idk if you didn't read the transcript
we quite like the New Zealand wine here
but that is Not A Gr8 Question
The configurations page is kind of funny when connected to a SQL Server 2016 instance.
Compared to Erik's screenshot.
> Yet there is an explanation as to why the Czech wine industry is shrouded in mystery. Due to the fact that the country consumes the large majority of the annual production each year, most of us non-Czech wine folks never get a chance to try them

@JoshDarnell I was just about to ask why yours was so much shorter than Erik's, but paused to rephrase
Nice of them to avoid "vast majority" there for @E's sake
It's a perfectly cromulent expression
> Trump mulling Tulsi Gabbard for top intelligence job
sorry I couldn't help myself
@Zikato One doesn't hear "large majority" very often. Was that translated?
I feel like they could have made that text more invisible
@Zikato Ah, an American
yeah, I had to ctrl + a
funny I selected a bunch of text as I was reading it
Arielle DeSoucey is a good name for a wine educator (whatever that may mean)
Probably translates to "Ariel the Permanently Sauced"
And why is everyone always smiling in photographs. When did that become normal
Czech wine expert is not a phrase you hear every day
Certainly not every day
it sure looks like beautiful countryside
We've been winemaking since 2nd century
@PaulWhite Well done.
I'd like to keep my current shame levels intact for at least a few hours.
Simple person amused by wine bottle
@Zikato One drop at a time?
looks like she has a good grip on it though
I suppose one learns not to drop the bottles early
I tried to open a wine bottle for someone once. I didn't look very happy. Absolutely ruined the cork.
It's a fraught operation
No one smiles like that while doing it
Unless they're giving up and amused by their own incompetence
All the wine I ever drank myself had a threaded twist off cap 😄
Maybe that's what happened
@PaulWhite I might've have landed there in the end.
@JoshDarnell That used to be a sign of cheap wine, but it's very much gone the other way in recent times. Too many good wines ruined by duff corks
lots of countries decided their citizens couldn't be trusted with wine openers
being sharp objects
I bet the stats on that are appalling
Imagine having "died failing to open a wine bottle" on your cert
America, the land of "don't microwave your cat"
You'd never live it down
Our hairdryer has a warning not to use it in the bath
Can you even enjoy a wine without the satisfying pop of the cork?
In. The. Bath.
@PaulWhite does make you wonder if that has actually happened
@PaulWhite Well.
@Zikato Yep
But yeah ok, there is some satisfaction in opening a fizzy wine just right but why take the risk
You're never quite sure the wine is ok until you taste it
Fizzy wine is the last refuge of the cork really
Most of the time, I know the wine's going to be just gr8 and I don't want any unnecessary delay in getting into it
it's not that hard to open the cork though. You just leverage the lever
@PaulWhite I had no idea!
Yeah, no one wants "corked" wine or bits of cork in the wine
I expect corks are more expensive than screw tops too
And there's also boxed wine
Boxed wine will always have a special place in my heart
well it's good for mulled wine
It's best when the box is removed and you all just glug whatever horrible liquid is inside from the foil balloon
Quantity does have a quality all of its own
Couple of glasses (cups) in, no one cares
> In. The. Bath.
Student times were all about optimising for alcohol per unit dollar
that's where your hair is most wet, innit
Do people wash their hair in the bath? I suppose they do
I've only ever seen it in unlikely-looking scenes from movies
There'll no doubt be someone who makes toast in the bath too
If bath is the only thing you have…
It seems that, over time, these incidences will naturally decrease
@Zikato Isn't that fairly rare these days?
These days yes but I can still remember it
The Romans were big on baths
Only see showers at the swimming pool these days
and Wells
Heaps of those in Tunbridge, I'm told
Many people seem worried about it
I wouldn't go that far. Only concerned
I had never noticed the cricket theme b4 2day
Wells () is a cathedral city and civil parish in Somerset, located on the southern edge of the Mendip Hills, 21 miles (34 km) south-east of Weston-super-Mare, 22 mi (35 km) south-west of Bath and 23 mi (37 km) south of Bristol. Although the population recorded in the 2011 census was only 10,536, (increased to 12,000 by 2018) and with a built-up area of just 3.244 km2 (1.253 sq mi), Wells has had city status since medieval times, because of the presence of Wells Cathedral. Often described as England's smallest city, it is actually the second smallest to the City of London in area and population...
Far too far forward. Asking to get stumped
They have some gr8 horses in Weston
One in particular
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 20:00

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