@HannahVernon No regrets, genocide is a red line. I'm very public about voting for Stein and I would do it again. More correctly, I will do it again. ;) I would suggest people that can't break with the Democratic party: (a) accept their own failure because had they have broken with Democratic party we may have a vibrant third party; and, (b) at least hold your party (the DNC) accountable. Ro Khana, and Bernie Sanders have both came out and owned the failure. Own it, and right the ship (if possible).
Democrats did it to themselves. They deserved to lose.
Hanna defriended me on FB. Despite being a long time trans ally, she's upset because I reject any application of harm-reduction that places pronouns on driver's licenses on a spectrum of evil that includes Palestinian genocide. It is amazing though how indoctrinated the trans community has gotten as a result of an obvious Democratic push to monopolize social issues and ignore war and economic ones.
@EvanCarroll people literally kill themselves because of the actions of those in power in Texas. Don't allude that I unfriended you for any other reason than I no longer need to see people actively vote against people like me. I'm free to do what I feel is necessary for my own health. And FYI, posting X links is meaningless to me since I will never visit that cesspool of hatred and division again.
@HannahVernon I never voted against "people like you". I voted for someone with a stronger platform for trans people than Democrats (no one disputes this). And of course you're free to defriend me for any reason. =) And I never made it out to be personal. I think that's a fair description of what happened -- in the context of an election -- "I reject any application of harm-reduction that places pronouns on driver's licenses on a spectrum of evil that includes Palestinian genocide".
Is it not fair to say that your vote was on the basis of what perceive as harm-reduction?
I just went to the homepage, and half the posts are about how awesome BlueSky is, and how many new users they're getting, and how Twitter is collapsing.