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@J.D. This is why the Mets lost.
2 hours later…
Local factors?
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling Lets test that theory tonight.
@J.D. may your steak knife chip and shatter.
That was the wife's anyway. I went burger.
@J.D. Do you work for Duke?
@SeanGallardy Only if they did something good...otherwise nah...
But on the real, I think Duke might be one of our customers. I work for Haugland Group, or the division that does storm restoration is mostly Haugland Energy.
@J.D. Ahhh, ok. I was going to say, I have some feedback on their system that gives people updates :D
They did a good job overall on repairs
@SeanGallardy Get me commas in SSMS Tooltips and I'll make sure your feedback is heard. ;)
But I had an alert last night telling me I would have my power repaired on Tuesday.
Meanwhile I had my power back Saturday
Under-promise over-deliver.
@J.D. Sure, where would you like them? I can add in apostrophe's for no extra charge
Query Store's reports would be awesome. :D
If I ever get time, again, I have an ssms add-in I wanted to add in the output of quickiestore for various common scenarios in a nice UI (though I suck at UI, so, meh)
Quickie Store has all the commas
@SeanGallardy What frameworks are you using again for that?
@J.D. None :D just C#
It goes right along with the half completed native backup file reader I wrote
I got in-memory decompression working and decryption working and then haven't touched it since
Worddd, sounds like my projects these days. I don't have the stamina anymore to finish things with how many projects I jump around on at work lol
exactly :/
I remember when I was young and naive, back when I first learned C# (and WPF at the same time), I built a whole tabletop game client for MTG in a few weeks, similar to Cockatrice (for anyone familiar). It worked pretty well. Code was trash I'm sure, being my first year out of college, but functionally it was solid. But nowadays I barely have interest completing projects requiring 1/5th the amount of work.
@J.D. We probably would have been good friends. I used to play MTG all the time.
I made a rating database for it for our largish friend group for tournaments and such.
Me too. Another thing I wish I had more time for in my adulthood days now lol.
@SeanGallardy oOo coolio!
I since gave away or sold all my cards. I had some original Alpha Dual Lands and such.
@SeanGallardy do you have some tool for efficiently reading XE files on remote machines? It's ridiculous how hard it is to implement a working time filter on sys.fn_xe_file_target_read_file
@Zikato It's actually on my list of things to write... so nothing right now
I thought about writing a generic XE reader using dynamic SQL but it's a lot of effort and time I don't have right now
I might just blog about how sys.fn_xe_file_target_read_file is the worst system function in SQL Server.
I had written one years ago for CSS, then it got lost in a bunch of shuffles, no clue where the source is anymore. It was much faster for doing typical DBA tasks on sorting/grouping/predicates, had an export to excel option as well.
@SeanGallardy Yea buddy, those are the sauce. Right now the cream of the crops of my collection is an Unlimited Edition Mox Emerald, a Summer Magic Counterspell, unopened Revised Edition booster pack, and some cool artist proofs and misprints.
@J.D. Oh wow! Yeah that Mox is $$$$
@SeanGallardy heh especially since COVID times. A similar one to mine sold for like $10k. I think I missed that boat though lol.
4 hours later…
Wordle 1,213 4/6*

1 hour later…
@J.D. it seemed to work out better.

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