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6:23 AM
صباح الخير
الإقبال ضعيف على ما يبدو
6:39 AM
@Omar صباح النور :)
@Omar إنشاء الله ستكثر في اﻷيام القابلة
7:10 AM
إن شاء الله :)
لماذا لم تعد مشرفاً في موقع الإسلام؟ @mujahid
@Omar أنا لا أريد الكشف عن تفاصيل تلك الموضوع في الوقت الحالي
7:39 AM
@mujahid لا بأس أخي، أتمنى لك التوفيق
شكرا :)
8:20 AM
@Mujahid أحدهم قام بمسح تعليقاتي
حسبنا الله و نعم الوكيل
@Omar حذف التعليقات ليست لعبة لدى المشرفين، أنا متأكد بوجود سبب ما
@Omar المشكلة هي أن الموقع فيه العديد من المجموعات
"For the purposes of this site, "Islam" includes all groups that identify themselves as Muslim; do expect to see answers from multiple points of view unless a certain perspective is explicitly requested in the question." source
الظاهر أن هناك جماعة معينة تسيطر على الموقع
@HamZa نعم، وذلك (برأيي) أحد مصادر المشاكل على موقع الاسلام
نعم، أوافقك الرأي
8:33 AM
@Omar أؤكد لك أن تلك الجماعة ليست المشرفين
منطقى من ناحية stackexchange
لقد حاولوا من قبل قلب الطاولة على أحد المشرفين و لكن فشلوا
أعلم ذلك أخي مجاهد
هم يحاولون السيطرة التامة على الموقع و نوعية الأسئلة و الأجوبة
يترصدون من يخالف منطقهم
لهاذا لا أريد المشاركة في الموقع
للأسف الحضور السني ضعيف
8:38 AM
نعم، للأسف
لكن الحضور السني كانت قوية في البداية
لا أدري لماذا لا نتكاتف
لدي بعض الأسئلة التي ستفضح مكرهم و كذبهم
@ClintEastwood أهلا بك
@Mujahid ما هي أسباب تراجع الحضور السني في الموقع؟
@ClintEastwood أهلا وسهلا بك في هذه الغرفة
كيف الأحوال يا أخي؟
@Omar هناك أسباب عديدة، والذي أعلم هوأن البعض شعروا بنقص في إيمانهم بتواجدهم على الموقع
وآخرون رأوا أن الموقع تنشر الباطل على الانترنت
فغادروا لأنهم لا يريدون إعانة ذلك
وهناك من غادر او توقف عن المشاركة لأسباب أخرى
9:08 AM
الطريقة الوحيدة لإسقاط الموقع هو عدم المشاركة فيه
نكف أذاهم عن الناس
@Omar أنا لا أتفق مع إسقاط الموقع ﻷنني ما زلت أرى فيا الفائدة، لكن رأيي هو إسقاط وتبديل بعض القواعد هناك نكف أذاهم عن الناس وعن الموقع
على أي حال فالشئ المفرح هو أنهم ما زالوا قلة بالنسبة لباقي المستخدمين على موقع الاسلام
*إلى باقي
9:36 AM
لكن أتوقع أن القوة بيدهم أو أنهم استطاعوا اقناع الإدارة بشكل أو بآخر عدم قبول أوجه نظر متعددة لنفس المسألة
in Jaami'at StackExchange al-Islamy, 2 mins ago, by Omar
@goldPseudo if Islam SE fails to graduate its because you're not allowing all opinions interaction. i.e. if the asker says he/she is looking for shiite viewpoint, you disallow sunni viewpoint and vice versa. I got some comments because of that, I have - according to my belief - opposite opinion in what others say.
9:50 AM
@Omar لا أظن ذلك
إنهم لم يستخدموا إلا الأدوات المتاحة لهم، مثل: نظام التصويت ، وموقع الميتا
@Mujahid على الإدارة عدم منع أي رأي بغض النظر عن المذهب
في الحقيقة، إذا أراد مستخدم أن يتغير شئ ما على أي موقع، فما عليه إلا أن يذهب إلى موقع الميتا ويبدأ من هناك
Hello there, everyone.
Hi @ClintEastwood
Good to see activity here -- and seeing the proposal flourish.
9:58 AM
I hope it makes it to beta and then graduation
sure. But I guess going from beta to graduation is not an easy way, is it?
@Omar عليك أن تفهم، أن الجماعة التي تدير المواقع على هذه الشبكة هي مستخدمو تلك المواقع أنفسهم
And even after graduation, some sites go the wrong way. english SE, for example. It is is not a very friendly site, I have to say.
I have never used English SE
I just did a few times, but now I rarely visit it.
10:03 AM
سأقوم بطرحة فكرة على ميتا مع أني متأكد أنه سيتم مهاجمتها @Mujahidمجاهد
@ClintEastwood all SE sites are not very friendly haha
Some users are incredibly helpful there, but in general the atmosphere is not the best. There seem to be a lot of down-votes just because of disagreement.
Well, my first experience was the LaTeX SE -- and it is just amazing there!
SO for example, voting system is misused by the majority and all high rep users think they own the site
Very nice people, devoted to the subject, spending time to help others with their questions and concerns
yes. that si a major issue. the voting system...
one should express his disagreement with an answer by not voting up and not by voting down.
I hope Arabic lang takes the right path
@ClintEastwood true
@ClintEastwood hello :)
10:06 AM
down-voting should only be a means for saying that there is something fundamentally wrong or misconceived or even insulting etc. in the answer or the question or if it as a whole does not meet the quality requirements and so on
I have to get back to work... but I'll keep an eye on the chatroom.
Thanks for your efforts already in trying to get the site going.
exactly, voting is being used for disagreement only. e.g. "I have better solution than yours"
or as a "revenge".
@Omar: exactly!
@ClintEastwood good luck
Just one last thing: On the LaTex SE, when you are new to the site you usually get comments by moderators that tell you how one should behave on the site
so there is some set of rules that people are constantly reminded about which creates some sort of friendly spirit
that may be one way to ensure the success of Arabic SE as well: actively promoting friendship and solidarity in the common engagement with that wonderful language
cool, this is the way all SE sites should act
@ClintEastwood +1
10:11 AM
So, see you later!
see you!
10:31 AM
Q: No "exclusive" answers - allow multiple opinions

OmarAll questions should be open to all opinion in spite of their doctrine/sect. What's going on now, is that if the "OP" asks for a specific "doctrine" viewpoint, all comments and answers opposing the desired doctrine/sect are removed.

5 hours later…
3:22 PM
السلام عليكم
Do we have a limited time to fulfill commitment phase?
3:34 PM
I bdelieve it comes under the same rules as definition which is 8 months of inactivity
but we shouldn't worry too much, we are already getting 1/3 through commiting, I am sure as others who followed this proposal come online again and see this is ready will also commit to it
This would apply to us as well: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/240594/…
I have tweeted the proposal many times, hoping to get more attention
4:08 PM
4:38 PM
@Sammaye I maybe missing something, but as far as I know a proposal can be deleted if it is inactive for one month, as for finishing the stages (other then beta) then the time given is one year, if neither definition or commitment is finished by the end of one year it wold be closed
one month isn't enough to attract more ppl
@HamZa salam
@Omar أظن أن ذلك في بداية المقترح، لكننا في المرحلة الثاني منها يعني لدينا سنة كاملة وليس شهر واحد
عظيم، علينا أن نعمل على جلب أكبر عدد ممكن في أقرب وقت @Mujahidمجاهد
@Omar أوافقك
كنت افكر في إنشاء صفحات لهذه المقترح على الفيسبوك وتويتر وغيرها من شبكات التواصل
وأيضا قد تكون من المفيد مشاركة هذه المقترح على الشبكات والمنتديات العربية الموجودة على الوب مثل اﻷلوكة والفصيح
وقد نستخدم أيضا لترويج المقترح:
google and Yahoo groups
5:08 PM
لقد قمت في السابق ب"تغريد" رابط الموقع
سأقوم الآن بإرسال تغريدة أخرى
@Omar افعل كل ما تراه مناسب، لكنني لم أكن أتكلم عن التغريدات فقط بل عن صفحة كاملة بإمكان أي شخص متابعتها
بإمكاننا إنشاء حساب خاص في تويتر لإرسال تغريدات يومية و تذكيرية
@Omar نعم
1 hour later…
6:37 PM
Has anyone of you been involved in this earlier proposal about Arabic language on SE?
(speaking about deleted proposals...)
@ClintEastwood I recall being part of two previous ones
ohh, two already? I was involved in one and was surprised when it vanished suddenly...
so, do you think this time it might be alright or should we get busy promoting? (as you suggested using twitter etc.)
@ClintEastwood yes, the previous one was closed after one year or so in definition as not viable (if I recall correctly)
after a month of it being closed it was deleted
(No, Omar suggested it)
@ClintEastwood I believe this time it will be successful (at least through the commitment phase) it is already about 1/4 way through. But either way it should be promoting, using twitter, facebook, other social networks, arab networks and forums, google and yahoo groups and so on, or whatever way any individual can help
6:49 PM
sure. good. I'll see what I can do
2 hours later…
8:29 PM
Salam everyone
السلام عليكم
Sorry have been playing Shadow of Mordor for like the last 5 hours
and on you
@sammaye ps4?
PC, awesome game
@Mujahidمجاهد Well we have 4 months to make it to beta then
8:35 PM
Lucky you, when you're married, you won't have time to play ;)
Lol, my cost of my past has ensured that will never happen lol. Play away as far as I am concerned :P
I wasn't involved in the earlier proposals either, despite being an SO member for like 4 years, before Area 51 existed I never really used the site past So until recently
But yeah, anyway to promote, I am sure there are people who followed this who have since become inactive but would come back if they knew this proposal was close
Haha..enjoy ;)
Too bad there is not way to ge to them
I used to be a ps-holic but after marriage I stopped by force lol
Btw, tags should be in English only, right?
Can we make it bilingual, english and arabic?
@Omar no
they can be in other languages, we must ask for the feature to be enable, as far as I know
8:43 PM
I think top level should be, i.e. MSA/Classical but def not every tag
I cannot think of any subject that would go well in an english tag
Before foreign tags we need rtl
Maybe we should just say all tags should be in Arabic, but I know that some who come to the site will use English in their tags
I guess we make the english tag a syno-whatever of the Arabic one
Yeah that's it thanks
8:49 PM
Q: Bilingual "Tags"الكلمات الدلالية باللغتين

OmarProposal: Arabic Language Is it possible/feasible/allowed for a single tag to be in two languages? Or should the tags be in either English or Arabic? Spanish SE's tags are in Spanish, hence, Arabic SE's tags should be in Arabic only? هل يمكن كتابة الكلمات الدلالية باللغتين العربية و الانجليزية...

@Sammaye we just need arabic to be supported discuss.area51.stackexchange.com/questions/14506/…
Synonym is good
Well we really need the whole rtl to be supported, but yeah
I mean Arabic in most forms is supported, by the sounds of that answer non-latin tags work too
The only real problem I see atm is that we are still reading ltr aligned rtl text
@Sammaye yeas, the non rtl support is most annoying, especially when trying to write, specifically in chat as well
9:06 PM
I'm switching to PC, I hate ipad
I have many questions/ideas in my mind
@Mujahidمجاهد @Sammaye
I guess we also need to agree on something. I dont know if "typography" is the right word
let say a non-Arabic speaker asking how to pronounce a word in Arabic
I guess "phonics" is the appropriate definition of what i'm trying to say
Hmm being of that group: "pronounciation"
hmmmm @Sammaye
let me rephrase myself
how to say for example Omar
Phonics is a good one but it is not one that comes to mind, no one in the UK would say that if you ask them how to pronounce something
O (damma) M (fat-ha) R (skoon)
Why do I think that M has a shadda on?
Must have seen it somewhere
9:14 PM
what I mean, define a way of phonics to teach ppl the right way of pronunciation
maybe Ammar
perhaps we can ask SE for a feature to allow us to upload sound file into our answer, or we could host something outside SE and link to it in the answer
Ammar M with shadda
@Mujahidمجاهد that would be prety aweosme
@Mujahidمجاهد what I'm thinking about is kind of "markdown"
9:16 PM
@Mujahidمجاهد I second this but I'm not sure that SE would agree on that, especially for a beta version
we can always try to ask if they refuse, then we can have an outside host
for example, mathematics SE has a special format of equations
we need something similar
I am sure many other Se sites like English and Japanese have asked fro this
@Sammaye true, let's dig in previous requests
@Omar Are you speaking of "transliteration" or the use of non-arabic languages to help in the pronunciation of arabic?
9:19 PM
@Mujahidمجاهد yes sort of
Umarun I guess
something like this /ˈsədl/ = subtle
but transliteration sucks 90% of the time, coing from someone who was thrown it as a learner
also does transliteration end on sukuun?
@Sammaye for single words yes
I do not think this is the answer to "pronunciation"
9:23 PM
no sorry, for names maybe but for verbs its different
za ra 3a زرع
whenever i hear people read from transliteration, the words are always distorted
this is probably because english letters do not sound like Arabic
+1 to that, I have no doubt how many people look like idiots in an Arab country when they use a dictionary of transliteration
which most tourists do
This needs to be fleshed up, this would be a common topic for many questions
Well, as @Mujahidمجاهد said, finding a place to host audio memos does the job
what do you think @Sammaye?
9:27 PM
if SE cannot host the sound themselves, we can always go for an outer host, and just ask SE for a feature that would allow us to embed that outside hosted sound file into posts
SE uses imgur for images
Whihc has caused problems on SO with that domain being blocked in work lol
But yes, using an external source is not far fetched and it already the case for many of SEs functions
@Sammaye true like jsfiddle
the new code snippet doesn't replace jsfiddle at all
I guess we still gotta decide how to write it out, I mean what do we do for letters that simply do not exist in english and have no comparison in English like غ
I just tweeted proposal's link
we usually write "gh"
"kh" خ
9:36 PM
Practical example: room
the problem is in ط ظ ض ص ذ
pharfatun...that's the best I cna come up with lol
I cannot actually explain how I pronounce غ
you pronounce it like ف؟
9:39 PM
the problem is though I canot think what GH sounds like
A little but with more...something lol
A little like fa and ra
gh (damma) r (shadda) f (fat-ha) t-"n" (damma)
n = tanween
and tanween is another problem
That gets close, I guess the sound would have to go the extra bit
how so?
I guess we should probably end on Sukuun since tanween is not persistent, it is declinable
it's like gargling
9:42 PM
yeah that would be mean to write in English
google helps in phonics
@HamZa hello
I hate Google for Arabic, it works really well for English but I cannot seem to hear their Arabic speaker properly when he says it
As a learner, Madina Arabic did it quite well, they purposefully made the word a bit longer so you could actually hear it
Madina Arabic?
what is it?
With google they say in lightning mode
nice one
9:47 PM
@Sammaye Sheikh Google infact is unable to speak Arabic, it sounds like they are underwater
I tried testing it out before to see how it is, you have to add extra letters and make sure you have the حركات on top of them but even then, sentences merely sound like dolphins
but perhaps I am exaggerating too much
who should we contact to propose out idea?
Not really, I cannot fathom out what they say, it definitely annoys me when I come across new words and wanna know how they sound since I do not have the vowels yet
Good question
9:51 PM
@Omar Meta.SE, we propose it there
@Mujahidمجاهد I elect you to take the lead ;)
Does cetainly have experience
markdown and/or audio hosting
@Sammaye its not good for your Arabic, he doesn't pronounce letters as they should lol
@Omar فكرة مخيفة: هل ستنفجر الشمس قبل وصولها الى مستقرها؟
@Mujahidمجاهد الله أعلم
9:59 PM
@Omar لأن الفيديو مدبلج
الجميل في الموضوع هو شرح طريقة دوران الشمس
Indeed he said "why" really oddly like in the first14 seconds of that video
more like لي
ya al-maad
Hmm something I was taught
whoops al-madd
السلام عليكم
10:03 PM
and you
و عليكم السلام
I woudl sayu that in Arabic but Windows 8.1 Arabic keyboard sucks
@HamZa وعليكم سلام
@Omar Sorry for not replying. I usually leave all my tabs(browser) and other programs open and just "hibernate" my computer. So I get automatically logged in when I turn it on. So I'm not always available for chat :)
@HamZa no worries bro :)
@Sammaye use this yamli.com/editor/ar
type in english letters
Al madda? "~"?
10:07 PM
This is what I was taught: madinaharabic.com/Arabic_Reading_Course/Lessons/L000_010.html maybe they were bsing?
ahhhh ياء المد
I looked at that keybaord when I was starting out and didn't understand it so I used: clavier-arab.org/arabic-keyboard but I get it now, and how it works thanks
إجلسي، إقرأي، إعملي
@Sammaye you're welcome :)
TThe berbs were testing?
urgh, "the verbs"
yea testing only
10:13 PM
ok kool
feminine verbs
Not in raf case?
raf-un, I have actually forgot what the last radical is hang on
Ah ok, رفع
I thought you were talking about shelves
10:22 PM
lol so it does translate as that lol
gotta remember that
"Not in raf case?" you are referring to this "إجلسي، إقرأي، إعملي"?
The Windows keyboard would be awesome if only I could edit mmistakes, once you write a word you have to delete it and everything after it so make a darn edit
they are أفعال أمر
Yeah, I probably need to brush up on the ommission of nun of fem
إرفع الآذان
10:25 PM
إرفعي الكأس
Yes, fe'el amr.
in spanish, imperativo
فعل أمر (إفعل\إفعلي)
I was one of the few in school to not learn spanish
I technically learnt french
almost the same in terms of grammar
i still didn't master spanish, it isn't easy
and things get worse when you live in a place where ppl dont speak the proper language
Its gonna take a hell of a lot longer to master Arabic, I am still forgetting things
@Sammaye you need to practice over and over
10:30 PM
Yeah I am gonna start a new course, finished the Madina one, after Shadow of Mordor and AC5
good luck :)
I thnk the break will do me good too, will make me work that non-existant memory of mine
ok bros, I have to أذهب
talk to you غدا
إن شاء الله
10:31 PM
@Omar هو لم يكن يسال عن أنواع الإعراب؟
@Mujahidمجاهد من؟ @Sammaye?
@Omar تعم
لا أدري
10 mins ago, by Sammaye
Ah ok, رفع
Mujahid? That is the closest translate I get
Ah it has twisted the arabic lol
Hmm I think I have found another problem in SEs current implementation
10:33 PM
ظننت أنه يسأل عن حالة الرفع
@Mujahidمجاهد لم أدرك أنه سأل عن الإعراب
@Sammaye which is?
@Sammaye I thought you were talking about something else, but your question was about literal رفع as in lifting
@Sammaye yup, when Arabic text is in middle of english text
Judaism SE doesn't have rtl support
Does the probem also exist on other sites like Twitter? I dunno since I barely use Twitter now
10:37 PM
@Sammaye yes, everywhere. even on MS office
It's a hell of a problem
if you do a typo in a mixed sentence of english and arabic, you might have delete the whole sentence
I think they were gonna bring rtl with the first rtl language site, hebrew got deleted I think
@Sammaye hebrew is starting again, still in first phase
Anyway, I have to go now
Rgr cya in a bit
talk to you tomorrow insha'allah
السلام عليكم
@Omar الله معك، وعليكم سلام :)

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