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Q: What is the Stack Exchange answer with the highest score relative to its length

AvidSeekerIf we have the metric of "score per character" for SE answers, which would be the highest? i.e: what is the most elegant-in-conciseness answer?

A: What is the Stack Exchange answer with the highest score relative to its length

wizzwizz4I can't get Stack Exchange Data Explorer to tell me the answer, but we can take as a lower-bound Joel Spolsky's answer to Will Stack Overflow boycott GoDaddy because of their support for SOPA?. Score 913 at time of writing, and reproduced in full below: Yes. This is, I believe, 53 characters (...

A: What is the Stack Exchange answer with the highest score relative to its length

reneYou can use a network wide query to list answers (Posts.PostType = 2) across main sites where you calculate score over length of the post body. The Posts.Body field holds the rendered HTML of the post. If you're only interested in the markdown size of the post you would need to look at the PostHi...

A: What is the maximum value for an int32?

Ben HoffsteinIt's 2,147,483,647. Easiest way to memorize it is via a tattoo.

A: What is the Stack Exchange answer with the highest score relative to its length

JonathanZThanks to the user @wizzwizz4 's superior searching skills, I offer this answer on mathematics.se as a good candidate: 1008 pts / 1 (visible) character = 1008 pts/char, Although there was some chicanery used to get such a short answer accepted, (exploiting math.se's LaTeX support), so the pre-pro...

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