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Oh the intricasies of private beta. :)
1 hour later…
Check this out, more on the help center thing.
A: Create Custom Help Center Articles

DonyorMNOTE: This answer is for the custom elements of the tour. Beyond these two lines it is all intended for the three or four lines of the tour that describes what we can or cannot ask. Discuss content in the comments. Ask about... Creating elements of a world. Specific effects of events on a wor...

2 hours later…
Q: Close votes - please state reasons

Tim BWe've had a few incidents recently of close votes being started but no comment given to explain why. Even in cases where people think it's obvious I think it will really help with defining the scope of the site if people leave a comment to explain why they are voting to close. For example "Too ...

5 hours later…
Q: What is accepted as a good tag wiki?

DonyorMSo I recently rejected a tag-wiki edit, but others approved it. I personally thought (from reading the this page, and gentle comments from Robert Cartino on my own edits), that a tag wiki excerpt should contain what kind of questions should be asked in that tag, and that the full tag wiki should ...

6 hours later…
It looks like the feeds are working now :)
I've been poking at the "what questions can I ask here?" text; some additional pairs of eyes looking over the changes would be nice.
A: Create Custom Help Center Articles

DonyorMNOTE: This answer is for the "What Questions Can I Ask Here?" section of the help center. All text from this line on is intended for the article. The Worldbuilding Stack Exchange is a site for developers, designers, writers and artists to get help creating imaginary worlds. This includes geogr...

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