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Better :-)
This in rose garden?
No, in gladish
Ah, let me bring some of this up on my desktop
See the screenshot.
@Mateo ?
ok installing gladish
project is greyed out so don't worry about that
So, what to do next?
so make a "studio"
studio -> new studio
awesome so you have it started
And now?
so is "recording" your midi device?
Recording is the room
ah capture and playback for your midi
@Mateo And now? :-)
What is the progress?
so you need something in between for midi , like the one article said
let me find it
that dosn't look right
because that just loops the capture and playback on the same card
i think anyway, lets try and folow that post, hold a min
Ok, now explain me how to connect them.
ok, i'm going to start it on mine to see what it gives me
in qsynth go to the setup button
then change the "midi driver" to jack
say ok, and it should warn you that it will restart
let it
now qsynth should have a midi box
so click on the output "midi" in recording
then click on the midi in qsynth
The red rectangle, in the bottom side of "Recording" box?
you should be able to form a line between them
And now? :-)
try playing?
The sounds are playing in the external piano, but not in laptop.
Maybe recording room is the problem?
hm, try hooking up the midi's there and see what happens
No change...
Am I supposed to hear live sounds in laptop speakers?
don't know
lets see if it will record
try opening and hooking up some other programs like ardour or rosegarden
maybe you can record from qsynth
How to set up a midi recording in ardour?
I think ardour just records sound, and qsynth is translating the midi
or something like that, wish I had a midi keybord to test...
I created a MIDI track in ardour.
oooo, so it has midi in's and out's
so try hooking up your redording midi boxes to midi 1 in and out in the ardour box
Can you draw it?
i think, or switch those if it dosn't let you draw them one way
No change... :-(
no thing on ardour when recording?
When I clicked Stop button it crashed..
Restarted Ardour
maybe start fresh and delete the studios in gladish
just make one
Is there any configuration in JACK?
are you getting dropouts on the bottom bar in gladish
lets try something like:
Ok, so no more ardour.
that got complex fast
No link between capture and recording?
I think "hardware capture" is your mic or line in or something...
any sound?
Should I hear live sounds?
depends on what "hardware playback" is...
How can I know that?
21:18:58.208 Qsynth1: Creating synthesizer engine...
21:18:58.226 Qsynth1: Creating audio driver (jack)...
21:18:58.270 Qsynth1: Creating MIDI router (jack)...
21:18:58.270 Qsynth1: Creating MIDI driver (jack)...
21:18:58.270 Qsynth1: Creating MIDI player...
21:18:58.271 Qsynth1: Synthesizer engine started.
21:18:58.271 Qsynth1: fluid_synth_set_gain(0.93)
21:18:58.271 Qsynth1: fluid_synth_set_reverb(0.61,0.63,68,0.56)
21:18:58.271 Qsynth1: fluid_synth_set_chorus(3,1,0.3,8,0)
fluidsynth: prog 0 0 128
Maybe some relevant info
@IonicăBizău not even on just the keyboard?
What do you mean?
sound out of the keys
I hear the sounds only in the midi device.
Well I got to go, but one last thing
Try the previous ardour setup, but next to the track there is a red circle to enable recording of the track try hitting that, then you also have to hit play after record
I already did that... :/
Anyways, thank you for help. Next time I will try the command line way.
For now, you have +40 points from me :p
Are you any where near the middle of USA
No, I am in Romania, Europe..
Aw, well that rules out a jam session
Ah... but we could collaborate via Internet.
I played music with people from Germany, Japan, USA, South Korea etc:
(through Internet, we've never seen each other) :-)
Good night, @Mateo! Or have a nice day since you are in USA. :-)

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