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Q: When mentioning two items in a sentence, should I specify which one I'm referring to in the next one?

Alexandro ChenThis is a bit complicated to explain. Here's an example: She had blue eyes and extremely curly hair. It looked like a cluster of ferns in a mountain forest. OK, that was an awful metaphor, but you get the idea. Is it OK as long as the next sentence is clear about which item is referring t...

6 hours later…
Q: Essay Title Advice?

HamzaI finished writing an essay about why economists must heed the factual data presented by environmentalists as the future of the world (and us) depend on it and I cannot think of a sufficient and elegant title. My previous title was... odd... probably because I wrote it at 3am but it was "The Cru...

2 hours later…
Q: Examples of older questions

Neil FeinWe've had some discussion about what to do with old questions that are no longer on-topic here. We aren't getting a clear consensus, so maybe it'd be simpler to talk about actual questions rather than generalities. Let's use the answers here to post actual, old questions, along with a suggested...

Q: Do publisher ever automatically reject unread stories

Strategy ThinkerI understand that publishers get a lot of manuscripts to read, so I am wondering, are publishers known to reject a story from an unknown author the moment that realize he is using a so called experimental style? For example, suppose that I have written a novel from a second person perspective,...

Q: Should the opening of a short story mirror the ending?

Strategy ThinkerWhen I was in school, my English teacher told me that a short story's beginning should mirror its ending, or at least the conclusion should in some way parallel the starting point of the story; but I was never told why. Is this a well accepted rule of thumb or is this just one type of writing st...

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