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Q: Is the following sentence structure allowed in fiction?

alexchencoI'm not very sure why, but the following sentence structure came out from my mind: Disclaimer: this is a first draft. The realization just came to her now. Or perhaps, she knew it all along; it just that she didn't want to accept it. She was alone in a small, compressed space, with the r...

3 hours later…
I'm moving some comments to chat from here:
A: First Chapter for Free?

Michael KjörlingI would strongly advice against offering a "pre-release sample". Offering a first chapter or two for free to get your readers hooked before they have to pay is a nice touch in my opinion, but providing a portion of your novel before it is all finished sounds risky. What if you realize by the 80% ...

I agree with this answer. If you want to give people a preview of your work, the characters, or the world before you're done writing the book, another way to do that (warning: creating work for you here :-) ) would be to separately publish a short story. That way you release something self-contained and people can see what your work is like. Even if you have to set a price, you can set a low one for a short story. — Monica Cellio Jun 7 at 23:57
@MonicaCellio If you were to add that as an answer, at least I would upvote it. :) It isn't exactly what is being asked, but I feel it still does address the question nicely. — Michael Kjörling Jun 8 at 21:31
I agree with this answer. If you want to give people a preview of your work, the characters, or the world before you're done writing the book, another way to do that (warning: creating work for you here :-) ) would be to separately publish a short story. That way you release something self-contained and people can see what your work is like. Even if you have to set a price, you can set a low one for a short story. — Monica Cellio Jun 7 at 23:57
@MonicaCellio I have already written a couple of (unrelated) short stories, and they are written in a slightly similar style, but my novel is unlike anything else that I - or, thinking about it, most other authors - have yet to create yet. Do you think that making these short stories freely available would benefit me? Even though it isn't quite the same path as offering the first chapter completely free, I guess it could be a good start to familiarise readers with my work. — SnookerFan Jun 20 at 12:58
@SnookerFan, it seems to me that getting people exposed to your work, while not the same as getting them exposed to this particular novel, would help. While some people get hooked on a particular story, I suspect (no data!) that more sales result from "I know this author" than "I read a little of this". (There are other factors too, of course, like "people I respect liked this" and "that cover really grabbed me", but that's beyond the scope of this question.) — Monica Cellio Jun 20 at 13:03
@MonicaCellio Wonderful observation, Monica. I too suspect that people buy books based on good experiences with the author's other works rather than the actual story; I also imagine that this is why the author's surname is considerably larger than the title on most books (especially the more accomplished authors). I may well do this in that case. My favourite short story is approximately 6,000 words - do you suspect that that will suffice / will be enough to whet the appetites of any potential future customers? — SnookerFan yesterday
1 hour later…
Q: Orgasm during rape

maryI am writing a rape scene. I need to know if it's possible for my character to have an orgasm during rape? I also need to know where I may locate websites on writing medical descriptions.

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