room topic changed to Improving questoins to prevent deletion of answers: About answers that should stay on the site (no tags)
The question would not be auto-deleted, since it has upvoted answers. But it would be still possible to vote to delete it.

Draw a horizontal straight line, and call it the $x$-axis. Put a dot at the origin.
Put a big dot at $-12$. Put another big dot at $5$. Note that the distance between the two dots is $17$.
If $x$ is any number, then $|x+12|=|x-(-12)|$ is the distance from $x$ to $-12$. Similarly, $|x-5|$ is the...
(Of course, I do not claim that something similar does not appears in other answers, but anyway I would prefer if it stayed on the site.)
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Transcript for
Aug '1430
Improving questions to prevent deleti…
About answers that should stay on the site