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@MartinSleziak I've only just come across this room for this first time. What is this place?
Aug 8 at 10:54, by Martin Sleziak
One of the reasons why I started this room was that I hoped to look through deleted questions every now and then to see what is lost. But I simply did not have time to do that :-(
Aug 8 at 10:55, by Martin Sleziak
Another reason was to give the people who oppose deleting too many questions give some place, where improving/undeleting/saving the questions (call it whatever you like) could be coordinated.
@mixedmath This was what I had in mind when creating the chatroom. But I did not find time myself to look through recently deleted questions or to help improve posts that are downvoted and "at risk of deletion".
Since you frequent meta, you probably know that the name answers at risk is taken from this post:
A: Is there an MSE-like site that is more pleasant to work in? Or are there other solutions?

ThursdaySince the question has been expanded to include other solutions, I'll propose one: Improve the questions whose current state puts your answers at risk Here is a query that finds them: My answers at risk, with your UserId pre-filled. It locates the answers that may be deleted if you-know-who...

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