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10 hours later…
hey there @JonRB
@Shalvenay o/
how're things going?
not bad, just got back from holiday. You?
alright here, pondering some questions re: lab parts stock if you don't mind entertaining them
first off -- what resistor values upwards of 1Meg are worth having on hand? I'm not anticipating doing anything particular with HV, but may poke at high-Z CMOS stuff
well the E24 series I got at work goes to 10M and the only ones that get hammered are 1M, 2M and 10M but I do motor-drive stuff so these are usually to provide a weak pull up/down to chassis/EARTH
I'm thinking maybe E6 or E12 upwards of 1Meg then?
as 2.2M should be able to sub for 2M without any issue
yup. they are sort of handy to tweak 100k resistance slightly
the other thing is trying to pick out capacitors upward of 10uF for lab stock these days
it's really unclear what types to carry
npo's lots of npo's
regular electros? low-ESR electros? polymer electros? MnO2 tants? polymer tants? pushing your class II ceramics and your films as far as they'll go?
@JonRB haha, I'm talking well above where C0G stops :P
soo many time an annoying bit of noise I have tracked down and I need to place something like a 220pF
ahh well then I start drifting into the higher voltage dielectrics for motor-drives :)
ranging from 10u --> 200u, mixed tech (more due to voltage ranges: 5V --> 40V)
yeah, I was thinking Al-poly would be a good thing to have on hand for that value range for general bulk decoupling
for electronic stuff. Tants, and polymer are again too handy for knocking together simple stripboard cct and each one obviously need local tank capacitance
@JonRB yeah, I have X7R up to 10u included on the list for that sort of local decoupling xD
we have a few more ... special where the voltage need to get quite high and higher temperature but thats not general lab stock per se (as in keeping topped up). Those are just parts bought as an when with a little extra to provide a limited stock
yeah, a lot of the problem is "is there a reason a tantalum or conventional aluminum cap would be necessary in a signal path application?"
because if not, it seems like there's no reason to have them on hand these days
conventional aluminums are only needed in large values (where Al-poly becomes impractical), and there's just no reason to have tantalums on hand unless you like old, cheap, crappy LDOs that hate milliohm-level ESRs in their output caps
hey there @Giskard42
@Shalvenay Howdy!
trying to figure out lab stocking xD
@Shalvenay Ah.
right now, the big debates are resistors >1Meg and capacitors >10uF
on the latter, in particular, is there a reason to have tantalums or conventional electrolytics around?
I wouldnt bother then
@Shalvenay I burn through electrolytics constantly when doing testing
only really handy for bulk near some powersupply, but then it comes downto how much power and "how good" the psu is .
@Giskard42 how so? :o and what are you working on?
@Shalvenay I work with a lot of motor drivers, et al
@Giskard42 ah. what values?
@Shalvenay 2000uf or so
Is my typical decoupling test value
yer but thats going to be at 540Vdc or so
not 3v3 -> 15 :)
@Shalvenay Here in canada you can get a cheap electrolytic 100pc capacitor test set for like $20
A bunch of different values
and i wish i could have 2mF for a DClink capacitro in motor drives :( limited to around 100-300uF
@JonRB Low voltage
just 25v
fair enough, but its motor drives :) voltage source inverters need decenct decoupling
unless you play with z-source
@JonRB Yeah, I don't know what @Shalvenay's typical project looks like, just saying I go through a lot for testing :)
@Giskard42 yah, I'm talking digital and small-signal analog (audio etal) here, maybe low power RF or something that does things with mains at modest power levels in the not so distant future, but nothing exotic
appears digital stuff
oh and anaglue :)
anaglue? :D
@Shalvenay glue logic :>
@Giskard42 xD glue opamps too
@Giskard42 I got an error message saying that target doesn't answer. It set the SCK frequency to 187.5kHz but it failed to fix the issue. What's the problem?
@Shalvenay @JonRB Don't overstock polarised tech. They go lazy when unbiased. Since you can easily order whatever is needed when it is, there's not much sense in stocking huge amounts beyond 10uF, as for an early test the only difference 47u is going to make to 220u is ripple, unless you're in VLF filters and/or such.
@Asmyldof ah.
Solids last a bit longer on the shelve than wets, but it's not a huge world of difference/
In principle don't stock anything you don't expect to use in a year for wet, two for dry
I have a bunch of special wets and they get biased in the same cycle as the battery-stock-check
@Asmyldof I generally don't. I work in higher temp environments so polarised isn't freely available. I think my turnstyle as maybe 20 through the 10u to about 220u. leaded and surfacemount
There are aspects of this site I really can't stand... you put effort into an answer zero points... another answer updates their based upon what you add and doesn't even upvote....
That's the only thing you hate about the main site?
well no
:) just the one that has rubbed me up the wrong way in the last 5min
@JonRB voting is quite capricious in some topic areas I find
I am making dark chocolate milk
Want some.
pass. 2 things i hate
Hm. It's one of the things that cheers me up when I'm tired and grumpy
And it's more socially accepted than punching squirrels and puppies
:) ill either go fix something in Gentoo or go play CS:GO for a while
there are some programs that won't build with clang but work fine with gcc AND it isn't a gcc-specific thing (like ... gcc)
There was something fun about being accused of cheating, just because 12 year olds (really, or mentally, depending on time of day) cannot imagine the difference between cheap stereo boxes and a good headset
yup :)
and its amazing how many have had intercourse with my mother
>>"You should be aware there's a shift key on your keyboard."
I'm sure that looks like something if you try hard enough
1 hour later…
was just playing around with a simple two oscillator metal detector circuit (or multiple ideas)... its not going well on a breadboard :/
Did you try not a breadboard
hey there @NickAlexeev
Eeeeeeh eels!
@Shalvenay Hello, 3-Phase.
@NickAlexeev how're things going?
@Shalvenay So far so good. What purpose have you summoned me for?
@NickAlexeev still trying to figure out the whole lab kit stocking thing, wondering if you could provide some insight onto what capacitors are good for signal-path (coupling, signal filtering, timing) applications that need something bigger than 10uF
What frequency range?
probably audio or less given the size of capacitor in question :) (power applications are a whole another story, and something that gets beaten pretty much to death)

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