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2:00 PM
I am now 39! I got less radmans.
> Strength: 0 + 3 + 1
Age: 39
Height: 78 inches
Weight: 165
until radiation hits.
Seven radmans!
2:02 PM
> 398 Reversible. All permanent radiations you have or gain
become binary except reversible. cost: none. range: self. effect:
What's this mean?
> manipulations can be binary, cumulative, permanent,
or temporary. Binary radiations can only affect you once. If you
roll a binary radiation more than once, reroll. The effects of
cumulative radiations add up over time. Permanent radiations are
those that cannot be removed from your list of radiations, even if
another radiation tells you to do so. You can receive the effects of
permanent radiations more than once. Temporary radiations are
those that only remain on your list long enough to complete their
This doesn't sound like they're very reversible.
Except that maybe they're not permanent? Also, it means temporary stuff is no longer temporary.
Also it means that this radman is not permanent.
2:04 PM
Well, it says "except reversible."
Oh, I see.
> 298 Disgust. The next time you see yourself in any kind of
reection, you will be disgusted with the way you look and kill
yourself. cost: none. range: self. effect: binary.
this person gon' die
2:05 PM
But at least it's unlikely you'll die from that before chargen's over.
> 179 Divine retribution. Roll D6 times on the radiation table per
month in addition to any times you must roll because of normal
game play. You must roll even if you encounter very little radiation
until you die or remove this divine gift. cost: none. range:
self. effect: cumulative.
@BESW That's true! She'll have a remarkably long life expectancy.
@BESW Unless this kills her first!
I think you've been pre-cursed for your suicide.
2:07 PM
Hey, it's your favourite.
> 216 Shadow beast. Sunlight will destroy you. You will suffer D6
damage to each part of your body that is exposed to sunlight
for each minute of exposure. While in darkness all skills will be
natural abilities. cost: none. range: self. effect: binary.
Excellent! As long as I stay in the dark, I won't actually see myself.
@doppelgreener Synergy!
Maybe if I'm lucky a later radman will even make me blind!
(I am laughing out loud that this is a thing I can say as if it's a good thing.)
2:08 PM
deadEarth would do that for you.
That's the long-distance phone extension for Guam!
> 671 Community. Roll another radiation from the table and add
it to your list. The next D6 people you contact also add this
radiation to their lists. Remove community from your list when
D6 people have been irradiated. cost: none. range: self. effect:
What a name for the one for Guam.
Is this a radman I'm rolling for?
2:09 PM
This is my bonus radman.
> 292 Act of god. If you get into a bit of trouble, ask the game
master to back up and start over. There is a 35% chance that
s/he will. You may only use this ability once per gaming session.
cost: none. range: none. effect: binary.
Great! I can do this whenever she'd walk in front of a reflection.
You're cursed with making other people bug the GM.
I am an extremely temporary gift to the world.
2:10 PM
Roll to see how many people you're going to infect.
> 321 Brutality. When you enter combat, you will settle for no less
than a dead opponent at the end of combat. You must kill your
opponent no matter what the consequences. cost: none. range:
self. effect: binary.
2:11 PM
Six! Hooray!
You're a monster.
A shadow monster! They won't even know what hit them. Neither will I! I'll be blind!
> 972 Restraint. The number of radiations on your list cannot be
greater than your renown. Remove radiations from your list until
this is true. Restraint can be removed in this way, but the initial
effect must still take place (reduce number until equal to renown).
cost: none. range: self. effect: binary.
Is my renown zero?
2:12 PM
[falls over sobbing with laughter]
Did I just lose all my radmans?
One of the most amazing things about deadEarth, to me, is the amazing abuse of the players.
There are radmans which would have forced you to re-build your character from the bottom up, including all 200d6 rolls.
Making me roll for radmans then making me remove all of them?
2:13 PM
And then there are radmans that would make you undo it.
Oh god.
The sheer tedium that chargen can create is nothing short of artful.
With any luck we'll do that one of these days!
I think that's this character done
Which means she's actually just this:
> Betty the Strongest and don’t try to disagree with that with her in earshot
Moves: 6 - 3 - 1
Resiliency: 3 + 5
Strength: 0 + 3 + 1
Age: 39
Height: 78 inches (6’6”)
Weight: 165
Max carrying: [30 + (str x10)] = 30lbs
Gender: female
Skill Points: 650 +1d6x10 - 100
2:17 PM
I find something illogically cathartic and relaxing in making deadEarth PCs. It should be infuriating, enraging, and frustrating, but instead it's some sort of zen exercise in deliberate futility. Like sweeping a dirt path, or drawing water with a sieve.
This is beautiful.
3d6 2d10
> 71-75: Roll again and subtract D6 radiation manipulations.
> 66-70: Roll again and add D6 radiation manipulations.
2:19 PM
I am 48!
wax eagle has unfrozen this room.
And I have to subtract 8 from resilience, moves, and strength!
I can't go into negative moves or resiliency, can I?
647 messages moved from Not a bar, but plays one on TV
> Moves: 6 - 5
Resiliency: 3 + 6 - 3
Strength: 0 - 1
If not, I'll wind up with 0 moves, 0 resiliency, and -5 strength.
2:22 PM
2 messages moved from Not a bar, but plays one on TV
@doppelgreener [poke]
Something didn't catch up with that many messages.
@doppelgreener Yes, you can go into negatives.
I'm probably going to use that spare d6 to reduce my age.
height: 48 + 6d6
2:23 PM
14 -> weight = height x2
Now i'll reduce my age by d6 to be less crippled.
(I am amused that just being 48 totally cripples me.)
2:26 PM
Fewer penalties, no fewer radmans.
Hooray! I'm not crippled!
My things are actually positive!
[premature celebrating]
Remember, this exists:
> 983 Total genetic reconstruction. Reroll your moves, resiliency, height, and weight, and apply any new modifiers. Count the number of radiations you currently have. Remove your current list of radiations (including permanent ones) and roll the same number of radiations. cost: none. range: self. effect: temporary.
If I get that I'm totally going to do it because why not at this point.
Gender: Female! Let's see if I find something horribly sexist in the process and find out what it does.
So, 3d6 - 1d6 + 1d6?
2:29 PM
11 + 1
12! 12 radmans!
You're doooooommed.
I'm gonna die.
If you're lucky.
2:30 PM
(actually I laughed a lot at that)
> 663 Recycle. At the beginning of each day, recycle a random
radiation from your list by removing it and rolling a new radiation
on the table to replace it. Do this until you die or recycle
is removed from your list. cost: none. range: self. effect:
I am amused that it feels the need to specify this stops happening after I die.
And now I am imagining the possibilities if that weren't the case.
My corpse just keeps mutating.
Worth noting: there is no provision in the rules for what happens if all three of your characters are dead at the end of chargen.
Until it, I don't know, rolls total genetic reconstruction and is suddenly reincarnated?
By the rules, you still have to choose the one you want to play.
2:32 PM
I play the dead one.
@BESW I think the implication is that you're not man enough to play deadEarth if that happens.
On the plus side, RP should be easy.
My Guy syndrome will be hard to overcome.
"I decompose slightly." "Really?" "It's what my guy would do!" "Yeah, alright, fine."
> 810 Rite of corruption. You may spend 10 skill points to reduce
the reason skill of a person you are speaking with. For every
level their reason skill is reduced, you may add a D6 to your
guile and outright lie skills. You may not reduce their skill to less
than 2D6. The effects last of this ritefor one minute. cost: 10 skill
points. range: self. effect: binary.
2:35 PM
Actually, in this case 2D6 is the rating of their skill.
(Skills are rolled as pools of d6s, and 2d6 is the default "you can do the thing" level.)
Skills are ranked by d6's. You can have Sneak at 2D6, Intimidate at 6D6, etc.
2:37 PM
> 082 Lung cookies. Your lungs and airway are partially clogged
with mucous, making heavy breathing difcult. Subtract a D6
from running. cost: none. range: self. effect: cumulative.
Mega classy.
> 466 Degeneracy. At any time, you may reduce your moves,
resiliency, or strength permanently by one to gain 40 skill points.
cost: none. range: self. effect: binary.
2:38 PM
That's probably a thing I'll never voluntarily do!
...I think you're a black mage.
Ooh, you can burn off attributes for skill points.
I might be.
And use skill points to corrupt people!
2:39 PM
grabs popcorn
@JoshuaAslanSmith My second character rolled so many things that was going to kill her, then rolled a thing that said she didn't have any of those things.
2:40 PM
> 958 Radiation madness. If at any time your number of radiations
is greater than your renown, add (111) insane, (254) frenzy,
and (431) blathered to your list of radiations and remove radiation
madness. cost: none. range: self. effect: temporary.
Those happen now.
> 111 Insane. The normal rules of society and morality simply do
not apply to you. Good versus evil, courtesy versus impolite, it is all the same to you. cost: none. range: self. effect: binary.
> 254 Frenzy. Intense situations make you just a little crazy. Roll
a D6 every time you enter an intense situation. If you roll a one
or a six, you gain D6 moves for 4D6 rounds. cost: none. range:
self. effect: binary.
> 431 Blathered. You must now make a successful bemuse roll to communicate,
if you fail no one will understand what you are saying. cost:
none. range: self. effect: binary.
I am progressing with this character well.
#6 of 12!
You're a black mage who saps his own vitality to feed off others' minds, and you're going mad from the effects.
> 454 Gullible. Your reason will permanently remain at 2D6. cost:
none. range: self. effect: binary
2:42 PM
And I'm not dead yet! All in all, a good day so far.
I was probably told being a black mage was cool.
Ignore the hacking cough and lack of friends.
Sweet Luna on the Moon.
> 858 Deterioration of the mind. -D6 from a random skill each
month (if this would put a skill below the 2D6 minimum, ignore
the effect). cost: none. range: self. effect: binary.
What were you saying about going mad?
Nothing! Nothing at all!
OH. What was the question?
2:44 PM
What's your next radman?
> 639 Empty soul. Once upon a time your life meant something to
you, but now it all seems so pointless. Reduce all of your skills
over 4D6 to 4D6 and your renown to zero. Add (340) depression
to your list of radiations if you can't beat difcult (24) odds with
a skill roll of your choice right now. Add (298) disgust to your list
of radiations if you can't beat difcult (24) odds with a skill roll of
your choice within D6 days (one roll per day). cost: none. range:
self. effect: binary.
2:45 PM
> 340 Depression. Roll 10D6. In that many days, if you have not
gained one renown and brought meaning to your life, gain (569)
lost hope. cost: none. range: self. effect: binary.
This is going to go well.
That's 10d6, not 1d6.
2:45 PM
Also you have to roll 4d6 again for disgust.
6d6 4d6
9d6 1d6
2:46 PM
That works too.
> 569 Lost hope. deadEarth has broken you. You have no desire
to make your life worthwhile. You will gain no skill points for
performing skills. cost: none. range: self. effect: binary.
> 298 Disgust. The next time you see yourself in any kind of
reection, you will be disgusted with the way you look and kill
yourself. cost: none. range: self. effect: binary.
You're kinda borked.
But! Thus far you are surviving character creation itself.
2:48 PM
Wherein my black mgaic backfires and rewrites my entire existence.
And remember: your very first radman has you replacing radmans EVERY DAY.
2:50 PM
> 937 Electron cross-section. Roll a D6. On a 1-3, you have a
low electron cross-section: +2D6 to shielding. On a 4-6, you have
a high electron cross-section (you absorb more electrons): -2D6
to shielding. cost: none. range: self. effect: binary.
Oh good!
2:51 PM
Your black magic is pulling through for you.
I don't even know what an electron cross-section is, but a black mage might!
> 625 Skin. Roll a D6 and apply one of the following crossmutations
to body parts of choice according to your roll. 1)
Scales over D6 body parts. 2) Fur over D6 body parts. 3) Feathers
over D6 body parts. 4) Plates or exoskeleton over D6 body
parts (no armor benets). 5) Human skin over D6 body parts.
6) Roll twice more and apply the cross-mutations. cost: none.
range: self. effect: cumulative.
2:52 PM
I'm fuzzy in this many places:
Let's not try to find out.
I narrowly avoided Decapitation (20).
2:53 PM
> 019 Temporary respite. You may reroll the next three radiations
your character receives, at the time it is rolled (does not apply
to radiations already on your list), before the effect takes place.
Remove temporary respite after you have three or more radiations
on your list beyond temporary respite. cost: none. range:
self. effect: temporary.
so many dice rolls
And not dead yet!
Successful so far!
One last rolll.
2:55 PM
> 609 Filter. You may swap the skill levels of any two of your
skills permanently D6 times. cost: none. range: self. effect:
> 393 Reverence. Gain three renown. cost: none. range: self.
effect: permanent.
2:56 PM
Your furry, suicidally self-loathing, mind-rapey, constantly-mutating mage with a hacking cough is the most amusing.
An Illustrious Businessman who is going to die within years due to accelerated aging (but suffer no ill effects, apart from death), a strong woman who is miraculously un-irradiated, and yes that. ^
I would pick the mage.
this always makes me wanna play gamma world
And now, sleep.
G'night, all.
Goodnight!! :D
This was fun. Thanks!
@JoshuaAslanSmith it just hit me that this basically means "this game always makes me want to play a different game"
... which is a hilarious comment on this game
3:26 PM
haha right
@doppelgreener its like I could do all of this with less dice rolls and headaches but capture the same wacky hijinks in the post apocalypse
@JoshuaAslanSmith yes! except, you couldn't do the bit where your character generation tells you that your character dies, and then it tells you to remake your character, and then it tells you to undo both those things.
so deadEarth has a leg up if this is the kind of experience you are after!!
if you are after recursive dice tables

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