@AlBerko todays hok sefaria.org/sheets/390058?lang=he had perfect examples in the mishna and gemara of what i was saying. for example the fist mishna has this 2 step process. mishna 3 has a statement, then the students didnt understand the statement so its explained instead of being explained first. 4-5 seemed to be a statement, another added and the proof is that 5 ends with stating this is what i said
in the gemara you have a statement from an amora, then rav zeira comes from israel and says too bad i didnt come earlier or you would have stated it in a)my name or b) if both people said it at the same, just in the name of r yohanan without a students name. but the point is you see once it was already stated in r bibis name it stayed that way and we just appended another statement onto the talmud
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