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@MechMK1 I've never seen a smart male Bernese mountain dog :D
the females are incredibly clever, every.single male I have seen has basically been the ginger cat of dogs :D
@MechMK1 I absolutely adore collies but won't get one for that reason, that and the approved dog list
2 hours later…
@MechMK1 get one of those "apartment dogs", some like to sleep most of the day...
a shih tzu likes to spend time doing nothing, and a greyhound is another that love doing nothing
and a greyhound likes to walk too, so it's a good breed for you
they like quiet environments, usually don't bark, are friendly to strangers...
I used to take my kids to the dog park because they love dogs and we didn't had space for one, and some owners had dogs but no energy to run with them, so my kids depleted the dog's energy and the dogs did the same... one guy had a greyhound and everyone liked the dog
and I never saw a dog get even closer to its speed, it's surreal... it can go from rest to 60km/h in seconds...
other dogs started chasing it and they would give up because it was unfair
6 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek Depends on your definition of smart. I've had two and they were very obedient.
@MechMK1 I tend to think ... well thinking dogs
But I also used to have a mini snauzer cross so... :D
I think the most important commands for any dog to follow are heel and stay, and they followed them perfectly
There was a moment I recall vividly
We were walking on the countryside when our dog spotted another dog far off in the distance. It was one he knew and often played with, so he was very excited. He immediately ran off. My dad shouted "Sit!" at him and almost reflexively his ass was put on the ground, while his front legs were still decelerating
Essentially him sliding on his ass to decelerate
We hardly had to recall ash (though he got that)
Bernese Mountain Dogs are naturally playful. It's an extension of their shepherd's instinct
10 hours later…
moving day, part 1/2!
boxes everywhere, things breaking, things I even forgot how long I lost appears out of the ether, things that were at arms length for years go to their places... funny times...
and my car broke the day before, and now is at the mechanic trying to fix in time to haul fragile things 10mi/16km to my house...

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