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@ThoriumBR this is where automation + triple checking is good :D
measure twice cut once and all that
and/or backing up to a staging folder then moving things if possible
it' s difficult to automate when the db is oracle 11g, the server runs redhat 6.4 or 6.5 and the hipervisor is 3 generations backlevel...
and the operator is a dba "promoted" to syadmin overnight without any training at all
frowns in "everything is a java wrapper around putty and shell scripts"
it's a mainframe storage subsystem, so no java and no shell scripts...
oh the java was client side
cause literally there were about maybe 10% of the team who knew which end of a bash shell to hold
you know what? the server side on IBM mainframe storage IS a java applet!
and we had to keep an ancient windows xp with an ancient firefox and ancient jre to access it
it was running on a vm, but come on... a million dollar disk storage and you had to keep a vm to access it...
19 hours later…
putty? yuck
ever since m$ added OpenSSH Client/Server as a stock "optional feature for windows" I have been using that through PowerShell for all the things
proper ~/.ssh/ folder w/ proper ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 keys and proper ~/.ssh/config
no more of this putty_private_key.ppk bullshit
@CaffeineAddiction TIL
today I used winget for the first time... feels nice...
lol, did I mention m$'s optional OpenSSH Client/Server also comes w/ scp natively ...
and it works both directions
yah, winget is pretty good
chocolatey is pretty good too
I ran winget update and saw several programs that I downloaded and could be updated

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