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> @Caffeine What is a risk profile? I searched the net and I can't figure out what that means? It's predominantly used in sentences such as yours, but I can't find any info as to what it actually represents.

> @NewUser a risk profile is exactly what the name implies. A profile of your risks. First, what risks are you willing to take or not willing to take. Second what type of an adversary are you up against and what resources do they have at their disposal. Third, what are the stakes. On the one hand Suzie has a fav stuffed animal that is at risk of being chewed up by her pet dog. On the o
... the other can be satisfied by stashing documents in a bathroom of a random golf course in Florida
@RoryAlsop @schroeder https://security.stackexchange.com/q/276463/92213

Have someone talking about illegal activity ... I need an adult
@CaffeineAddiction But you got me instead :-)
I left him a warning comment, deleted the post, and now he's on my watch list
4 hours later…
@RoryAlsop new account, first question... I doubt he will ever be seen again.

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