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6:47 PM
You are standing in an unused chat room. There is a table with four chairs in front of you. One of the chairs is on knocked over. In the darkness, you can barely make out some graffiti on the wall. A breeze from the window makes clouds of dust scurry about like rats on the floor.
approach wall
7:04 PM
The graffiti is faded as if somebody tried to scrub it off the wall. All that remains is a purple blotch with what appears to be some blurry letters in the middle. HK1? MK1? Not sure what that's about.
it's been what? two years?
I remember getting here every morning to pages and pages of conversation, to finish the nights with "guys, I really have to get to bed..." and now I only came here to see how many *days later* are displaying on the screen
7:20 PM
I think maybe a year and a half
Haven't seen any sock puppet accounts for a while, but I haven't been super active on main in a long time
yep, nobody posted on Jun 15, 2022 6:14 PM "RIP user163495 aka MechMK1"

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