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I'd want to say this is why I build my own routers but ... honestly Its cause I have more time than money and common sense.
2 hours later…
of all the companies, was not expecting it to be cisco
was thinking more along the lines of consumer routers / firewalls ... but apparently not
@JourneymanGeek Eh, unless you read through all the source code for your home built one and the os its on top of ... you might still be screwed (just in other ways). This is why defense in depth is huge.
3 hours later…
@CaffeineAddiction I mostly do it cause it's fun 😅
2 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek How good is the performance for your home made routers?
the new one will do 10 gigs on benchmarks on one of the two 10 gig ports
I've been meaning to test two at once but the logistics is messy
hardly any load, planning on throwing on wireguard or head/tailscale on them in future
I was going more for reliability (they're a lot of router for the cost), flexibility and being able to run them on an updated OS till the hardware dies
1 hour later…
I use to mess around w/ stuff like that as well as ddwrt ... but then I found out that EdgeRouter-X supports the majority of the stuff I was doing right out of the box and had debian running under the hood ...
They also give you sudo access and it works w/ apt-get ... so you can install obscure things like tinc-vpn
@CaffeineAddiction ah, right now, the latest build is 2x 10 gig + 3x 2.5 gig :D
and is tiny
1 hour later…
@JourneymanGeek how tiny is tiny? Link to hardware?
Lowest end (Celeron 5150) version of that
2 hours later…
amazon.com/dp/B0BTVSB6VB damn, thats a bit spendy ...
its cute though ...
what OS?

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