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My main complaint with Samsung is the bloatware. Once you get rid of or disable that, you don't have as much a problem.
2 hours later…
Just browsing around on r/Sysadmin, it looks like a lot of those folks are dissatisfied with their jobs for one reason or another. Some are burnt out, some are just bored of it, some are just fed up with management. Is that normal in IT?
Seems like sysadmins are always grouchy/overworked/cynical
A lot of the job is fixing things that break
Or telling people that they're using their computer wrong
And sometimes you have to work overtime and weekends or else the company will have huge losses
But at the same time, you have to understand that people don't usually go online to talk about how great their jobs are and how they aren't stressed
And you also have a bit of following the "in" thing. Like if you see everybody else posting about how terrible things are, and you want to feel like a wise old sysadmin, you might imitate them because you think that's what you're supposed to do.
Completely unrelated, I saw this on HN: codecaptcha.io
2 hours later…
Hi everyone, I just for the first time looked at the security page for my email account and was shocked to see how many people from countries on other continents, are trying to log into my account:
Is this normal??
Why are there people from Poland, USA, and Brazil, trying to get into my account, in the last month?
@NikeDattani were you in a dump?
@JourneymanGeek What do you mean?
haveibeenpwned.com try feeding your email into this
(its run by a trusted person in the security field, but, I AM TELLING YOU TO FEED INFORMATION INTO A RANDOM PAGE - so feel free to look it up first)
if its there, chances are they're trying to use a previously compromised credential
or... just trying to brute force an email harvested somewhere
Maybe they're trying to brute force an email harvested somewhere, since that email address is pretty well known. However, is this a common thing? Does it happen to other people?
On my gmail accounts, I always get an email saying "someone tried unsuccessfully to log into your account" and 100% of the time, that "someone" was me.
This is my first time looking at my Microsoft email account security summary, and I was shocked at how often people are trying to get in.
Unfortunately, there's nothing cool in that account anyway, so they're trying to hack a boring account.
the sheer amount of automated low effort brute forcing on the internet is staggering ;)
It's never happened to any of my gmail accounts, or at least I only got the emails about it when it was me typing in the wrong password.
9 hours later…
@FireQuacker Nice game, I'll bookmark that. It's not useful as a captcha though, since it only seems to have a few different challenges.
Yeah, as a CAPTCHA, it's not extremely useful
@nobody Actually if you like code challenges, there's probably better sites, like Code Wars
@FireQuacker Nah, probably just gonna use it to annoy some of my friends.
Very good way to use it :)
After reading the HN comments, it made me curious about the backend. I'm relatively sure that the code challenge websites put a lot of thought into how to execute the code on the server (using sandboxes, etc). I wonder if this guy put as much effort into it. Running anonymous people's code on your server is not something to take lightly.
and not light on resource usage either
@FireQuacker It just evals the code in your browser.
Try putting alert(1) in there
Doesn't the server also have to eval the code to see if you should be allowed past the captcha?
Maybe. But more likely this is a completely broken captcha.
Yeah, it doesn't send anything over the network so its just client side.
I guess it's just an example
Welp, that's one way to keep your server from getting hacked

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