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@ThoriumBR I head a music professor do an academic review of Eminem's music. I am not a rap fan or a fan of Eminem, but looking at his music from a music theory point of view really opened my eyes to the multiple layers and intermixing of the layers of rhythm, rhyme, musicality, etc. The prof said that when Eminem dies, he expects that universities will run courses just on the analysis of his music like there are for Mozart. Still not a fan, but I have a deep appreciation now.
5 hours later…
Brazil again... a rapper was shot dead, and after being buried his coffin was ripped off the grave and burned down. I don't even want to know what he did to anger someone so much to do that.
@ThoriumBR maybe he should have packed it in gunpowder and nails....
business idea: fireproof coffins and grave filled with reinforced concrete.
3 hours later…
@MechMK1 where the hell did you find that statistic ... tbh im afraid to google it
5 hours later…
@CaffeineAddiction github.com/search?q=nigger
Straight from the horses mouth
@schroeder I think a lot can be said about an artist, who manages to do outstanding artistic work, that people appreciate their skill, even if they are not a fan of their art.

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