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Q: This long, skinny plant caused red bumps on my son's knee within minutes. Is it poisonous?

LCIIIOut for a run with my son and this plant brushed up against his knee. Within seconds it made small red spots and within minutes the spots turned to small bumps. What plant is this, and more importantly is it poisonous? Any advice? We live in Minnesota and it's currently September.

Who the fuck has never seen a stinging nettle before?
5 hours later…
Well, maybe I have seen it a few times, but I never came into contact with it, so I never learnt to recognize it.
10 hours later…
@MechMK1 According to Wikipedia, it's native to Europe, but imported to the Americas, most common in Pacific Northwest. Living in central US, I don't recognize it. We deal more with poison ivy instead.

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