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2 hours later…
@StackExchange aww maaan, we were working on a record there.
> 2 days later…
I prefer OTR
@thisjosh as in guinness. not the beer.
Actually I think it is the beer, err was
The publishing company had ties to the brewery at one point
@thisjosh huh? really?
wiki here we come.
@IsziRoryorIsznti stay away.
how bout that.
Guinness World Records, known until 2000 as The Guinness Book of Records (and in previous U.S. editions as The Guinness Book of World Records), is a reference book published annually, containing a collection of world records, both human achievements and the extremes of the natural world. The book itself holds a world record, as the best-selling copyrighted book series of all time. It is also one of the most frequently stolen books from public libraries in the United States. The franchise has extended beyond print to include television series and museums. The popularity of the franchise ...
> On 4 May 1951, Sir Hugh Beaver, then the managing director of the Guinness Breweries,[6] went on a shooting party in the North Slob, by the River Slaney in County Wexford, Ireland. He became involved in an argument over which was the fastest game bird in Europe, the koshin golden plover or the grouse. That evening at Castlebridge House, he realised that it was impossible to confirm in reference books whether or not the golden plover was Europe's fastest game bird.
and the rest, as they say, is history.
thank you, @thisjosh. I learned something new today, hence it is a good day.
@AviD would it be a copyright violation to use that image as my new gravatar?
Really loving that ink. And, that shocked expression to go along with it.
@AviD Hahahaha - you'd need to photoshop it to add Tigger stripes :-)
@RoryAlsop heh. though with that amount of ink, odds are he probably has the stripes somewhere...
@RoryAlsop he's tatooed even more'n you!
1 hour later…
@MohitSharma Hi
@AviD many people are
Even my wife is
Hi Rory ....U thr ?
I have very general query ....I am a software developer with 2 Year of exp ... I want to move from this domain to Security ... but i am finding this difficult as .. i have no previous experience of network .. and
i have also join CEH training ...
Now my question
is security domain is all about running tools .. doesn't it include writing code lile virus and all
"security domain is all about running tools" --- got this idea from my CEH training class
No, the security domain is incredibly wide. Tools are an essential item, but in many aspects can be the least important.
My role for example covers Social Engineering, system architecture and design, penetration testing, security process management, risk management, change control, IT audit, vulnerability assessment, awareness training and a range of other aspects
There are security researchers who dissect malware and write their own viruses/proof of concept attacks etc
Basically, in the professional security field there are individuals and teams who do a bit of everything - OWASP have the model of Builders, Breakers and Defenders, and the Breakers attempt to emulate the black hats as closely as possible
ok . Is CEH right course for beginners ?
@MohitSharma I tend to think so, yes. C|EH is very focused on tools, which means it is quite narrow, but as a starter, especially for someone who can code and understand how the tools work it can be a good entry level cert
Q: Professional certifications for IT Security

Eric WWhich credentials of the sub-list of IT certifications (as per the Information Systems Security Association) would be considered MUST HAVE for a IT Security specialist. Information Security CEH Certified Ethical Hacker CIPP Certified Information Privacy Professional CISM Certified Informatio...

and also click on the professional-education tag for other possibly useful questions
It depends what you want to do, and where you want to be in 5 years
if you want to focus on security architecture it may not be very useful at all
@RoryAlsop : Yes i have already seen this post , because of which only decided to join CEH course ...
If you want to be a penetration tester it probably is a reasonable starting point
To be very frank .. i love coding and want to do same in security domain ...
but just running tool made me little disappointed ....... so i thought to ask someone ... in 5 years down the line i want to do malware anaylsis and all ... Can u please tell guide me little .. if ur imp time permits
Your best bet for malware analysis might be to join one of the malware analysis companies as a junior, or to help contribute to one of the open-source malware analysis groups online. OWASP could be a useful starting point: owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Anti-Malware_Project
Ok ... I will try best to contribute to that ....
Thanks for ur help .. if u dnt mind can i add u on Linkedin for any future help ...
@MohitSharma I like this question (yes, the answer is mine, but still) for a picture of what it would mean for you to move to the "security domain"
Q: What are the career paths in the computer security field?

nealmcbWhat sorts of jobs are there, in which organizations, with what sorts of day-to-day responsibilities? What areas are good for folks coming out of school, vs what are good 2nd careers for experienced folks coming from various disciplines?

personally, I think CEH might not be the right one for you to start, unless you want to look at it from a pentester PoV.
it would help, give you a good grounding... but it sounds like you're more interested in starting in the secure code arena.
again, as @RoryAlsop said, OWASP is a great place to start, in the Builders section.
see some of their Coding Guideline, the code review tooling, etc
@MohitSharma to be honest Mohit, you're better off asking here, either as a question, for specifics, or here in chat - that way you get not just my view, but a representative sample across many industries, experience levels etc
I have spent most of my security life in very large Professional Services organisations, so my input may be very different to someone in a small design house, or in education or public sector
@AviD I think I'm missing something... what record?
@IsziRoryorIsznti did he mean our gap - longest ever time period without activity in chat?
ps - afternoon
how long till you are allowed to change your name, or are you keeping it? :-)
@RoryAlsop I think it's the 20-somethingth.
@RoryAlsop Just checked... It says 10 days now, so the 21st.
Might have to remind me, or I could go awhile without remembering it's finally time to change.
@RoryAlsop yes. @IsziRoryorIsznti - what he said.
@AviD Ah. Well, if you're looking for record-setting that includes @StackExchange then the best way to acheive it would be to not have any posts after the Friday XKCD, and the next post would be the Monday XKCD. Of course, this presumes no blog postings on the part of Sec.SE or SEI.
Presuming the XKCD posts fire off on-time (I think it's usually midnight U.S. Eastern), and no SE blog posts meanwhile, the largest gap you could theoretically have is 72 hours.
@IsziRoryorIsznti or you could turn off the feed, but that wouldn't be sporting. Or you could hack xkcd.com so that it refuses to serve the feed
I could block all of you people....
@ScottPack hahahahaha
Nothing like some Sinatra to put me in a happy go lucky mood
2 hours later…
So, one month till our site graduation anniversary. Should we do something? What do you think - we can create a meta post to raise interest, but not sure what the community might want to do
@RoryAlsop oo cake!
@AviD the cake is ... etc
aww dammit. the cake is a lie. crap.
hmm, how bout pie then?
@RoryAlsop heh, funny coincidence... or did you just talk to @Aarthi?
Well, I wish I had a pentesting gig today... Hello CVE-2012-2122
@JeffFerland whoa, new gravatar!
shall we just start calling you Simon?
@JeffFerland No kidding, that looks pretty fun, eh?
@ScottPack I tried it on my servers. It works.
Upside: really good fodder for my presentation on Wednesday.
What presentation?
@AviD aye - spoke with @Aarthi :-)
@JeffFerland Cool beans
@RoryAlsop aaahh, very good. quick action, good man.
though there are some situations where that is NOT a benefit.
Opening with this video:
@AviD we were chatting on TL
@AviD hahahahahaha
Going to play it in the background while talking about how we don't really buy into risk as humans without understanding it... and blah, blah, motorcycle riders often don't wear gear.
Every fall we do a one day event on campus. I wonder if I should talk to the boss about trying to expand it out to be some kind of broader event. So not just 'OIT Presents' but "BSidesAthens - An OIT Production"
@JeffFerland yeeeeeeks
It's hard to force people to believe risk applies to them.
@RoryAlsop I agree.
you should follow up with some xrays of all the broken bones.
there were a few times where you could almost hear the snap
@JeffFerland There's not a single part of me that doesn't hurt just watching that
I was convinced that was a dummy, but then I wasn't, and then I was again
Yeah. I thought that'd be quite effective about how seeing that would help really drive the point.
The initial impact was disturbingly jelly-like, then every elbow impact just..ugh
Crazy thing is he's a stunt rider and did that on purpose.
@JeffFerland WHAAAT???
@ScottPack yeah - was thinking about my Frank Thomas kit. Good elbow, knee and shoulder protection but I still wouldn't want to do that
The throw over the handlebars at the start just made me go Akkkkkk
@RoryAlsop As much as the elbow would get banged up, I was really looking at the shoulder.
Yeah... he turns it, rear brakes on purpose then lets it up to regain traction, then holds the front brake until he's all the way over the top
It was for this Australian safety commercial:
Thing that really catches my attention is the hip / leg slam. You can see the shockwave
Damn. Break a record attempt in here, and all of a sudden we're all chatty-like.
FFS I can't get the link right... there we go
Ugh, I had forgotten how long it takes for gravatar changes to happen.
@ScottPack Y'all did what, now?
I just saw this
Q: BOFH Gravatar Week

WardThis is your chance to show your true colours... Use the (semi-) official Bastard Operator From Hell Gravatar for a week or a while. I don't think there's any particular reason, it just seemed like a good idea.

In other news... After having been effectively idle on Role-playing Games for over a year, I'm still pretty high up on the second page of users. I'm not sure exactly how I'm supposed to feel about that.
That site is reasonably low volume.
Anyone tracking the WWDC?
I probably should be at least paying some attention to it.
@ScottPack I'm watching the feed at Engadget: engadget.com/2012/06/11/apple-wwdc-2012-liveblog
I'm just having trouble being interested. I use a reasonable amount of OSX, but am largely uninterested in their product announcements.
And for the oneboxiness
@ScottPack Y'know what's a little scary? One of my first thoughts was: Could I fit a PS3 in there?
At a 5000 unit production limit, why would you want to break it?
@ScottPack Maybe to make it unique from the other 4,999 in the world?
@ScottPack hahahahaha:
Yeah, I was replicating another picture for Wesley.
I changed my gravatar almost 2 hours ago. I'm rather annoyed that SE hasn't picked it up yet.
Overzealous crop if you ask me
Heh. A comment on the WWDC live blog I'm watching... "Not too many sports fans in here..." Well, what did they expect in a room full of geeks?
@ScottPack Have just done mine - let's see how long Gravatar cache takes to update
So, recently figured out that I have to switch my snort logging over to barnyard. Not exactly bad, since it'll increase application performance, but it increases complexity. That and the barnyard guys don't ship an rpm and their spec file is all busted.
yay - cache updated
screw you
1 hour later…
@ScottPack :-)
Well, mine finally updated.
@ScottPack yay for BOFHs
devilphone is the new chopperbear?
4 hours ago, by Scott Pack
Q: BOFH Gravatar Week

WardThis is your chance to show your true colours... Use the (semi-) official Bastard Operator From Hell Gravatar for a week or a while. I don't think there's any particular reason, it just seemed like a good idea.

@IsziRoryorIsznti there's a BOFH picture? What is this, the 21st century or something?
@Gilles Heh. I'm already stuck with this SN for another week and change. Don't wanna chance pissing off the Gravatar gods too.
@IsziRoryorIsznti SN? serial number?
@Gilles SN = screen name. I guess I slipped into old-skool netspeak for a moment, there.
@IsziRoryorIsznti you mean your SE username? You can change it whenever you like
@Gilles You can only change the display name once a month.
There's a delay between name changes, but it's per-site, and propagating your profile to other sites doesn't count
So if you keep your profiles in synch, you can change your display name about three times a day
@Gilles Yeah, but I'm not gonna bother with bypassing the system this time. It'd totally ruin the month-long in-joke.
Gravatars are easy to change, and just takes some minutes for the images to propagate through caches.
@IsziRoryorIsznti I wish I had taken a screenshot when not only all the starred items were rory and room description was rory, but most of the chat had the word rory in it :-)

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