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1:04 AM
Q: Was noted karnataka music scholar and composer Purandaradasa an avatara of Narada?

S Kaccording to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purandara_Dasa#cite_note-7 Purandara Dasa (IAST: Purandara dāsa)[2] (c. 1470 – c. 1565) was a Haridasa philosopher from present-day Karnataka, India. He was a follower of Madhvacharya's Dvaita philosophy. He was a composer, singer and one of the chief f...

3 hours later…
4:03 AM
Q: Do all people upto Dwaparyuga believed in god ? What is the difference between Kaliyuga and other Yugas with regards to belief in god?

riverIn Kaliyuga , there are many people who don't believe in god and his power. Was it true for other previous Yugas as well ? Do all people in Satyuga, Treta Yuga and Dwaparyug believed in god and his power ? I think it can be true as in these three Yugas , visit of gods and avatars was common. Gods...

Q: Can anyone ennumerate the differences between the four Yugas?

riverCan anyone ennumerate the difference between the four Yugas ? Particularly with respect to quality and attributes of people who live in these Yugas ?

3 hours later…
6:35 AM
Q: Getting pain while concentrating on Ajna Chakra

narasimhadriI've been trying to concentrate on my ajna chakra while meditating. I'm doing Sri Ram naama japa with one hand while holding chinmudra with the other. I had a sensation suddenly to concentrate on Ajna Chakra (Forehead/mainly focusing between my eyes). I don't know why but I'm getting a little pai...

11 hours later…
5:40 PM
Q: Is there a tradition that one shouldn't prostrate to humans within the premises of a temple?

S KI have heard this from temple priests. Is that considered disrespect to the deities consecrated at the temple?

5 hours later…
10:30 PM
It's been nine days since anyone's posted a message, so I'll post one just for the sake of it. Hi world, hi chat, hi HSE Chatroom users.

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