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@ThoriumBR The European AI Act has a good list of impact types, and pretty much says that it should not be used where its impact on people could be significant. (I'm paraphrasing a lot)
So for us, it could not be used in decision making on products for vulnerable customers, unless there was a very high level of governance over that...which might make it pointless to use AI at all for that role
the problem is when AI is used somewhere down the pipeline, and it's difficult to prove AI was used at all
insurance companies using AI to flag "risky customers" can say they manually reviewed their driving habits even when AI did the work, and it's difficult to prove it's a lie
they can see "AI is just advising but a human makes the decision" but we all know the human will just forward whatever decision AI took
2 hours later…
I think there are some issues specific to US police where AI is used irresponsibly, even though officers are instructed to verify output
it's not US-specific... in Brazil it happens all the time
Perhaps it's just AI companies trying to protect themselves from lawsuits, but when I hear about officers making false arrests based on AI, I usually also hear that the AI company's official guidance was not followed
That said, I wouldn't be extremely surprised if AI sales teams glossed over the shortcomings
It's the "trust the computer" mindset... because computers don't lie, so it must be the truth.
Hopefully, if enough police departments get held responsible, they'll change their practices
But that will require significant help from justice charities, since a lot of the victims aren't people with a lot of money
police departments down here aren't held responsible for anything, so I doubt something will change for better
Depending on an individual officer's goal, they may not see AI as a bad thing... catching a suspect beats catching nobody
Keep up your statistics, make people think you're doing your job
a few years ago police shoved a man with mental issues on the back of a police car, stuffed it full of tear gas grenades and held him locked in until he died... those responsible got prosecuted but are still working, free as a cop...
That's a problem
it was filmed, circulated on social networks, got broadcast on national TV, there was a national outrage... and it was that.
the police told everyone they had to rethink their approach, and it's just the same
I went after the latest news... it only took 18 months for them to be fired, but they are still free waiting for the jury.
11 minutes locked in the back of the car, filled with tear gas and pepper spray. and they kept working as normal.
a few months later, another cop got caught making fun of the incident... he was an instructor for new cops and was teaching how to use tear gas and the back of the car for torture...
so nothing changed
2 hours later…
There are two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors.
my script to restore a bunch of tapes failed because of an off-by-one error...

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