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{radio silence}
5 hours later…
quote of the day: "The large N on Nintendo logo means Nostalgia"
Switch2 coming in few weeks, I bet Skyrim is going to be released for it...
skyrim is vaguely the new doom no? :D
I would say it's not the same... Doom is meant as a challenge for people to get it running on things it wasn't supposed to run. Skyrim is a challenge for Bethesda to just keeping porting the same great game over and over instead of creating TES6
I remember playing Skyrim on an Athlon XP back in 2012... and the next one hasn't arrived yet
I fear it could be the next Duke Nuken Forever... the same with Half Life 3 and GTA6.
there's so much hype behind them that no matter what game is shipped, it will be a disappointment... it's a tough mission to be better than HL2, Skyrim and GTA5...
Game development companies focus too much about specific aspects they can claim their game has. Not enough about how actually good the game is.
@JourneymanGeek do you play any games, out of interest?
we are past the point that increasing game graphics increased the game overall... HL2 is almost a decade old more than 20 years old and the graphics are so good I don't care if anything is better than that... but gameplay and story got being dumbed down
man, I didn't realized HL2 is even older than Skyrim...
System Shock 1 and 2, the Deus Ex franchise (most of it), HL 1 and 2, Elder Scrolls games, they aren't the most graphically impressive games out there, but the lore is impressive...
studios today are spending hundreds of millions on graphic fidelity and there's no money left for creative people to make a good game, but only a beautiful game...
so you grab a great game with outdated graphics, re-release it, and it's a hit... Skyrim is the perfect example, and GTA-5 is another
I am still sad the System Shock 2 remake was cancelled...
7 hours later…
They did come out w/ a new HL2 ... Half-Life: Alyx
@ThoriumBR prob will ... though I am not sure what the appeal is for playing skyrim on anything other than PC ... as modding it is pretty much the whole point of the game these days
@CaffeineAddiction long time no see.
I happen to have a VR headset, so i’ve played HL Alyx
It’s not bad, but the VRness makes it a little strange, and the graphics slightly worse, because it’s zoomed in so much.
the vast majority of game players are on console, so most of them don't even know what is a mod, although I seriously doubt anyone playing Skyrim don't know nexusmods
playing Skyrim without mods isn't as good as with them

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