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@ThoriumBR so do you work for a company or are you self-employed?
I work for a company
15 hours later…
know the serial, get a RCE as root: claroty.com/team82/research/…
The Insecure IoT Cloud Strikes Again: RCE on Ruijie Cloud-Connected Devices
IoT devices are such a pain in the ass
that's why they say "in IoT, S means Security"
Hehe. I thought the “I” stood for “Insecure”
3 hours later…
Renew certificates every 3 months is too much of a hassle? what about every 6 days?
Better than renewing them too infrequently.
I don't think so... If the certificate expires every 6 days, you are always less than a week away from outage
the CIA triad have A as Availability, and a certificate valid for less than a week goes against it
you can renew a certificate valid for an year after 9 months or so, and if something goes wrong with your automation, schedule, or whatever else, you still have 3 months before it expires and things break
with just 6 days something goes wrong and you don't have much time to fix the issue
I am having this discussion with some admin friends: what is the real chance of a leaked certificate private key? I have heard a few cases, but they are just a few in decades, and forcing the entire world to renew their certificates 50 times per year is overkill...
Depends on your failure model. Sometimes breaking entirely is preferable
Most of the time it's not preferable
breaking the entire thing is way more likely than leaking the certificate
if you are at a risk of a certificate being leaked, renewing every day won't solve that... it's like "I get a flat tire every week so I buy new tires all the time"
and a certificate leak is not a problem, it's a symptom of bad security practices... fix the security issues and it will fix the certificate issues
or force your users to change their passwords on each login because you store the passwords on clear, on a secret but accessible directory on the webserver...

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