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5:29 AM
@ThoriumBR you sure IPoAC wouldnt be faster?
7 hours later…
12:01 PM
@CaffeineAddiction I doubt it, the carrier would severely degraded before reaching the destination, as the destination server is ~7300km away...
I made a script to split the file into 1mb pieces, base64-encode each, and send piece by piece, so if the upload died I could kinda resume it... (un)fortunately the upload finished the last time and I didn't had to use it
but just for fun I uploaded another file using the script and it worked
1 hour later…
1:29 PM
lol, I remember having to do that back in highschool when attempting to xfer a 10mb file w/ floppy disks
1:47 PM
I don't even want to think when I have to update this system in 1 year and the upgrade installation is 4gb...

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