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3:45 AM
> my conversation skills are absolute zero
hence my point ... they will stay at zero unless you practice
Don't practice at the gun range or your table top gaming store ... practice elsewhere so if it turns bad you can ditch and move to another venue w/ no major loss. No one is born w/ charisma of 10+ ... anyone that has it gained it through lots of trial an error.
honestly? Get a dog :D
but that's my solution to nearly all of life's problems :D
9 hours later…
12:45 PM
I second that... a dog helps more than you think. It will improve your mental wellbeing, forces you to exercise unless you want dog poop everywhere, makes you be seem by other humans, and it's a talk starter...
as long as isn't a Pitbull or Rottweiler...
I like my terriers
(this is totally the dog I'd get if I could get a dog right now)
1:00 PM
or a Labrador... people love them
and they love everything you have, everything is tasty for them
Oh yeah or goldies, but they're strong and can pull you along.
tbh, a well trained/mannered GSD isn't bad
I knew a lovely white one that was ex-military... she sat on my feet and wouldn't move till she got pets :D
@JourneymanGeek that's a feature, not a bug... it can force you to run instead of walking...
1:39 PM
or if they won't walk, weight training
8 hours later…
9:24 PM
Bernese Mountain Dog
I want to, but keeping a dog in the city is...not ideal
My apartment is also small
I 100% want to get one when I move to the countryside
Big dogs need a garden to be happy

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