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@CaffeineAddiction resource exhaustion, being a proxy for launching attacks, cryptojacking, mitm platform, being turned into a bot, ransomware...
I have a vps that I run a fake SSH daemon on port 22 that just denies everything, paired with fail2ban to block the IP after 5 attempts (all fail anyway), paired with portsentry to stop portscans, paired with geoblocking. Haven't had much trouble...
the proper sshd is on a random port, accepts pubkey auth, or password plus TOTP. And if you miss the pubkey, OTP or password, fail2ban is my friend...
I don't bother with port knocking because it's too fickly to setup and a hassle to use, I don't block ping because it's useless, and as far as I know, nobody broke into it in a decade...
resource exhaustion - maybe?
being a proxy for launching attacks - cant proxy through it, no forwarding no jumphosting
cryptojacking - how?
mitm platform - I might be able to mitm ... but I dont see how they could
1 hour later…
random/non standard ports don't work
root disabled, password auth not allowed is the best you can do
if you want to be really paranoid, just set up a VPN and only allow SSH via that, but ehhhh
literally they DDOSed your system by accident in the hope they can get in :D
11 hours later…
I've been playing with the idea of switching to arch
1 hour later…
Also, anyone here involved with N64 Recompilation? I'm trying to understand how it works and how to do it
@JourneymanGeek it works with portsentry... a portscan will ban the attacker before they find the correct port
@JourneymanGeek I had that too, ssh only behind wireguard, but one day wireguard failed somehow and I needed to connect from my phone to the server to reactivate it, and wasn't possible. I had to login on the provider control panel that have a java applet to connect to the console, and on my phone it wasn't possible.
I had to get back home to fix the issue, and I put ssh back on the main interface after that. wireguard never failed again.
@MechMK1 I saw it in a lot of places, but I never had a N64 so its games aren't part of my memory... so I paid little attention to it.
@MechMK1 I saw it in a lot of places, but I never had a N64 so its games aren't part of my memory... so I paid little attention to it.
but I saw a guy patching Windows XP to run on a 486 and it is very cool!
@ThoriumBR oof, cant imagine my childhood w/ out Ocarina of Time or Majoras Mask
Or the only good Starfox
@ThoriumBR sounds slow
@ThoriumBR was the inverse of my problem ... needed to SSH into the box to grab VPN config for wireguard ... and couldnt cause some dumbass filled my /var/log
SSH to that box is now available via my tinc network ... and I slapped a honeypot on port 2022 which is exposed as port 22 externally on my router
kinda boring though ... I expected more leet hacks ... but its just a lot of uname -a or uname -s -m or ./oinasf; dd if=/proc/self/exe bs=22 count=1 || while read i; do echo $i; done < /proc/self/exe || cat /proc/self/exe; ... which I think is an attempt to figure out why SSH server I am running
2024/05/23 17:15:33 [x.x.x.x:2406] authentication for user "root" with password "---fuck_you----" accepted ... and haters gunna hate
@CaffeineAddiction faster than the guy running Ubuntu on an Atmega microcontroller...
w/ our w/ out a head?
it boots to the console...
page is dead, it was from 2012, maybe you can find it on archive.org
but I got the video: youtube.com/watch?v=nm0POwEtiqE

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