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I have a few IoT devices myself… but they make me nervous anyway.
Anyone feel the same? :D
I’d like to think my network is secure but honestly it’s probably not.
I'm pretty sure if someone broke into the network at my parents place, they'd end up in a straightjacket :D
Its a mess
Lol :D
I probably am overestimating how much someone would even want to.
Even half and hours effort wouldn’t really be worth it for mine :D
@JourneymanGeek you need to tidy it up for everyone’s sake! You’re certainly capable!
Actually the plan is to decomm and flatten it gradually
but some parts of it are unfixable
“Some parts are unfixable” made me laugh :D
Same with mine
Bits and bobs I haven’t gotten round to
1 hour later…
I don't actually know how many switches I have, I need at least 3 APs for coverage, I run a DMZed double nat for reasons...
You run a DMZed double nat “for reasons”… O_o
Not suspicious at all :D
@security_paranoid The ISP my parents use do an ONR, not a ONT, so their routerish stuff can't be turned off
I have literally overheated a consumer router doing backups in the past so I built my own linux router, and run all my stuff behind that, so if I do a dumb, I don't take down the whole network
1 hour later…
Fair enough
Yeah i find ONR setups typically annoying too.
My curremt ISP is ONT + CGN by default, but you can get a static ip for a flat fee
which works perfectly for me
5 hours later…
I hope you guys had a better weekend than me... my wife drove over a puddle because of heavy rain, one or two inches of water entered the car, and now it smells like sewage...
I spend the day cleaning that mess, but the smell does not get away. I will have to rip off the carpet, wash them all, wash the floor, put back, and hope for the best.
and I have to buy a wrench to remove the seats because all the ones I have didn't fit...
and I hoped to play Delta Force today... but not happening...
We have a Sandero, not a Pajero...
last year the car died in the middle of a puddle because water entered the engine... I was lucky because it affected the distributor, and the car died. when it dried out the next day I was able to turn on the car.
one of those days she will hydro-lock the engine... don't know if it's the right word, but it's what happens when water enters the cylinders and kills the engine
vacuum worked so much it overheated. now it must have cooled of, so back to the smelly car.
now even my hands smells like sewage, argh... and now I will have to clean the keyboard too
6 hours later…
My weekend was only slightly better. I spent it reporting “Jio recharge” spammers :D
Journeyman will get the joke :D
he probably, I didn't

 Artisan Spammer Cannery and Loanshar

We can spammers and do the one form of ethical shark hunting
Where spammers on SuperUser are reported.
“Jio recharge” is a never-ending wave
Chinese pwnd US telcos... but law enforcement backdoors are secure, aren't they? aren't they?
of course they are
senators are trying to create a law to make telco networks secure... should be something like "it's illegal to have insecure networks"
or better: "it's illegal to hack the telcos"
Or even funnier: “it’s illegal for a telco to get hacked”
forcing them to be more secure!

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