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3:58 AM
3 hours later…
7:23 AM
Posted by Jeff Atwood on April 5th, 2011

In A Recipe to Promote your Site, Robert provided a great set of guidelines for organically growing your Q&A community. Buried within was this observation:

Reach the right kind of publications and bloggers. Make sure that the key experts in every field know about the site; not just the “Martha Stewart” big names; we want to talk to the people who go to these conferences.

But how do you reach writers, bloggers, and other notable experts in the field?

Help them get answers to their questions, too!  …

7:57 AM
@Avid - re: security.stackexchange.com/questions/2486/…, did you recreate spam user wildebeest? If not I can just remove this spammer entirely.
3 hours later…
10:36 AM
actually - they signed up yesterday, only have one post, and it is spam - reckon that deserves a delete
11:27 AM
@CtrlDot Wow, that's a first :)
Morning gents, and Iszi.
11:59 AM
Mandated consciousness at this hour should be illegal.
12:39 PM
That's what you get for staying out all night drinking.
@ScottPack Negative. Stayed up all night watching Merlin and reading Real Life Comic.
Regardless, I'm never in a good mood when it comes to waking up in the morning.
Looks like protected tweets can't be OneBoxed?
Well, you can't even view a protected tweet unless the twit has authorized your account, right?
I really like RLC.
I've been digging through the archives the past couple weeks. Getting closer to real-time now. I think I'm in November of 2008.
I've tweeted some of my favorites.
I started following them years ago, then lost track for quite awhile. Still, I can't believe the comic is almost 12 years old!
I think the only webcomic I've ever followed that's older (and is probably next on my list, for archive-diving) is UserFriendly.
I follow both, but I definitely enjoyed UF a lot more back around 2000-2004
And since he's just been posting reruns for the past couple of years...
@ScottPack ?
12:55 PM
Yeah, something happened in his life and he decided to take a "short hiatus" and ran reruns. About 9 months later he did a short story arc about A.J. becoming an army medic, going to the mountains, getting injured and coming back. Then restarted the reruns.
@ScottPack Well, I hope the reruns aren't actually included in the archives. That would get annoying.
They probably are
Every day the rss feed gets updated with them.
Is it just me, or does the UF archive only list years up to '06?
Looks that way.
However, if you go to Dec 31 2006, and hit "next comic" it will advance.
@ScottPack Yeah, noticed that. That can't be when he started doing re-runs, is it?
1:06 PM
I'm fairly positive it was more recent than that.
Although, I'm thinking late 2009
User Friendly is a daily webcomic about the staff of a small, fictional internet service provider, Columbia Internet. The strip's humor tends to be centered around technology jokes and geek humour. Drawn and authored by J. D. Frazer, a.k.a. "Illiad", it has been running since November 17, 1997. Frazer is one of the few, and first, webcomic creators successful enough to make a living as an artist. It is remarkable for having been updated daily from when it started in 1997 until June 2009 (most webcomics are updated only a few times a week), and for having all previous strips online in ...
The dates are given around paragraph 6.
Hah! Love the comic they used for the article image there.
Wow. I'm kinda disappointed to see how the schedule dropped back. Sounds like Illiad hit a huge speed bump in his life.
So far as I know he never really said what it was either, though I don't follow the blog part.
I appreciate that the guy who does 'Alien Loves Predator' was real frank and up front about what was going on in his life that caused the comic to fade.
@ScottPack Neither do I. And now, I kinda wish I had. When someone creates something that you follow regularly, that person does in their own little way become a part of your life.
Neither of them owe us anything, but it helped me put the phrase "hiatus" in perspective.
@ScottPack Never followed that one, but I know of other webcomic authors who have done the same. Greg usually does well to keep his readers in the loop, and Thunt (Goblins Comic) has shared a good bit of his life in the blog portion of his comic also.
1:17 PM
Greg's done a great job of keeping the comic going no matter what's happened in his life.
@ScottPack Or, at least providing amusing fillers with good (if sometimes cop-out-ish) explanations and then guest strips.
Right. And such instances have been fairly short from what I recall.
Generally, hiatuses without any comic at all have been fairly short. He'll run guest strips for a whole week or two sometimes though.
1:38 PM
Sweet! Empty calendar. Looks like I'll be spending some quality time digging around in the decomm room.
2:26 PM
@ScottPack Do you have a lot of virtualization in your environment?
2:37 PM
afternoon @Scott and @Iszi
@Iszi - my comic list: Questionable Content, Girl Genius, FreakAngel, Softwe World, Basic Instructions, Cyanide and Happiness, WFHIT, Looking for Group, Menage a 3, Odd Fish, SMBC, Sinfest, Dr McNinja, Perry Bible Fellowship, Unspeakable Vault (of Doom), Romantically Apocalyptic, Wondermark and xkcd
@RoryAlsop WFHIT?
@RoryAlsop The only ones I've followed on there are LFG and XKCD. I think I've heard of Questionable Content, but have never been exposed to the rest. Also, SMBC?
@RoryAlsop Howdy-too, by the way.
saturday morning breakfast cereal
freakangel is pretty awesome if you start at the very start. once you catch up I think it comes out too slowly
other alternative is buy the gorgeous books (he bundles them up regularly and publishes them)
nice merchandise too
What about WFHIT? What's that?
oh - it's gone! it was what fresh hell is this
If you like Looking For Group, I think you'll like Goblins goblinscomic.com
2:49 PM
was quite funny
@Iszi Will check that out this eve
@RoryAlsop Sounds like an awesome name for a comic!
girl genius online is a good story to go through from the beginning too. Tend to see the steampunk costumes from it at cosplay cons
Unspeakable Vault is a very funny take on Cthulhu etc
2 hours later…
4:31 PM
@Iszi We do, why do you ask?
My comic feed list
Abstruse Goose, Alien Loves Predator, Awesomepedia!!, Basic Instructions, Ctrl+Alt+Del, Daisy Owl, Darths & Droids, Dilbert, DOGHOUSE, Dueling Analogs, Explosm.net, Girls With Slingshots, If You See Something, Irregular Webcomic!, Order of the Stick, Penny Arcade, PHD Comics, PvP, QC RSS, Real Life Comics, Rosscott, Inc., Sinfest, Snowflakes, Something Positive, User Friendly, WTTF, Wulffmorgenthaler, xkcd, Yehuda Moon
@RoryAlsop I used to follow PBF and Wondermark but left them. PBF because they didn't have an RSS feed when I switched to that, and Wondermark because, well, they took too long to read :)
5:18 PM
@ScottPack good list. Grabbing now:-)
I think I need to clean it up. Some of those have faded, and then ones like UF just aren't worth it anymore.
It I was smart, I would dump some of them. It's starting to take a long time to go through in the morning.
I tend to skip through them in the evenings or at weekends, as most clients would get upset if I did it at work
I do it while I'm eating breakfast.
ahhhh - breakfast. I remember that:-) Mine currently is at the client's canteen, which is okay actually
While the old lady is taking her shower and such I take the little one down and we eat. Works out pretty well.
I smell an echo
5:29 PM
ooo - the connection here keeps popping up and dropping
easily fixed
@ScottPack Holy crap, you guys read a lot of comics!
My daily comic list was the entire reason I switched to using google reader.
'swhat happens when you get old @Iszi
@ScottPack You've got almost all of my favorites in there. Darths & Droids, Ctrl+Alt+Del, User Friendly, Real Life, xkcd. Heard of some of the others, but a lot of them are new on me.
@ScottPack Most of the entries on my google reader are security blogs
5:39 PM
I should probably try using an RSS reader instead of "Morning Coffee".
@RoryAlsop I've got those in there as well.
@Iszi - it does make life a lot easier
Throw in the greasmonkey script "BetterGReader" and bam!
Scroll down scanning through titles and hit "mark all as read" when none of them look interesting
Will have to look at BetterGReader. I currently just have a reader pane in my iGoogle
same technique though
@ScottPack I was curious as to how your security policies compare between VMs and physical machines - particularly looking at "clone" VMs.
There's a debate in the office as to whether a clone VM (essentially, a spare VM copied from an existing one and only kept around as a backup system, as I understand it) should be treated equivalent to a physical backup tape or a full system.
5:53 PM
Basically because it could be used as a full system by you, or by an attacker
@RoryAlsop "as one" = full system?
There's still some details of the implementation I'm a little fuzzy on, and I'm going to have one of our SAs walk me through it later. But, essentially, if what they show me is that it takes little more than a button push for the system to go live, I'm very inclined to treat it as a complete box.
6:16 PM
@Iszi Yes
6:38 PM
@Iszi We tend not to use full snapshots or clones for that purpose, but I would tend to agree with you.
Depending on your virtualization environment, it EASILY could be a push-button to restart the clone.
Now, the fun part would be what happens w.r.t. MAC addrs and ips.
@ScottPack Yeah. That's probably one of the reasons why the SAs really don't want to bring the system up for a vulnerability scan.
7:29 PM
@Iszi - my view on this is that because any virtualisation of a server or environment acts like the real one, you need to at least use the same controls you would in the real world, PLUS extra controls specific to the hypervisor
In addition you need to watch out for the fact that your asset register may be volatile and dynamic, which means licencing could be fun
@RoryAlsop points to his nose
And you suddenly get weird segregation of duties issues - in the real world you may have different teams supporting front office, back office, apps etc but in a virtual environment these may be the same team
(must stop talking like an auditor :-)
@RoryAlsop I don't disagree at all. The point of contention seems to be when we have to decide how certain virtual elements should be related to real-world counterparts. It seems it all comes down to the implementation details. Depending on how it is stored and configured, a "clone" could be equivalent to either an image on tape or backup server, or a full and complete system on its own.
I guess the argument back to them is: a tape could give an attacker data from a fixed point in time, but a VM could give live access as if it were the original server
very different risk profile
@RoryAlsop I don't think our concern is so much with "as if it were the original server" as it is "as if it is a full, live system".
Analogy: Giving someone a tape backup is like giving them the trunk (boot) key to your car. Giving them a VM is like giving them the keys to the ignition.
7:41 PM
I like that one
@RoryAlsop Thanks
especially with the translation for us brits :-)
@RoryAlsop You're welcome. ;-)
I am indeed gradually learning to adjust myself to a more international audience.
7:56 PM
It is always good to internalise the linguistics differences between audiences.
@ScottPack that sounds...astonishingly deep and meaningful... :-)
(in my head I said huh, what?)
I'm busy trawling through abstruse goose from the start - pretty good stuff
I know sometimes you guys use a 'z' and sometimes not. Is that a time to use one?
Yeah, he's pretty clever. He also inserts title text much like xkcd
no such thing as a gooze
I'm thinking virtualise and the like.
Seeing 'analyse' is always one of my favourites.
We tend to not use z - 25 seems like a much bettter number of letters. It even divides into 100 correctly
although Microsoft is slowly breaking down barriers by trying to force everyone to use z
bloody spellcheckers
8:00 PM
I try to avoid use of the letter 'Q'. Except when using the word queueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueu­e.
Then I see no way around it.
hahahahaha - still smiling at that one
In other news, why does Windows 7 put the "Eject" and "Format" options right next to each other on the context menu?
@ScottPack that sounds like a post-incident question
Tell me about it.
@ScottPack izzat like cow orkers
8:08 PM
abou tit
cow orkers
Now you're just being silly.
8:40 PM
Urgh. If you ever want to get out of work on time on a regular basis, do not include anyone with "Manager" in their title in your carpool.
I just don't carpool.
That way I can drive home for lunch.
4 of us live ~1 hour away from work, and only ~15 minutes away from each other.
the first time anyone from my old office wanted a lift I'd corner at high g. They wouldn't want back in my car - then I could drive normally. They used to want me to take huge detours to drop them off (they were all over 16 miles away from me, in the wrong direction)
So, it's kinda hard not to carpool. Especially with gas above $3.5/gal.
We've got a supermarket parking lot that's on the way to work for all of us, which is where we park the cars.
Finally. Time to go.
ttfn @iszi
8:59 PM
Athens is a rural enough area that carpooling would be rather impractical.
There are a few IT guys that all live within 4-5 blocks of each other, but our schedules are different enough that it would suck.
yeah - that's the other issue. These days more and more places work flexible time/location so you just can't plan for a specific car pool
2 hours later…
10:46 PM
Our IT is spread across two buildings. Two of those guys are in the other building (which is closer) and walk to work. The other guy is my boss who has an....interesting schedule because of meetings.

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